
作者&投稿:巢葛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

请用英语介绍爱迪生 150-200个单词
Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. With only three months of formal education he became one of the greatest inventors and industrial leaders in history. Edison obtained 1,093 United States patents, the most issued to any individual.Edison's greatest ...

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燕怨13068298598问: bury oneself -
长洲区韦斯回答:[答案] s.b.be buried in sth=.bury oneself in bury本意为埋葬 但当说s.b.be buried in sth=.bury oneself in时用的是比喻义,即“忙于,专心于,沉浸于做某事” e.g.I'm buried in books these days since the finals are coming. 我 p.s.我在英国上学过半年,据我发...

燕怨13068298598问: 关于 bury 的用法 -
长洲区韦斯回答: 1 这是一个很好的问题,但却不是一个简单问题(能回答上的人并不见得很多 )! 2 首先得说 Deeply buried himself in study并无明显语法错误,而且你这么说老外也能听懂,尽管他可能觉得有一点点别扭.至于考试嘛,一般不会出这样的题,...

燕怨13068298598问: employ oneself in 和 bury oneself in 的区别是什么
长洲区韦斯回答: employ oneself in 从事(做) 主要指的是工作什么的 bury oneself in 埋头干,专心做某事 所做的事不局限于工作 像做作业什么的都可以

燕怨13068298598问: bury oneself/be buried in什么意思 -
长洲区韦斯回答:[答案] bury本意为埋葬但当说s.b.be buried in sth.时用的是比喻义,即“忙于,专心于,沉浸于做某事”e.g.I'm buried in books these days since the finals are coming.我p.s.我在英国上学过半年,据我发现,生活中此词组常用...

燕怨13068298598问: BURY的词组有哪些,,高中 -
长洲区韦斯回答: bury alive (活埋) blond-bury (不伦不类;2113衣衫不整)十分生僻,可以不记. bury in thought (沉思)5261 bury one's differences (忘却原有争端)比较生僻 bury sth (埋葬某物) bury oneself in sth (埋头做某事(4102指专注)) be buried under sth (忙于某物(特指工作);被覆盖) bury the hatchet (停战;1653和解)固搭用法. 高中阶段bury的词组并不多.一般情况下理解埋葬和版埋头做某事就可以了. 以上词组可供权积累. 望采纳!

燕怨13068298598问: bury用法 -
长洲区韦斯回答: bury: v. 埋葬 词形变化: 名词:burier 动词过去式:buried 过去分词:buried 现在分词:burying 第三人称单数:buries 例句与用法: 1. Both his grandparents were buried here. 他的祖父母都葬在这里. 2. He was sitting with his head buried in a ...

燕怨13068298598问: 他专心致志的学习用英语咋说(bury one self in) -
长洲区韦斯回答: He buries himself in English.

燕怨13068298598问: bury和inter两个词的区别在哪里,怎么去用inter这个词? -
长洲区韦斯回答:[答案] bury vt.埋葬,为...举行葬礼 埋藏,遮蔽,隐匿 专心致志于,埋头于(in) 忘却,遗忘 死去(家属) 插入; 深入,刺入 bury the dead 埋葬死者 be -ried in thought 沉思 bury one's differences 忘却(原有)争端 The house was half -ried under snow.房子...

燕怨13068298598问: bury oneself in doing sthhebe buried in doing st -
长洲区韦斯回答: Bury oneself in doing sth(专心做某事). Hebe buried in doing st(赫伯当时正在专心做某事).

燕怨13068298598问: inter 和 bury的区别 -
长洲区韦斯回答: bury vt. 埋葬, 为...举行葬礼 埋藏, 遮蔽, 隐匿 专心致志于, 埋头于(in) 忘却, 遗忘 死去(家属) 插入; 深入, 刺入 bury the dead 埋葬死者 be -ried in thought 沉思 bury one's differences 忘却(原有)争端 the house was half -ried under ...

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