
作者&投稿:穆晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

N-UNCOUNT 商业;买卖;交易;生意 Business is work relating to the production, buying, and selling of goods or services...young people seeking a career in business...涉足商界的年轻人 Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background.珍妮弗有着让人印象深刻的学术和商务背景。....


[A] business [B] trade [C] commerce [D] purchase
【答案】:A 对应成分分析。business意为“商业”;trade意为“贸易,商业”;commerce意为“商业”;purchase意为“买,购买”。按照对应成分分析,正确答案和engineering,law,medicine,education构成and对应,构成并列关系,属于同一类别,含义接近,因此正确答案亦是学科,而能表示“商科”含义的选项只有[...

biz connect是什么意思
biz connect意思是:商务连接。biz意思是:商业(等于business)。重点词汇:business 英['bɪznəs]释义:n.商业,买卖,生意;商务,公事;公司,企业;行业,职业;事务,职责;私事;事情;消费;系列事件。[复数:businesses]短语:business cycle[贸易]商业周期;经济周期;景气循环;...

business buyer behavior和consumer buyer behavior的区别是什么?_百 ...
business buyer behavior指的是组织市场购买行为。consumer buyer behavior指的是消费者购买行为。购买的主体不同。例句:business buyer behavior 1、This analytical data is prepared and then used to generate reports for sales and marketing analytical purposes, profitability analysis per business ...


B2B2C(Business to Business to Consumer) 所谓B2B2C是一种新的网络通信销售方式,是英文“ business to business to Consumer”的简称。第一个B指广义的卖方(即成品 成品 、半成品 半成 品 、材料 材料 提供商等),第二个B指交易平台, 即提供卖方与买方的联系平台,同时提供优质的附加服务 服务 , C即指买方。

出差的英文:business trip 词汇解析 1、business 英 [ˈbɪznɪs];美 [ˈbɪznɪs]n. 商业;[贸易] 生意;[贸易] 交易;事情 例:The majority of small businesses fail within the first twenty-four months.大多数小企业在最初的两年内倒闭。例:If she ...

B2B C2C B2C 等各是什么意思?
B Business C Customer 2 to 谐音 物流b2c,b2b,c2c是什么意思? 举例:汽车配件制造商直接卖汽车配件给汽车制造场 Business to Business - B2B Business conducted beeen panies, rather than beeen a pany and individual consumers.而b2c(business to customer)是指企业对消费者的电子商务模式,也就是电子零售业务...

business的adj形式是busy。英 ['bɪzi]   美 ['bɪzi]adj. 忙的;繁忙的;热闹的;(电话)占线的 vt. 使忙于 例句:He was busy getting ready for his journey.翻译:他正忙于准备旅行。用法 1、busy用作形容词的基本意思是“忙的”,通常指人经常或暂时埋头于一项工作,含有...

梁蒋17713987454问: 英语翻译:明天是不是你生日啊!提前祝你生日快乐,祝你在事业上成功. -
秀峰区帅克回答: Is tomorrow your birthday? Happy birthday in advance and wish you a successful bussiness!

梁蒋17713987454问: 祝他生日快乐,生意兴隆,天天开心,身体健康英文 -
秀峰区帅克回答: I wish him happy birthday, business is happy, happy every day, good health 祝他生日快乐,生意兴隆,天天开心,身体健康

梁蒋17713987454问: I - -- - to your birthday party last Sunday.Unfortunately, you were out on business -
秀峰区帅克回答: 这是个对话.- 我本来上周日要去你的生日聚会的, - 不幸的是, 你出差了. 上周的事,但是没有来. 所以是对过去的虚拟.过去的虚拟就用would have done

梁蒋17713987454问: 生日快乐!祝你在事业上更上一层楼、心想事成!快点帮翻译,多谢了!
秀峰区帅克回答: 你好,以下是你的正确答案: Happy birthday! Wish you be promoted in your career and everything goes well.

梁蒋17713987454问: 英语作文(别人邀请我去参加她的生日,我拒绝,是因为某些原因,然后邀请下周她来 -
秀峰区帅克回答: Wish you a happy birthday and with my warmest regards Due to business reason,I could not attend your birthday party.

梁蒋17713987454问: 两篇五年级英文文章,关于birthday或birthday party -
秀峰区帅克回答: My Birthday When my birthday will come, daddy travelled his official business for working, my mother worked much busy . I am worrying when celebrates a birthday to me, I hear grandmother and aunt is discussing: “the birthday that day, we go to ...

梁蒋17713987454问: 翻译英语祝:老公生日快乐身体健康生意兴隆 -
秀峰区帅克回答: Honey, Happy birthday! Wishing you the best of health and great success!国外是不叫老公 husband的,爱人多称为darling, sweet, 夫妻多以honey想称呼

梁蒋17713987454问: 英语书面表达
秀峰区帅克回答: are in the other city for their work now and they will come back in the next week.My grandfather is ill in the bed now,I must look after him.So I cannot take part in your birthday party.Sorry very much.

梁蒋17713987454问: 什么介词后面加business -
秀峰区帅克回答: he left for shanghai for business yesterday 昨天他为了生意去了上海 He is there on business 他去那里办事

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