
作者&投稿:邬明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

what is business?(English only..)
What is business?A business can be defined as an organization that provides goods and services to others who want or need them. When many people think of business careers, they often think of jobs in large wealthy corporations. Many business-related careers, however, exist in small...

business lounge是什么意思
business lounge :商务休息室。例句:The funniest will win access to Flybe’s business lounges for a year.最有趣的见闻将会赢得公司赠送的一年商务休息室使用权。business [英][ˈbɪznəs][美][ˈbɪznɪs]n.生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业...

it's not my business这种说法对吗?
It's none of my business 读音:英 [ɪts nʌn ɒv maɪ ˈbɪznəs] 美 [ɪts nʌn əv maɪ ˈbɪznəs]释义:与我无关。语法:business的基本意思是指某人为谋利(尤为自己)的“日常工作”或“职业”...

英国大学商学院排名前三如下:1、伦敦商学院 London Business School。伦敦商学院(LBS)历来被认为是欧洲最顶尖的商学院。主要提供金融和管理学方向的硕士、工商管理硕士(MBA)的课程。2、牛津赛德商学院 Saïd Business School。牛津大学的Saïd商学院位居英国第二。学院成立于1996年,目前...

No.10 阿什里奇商学院(Ashridge Business School)全欧洲排名:35 有一年的fulltime MBA课程和两年的part-timeMBA课程,非常注重实践应用,小组授课,高度的互动性,以及仿真的组织模拟 阿什里奇商学院是世界领先商学院之一,以其量身定制的高级行政管理培训课程连续两年被《金融时报》评为英国排名第一的商学院...

翻译:你有自己的名片或关系卡吗?要是没有,为什么不弄一些?business cards 释义 商业名片;(业务)名片;广告用名片 短语 business reply cards 商业回信用明信片 Business credit cards 业信用卡 business greeting cards 主要产品和服务 Business s cards for registration 名片登记 Business cards for ...

世界十大知名商学院如下:1、哈佛商学院 哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)位于美国马萨诸塞州,是全球最著名的商学院之一,以其案例教学和经验学习而闻名于全球。2、芝加哥大学商学院 芝加哥大学商学院(University of Chicago Booth School of Business)位于美国伊利诺伊州,是全球最优秀的商学院之一,...

生意兴隆:1. land office business 2. business boom 3. business is booming Relative explainations:<roaring business> <booming business> <a boom in business> <a thriving business> <Business is brisk.> <drive a roaring trade> <Trade is brisk (prosperous).> Examples:1. 祝您生意兴隆...

开设的授课时硕士项目:管理类硕士、金融硕士、金融和经济硕士、金融数学硕士以及人力资源管理硕士和市场营销硕士等。田中商学院六、田中商学院(Tanaka Business School)帝国理工学院田中商学院以研究为导向,培养出了很多的优秀管理人才。而且,田中商学院一直与众多的知名企业和机构保持着良好的关系,有着十分强大的校友和...

工商管理专业(英文:Industry & Business Administration)是研究工商企业经济管理基本理论和一般方法的学科,主要包括企业的经营战略制定和内部行为管理两个方面。工商管理专业的应用性很强,它的目标是依据管理学、经济学的基本理论,通过运用现代管理的方法和手段来进行有效的企业管理和经营决策,保证企业的...

布柏13621447489问: business situation是什么意思 -
阿克陶县小儿回答: business situation 英[ˈbiznis ˌsitjuˈeiʃən] 美[ˈbɪznɪs ˌsɪtʃuˈeʃən] [词典] 经济情况; [例句]The architect should advocate principles and relate them to the business situation.这种架构师应该拥护原则,并将它们和业务解决方案挂钩.

布柏13621447489问: situation ,occasion ,case 的区别 -
阿克陶县小儿回答:[答案] occasion 1.场合,时刻;重大活动,盛典[C] 2.时机,机会[S][(+for)] He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner. 他... 需要[U][(+for)][+to-v] You have no occasion to buy another car. 你没有必要再买一辆汽车. situation [sit·u·a·tion || ‚sɪtjʊ'...

布柏13621447489问: 谁能帮我回答下面3个问题!在线等!a) Give an example of a situation in business or IT where you would need to collect information in order to make a ... -
阿克陶县小儿回答:[答案] a) When our company want to launch a new product, I need to collect some inforation, so can we price the product and make compatible policies. b)I need to do some reserch in marketing, customers, hostile company's product and so on. c)I should get ...

布柏13621447489问: 商务英语作文范文+中文翻译(1000字左右) -
阿克陶县小儿回答: Dear xxx,Hope you everything goes well.Recently, the price of wheat is rising rapidly, which produces a negative effect on the sales. And there is no sign of lowering in the near future. Thus, we would like to decline our order of the wheat. Hope you ...

布柏13621447489问: 16.I work in a business - --------almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.解释一下 -
阿克陶县小儿回答: 16 C 这是定语从句,而从句中主语和宾语都不缺少,所以需要关系副词做状语.定语从句中,当先行词是 case (案例,事件), point (点), stage (阶段),point, situation, example, instance, war, business 等词时,如果定语从句结构完整...

布柏13621447489问: 英语语法:懂--后置定语+独立主格——的请速进!A gravy train would be a really good situation financially,something either that making you a lot of money,or ... -
阿克陶县小儿回答:[答案] something either that making you a lot of money,or that allowing you to spend a lot money并不是独立主格结构,请注意something是个代词,指代good situation,对进行详细说明,而THAT的作用则是引导了一个定语从句...

布柏13621447489问: 一个关于英语的 0.situation\situat 的区别?1.Can you think of a situation - _{in which }this world can be used?为什么要用 IN WHICH situated in+be ... -
阿克陶县小儿回答:[答案] 后面一句是:this word can be used in a situation当然是IN WHICH 下面两句话的意思都是在什么位置,座落于什么地方的意思

布柏13621447489问: Who can think of a situation - ______ - this idiom can be used? -
阿克陶县小儿回答:[选项] A. which B. that C. where D. in that

布柏13621447489问: 关于定语从句我想知道什么情况下用whom什么情况下用who以及什么时候用介词+which\whom到底什么是主语什么是宾语呢? -
阿克陶县小儿回答:[答案] whom指宾语而且可以省略 EG: Mr.Liu is the person (whom) you talked with on the bus其中whom指代person;talk with后要加人也就是宾语 who指主语不可省略,主语上同 例:The factory in which I used to work. 因为是work in the factory而不能直接用连...

布柏13621447489问: 定语从句中 当先行词为什么的时候,关系词用where或介词+which ? 先行词好像是六个词还是五个词来着,其中有case,situation什么的 -
阿克陶县小儿回答:[答案] point,case,ativity,position,job,situation 这些抽象名词作先行词时后面用where

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