
作者&投稿:纪董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ursting 没有这个单词 不知道什么意思 可能是微笑化在眼泪里或者是含在泪水中的微笑或者是带泪的微笑 Story as before The thing is the person must?这句。。。只能直译: 就象以前的故事、东西是这个人必须的吗?Is the nothing unsaid 这句也错了。。。只能直译: 是什么都没有说出 Is has a...

鄣南17221777293问: be bursting with 中文什么意思? -
唐海县利可回答: burst with1. 充满,挤满;充满(怒气,自豪感,活力等);装满:The hall was bursting with people.大厅里挤满了人.2. 十分(健康):The old man is bursting with health.这老人极

鄣南17221777293问: be bursted with还是be bursting with? -
唐海县利可回答: 后者对:be bursting with 比如 bursting with joy 欣喜若狂 bursting with life 活力十足 bursting with pride 充满自豪 例: A large crowd has gathered for the victory celebration. Everyone is bursting with pride that we'd won the competition. 满意请及时采纳,谢.

鄣南17221777293问: 有道英语精读题不会做 单选 Her eyes were____tears. -
唐海县利可回答:[选项] A. bursting with B. brimming with C. bursting into D. briming into 并说明这道题为什么不选C.

鄣南17221777293问: 高一英语语法burst blow up explode 三者有什么不同 都是 表 示 爆炸 -
唐海县利可回答:[答案] burst1爆炸,爆裂The dam burst under the weight of water.那水坝在水的压力下决口了.2挤满,充满The town is bursting with tourists.镇上到处都是游客.3burst with anger勃然大怒burst into tears放声大哭explode(...

鄣南17221777293问: Our family gathered around the table and pulled out the boxes,each one bursting with potential.这句话啥意思?bursting with potential是什么意思呀 -
唐海县利可回答:[答案] bursting with potential是指对盒子里的东西充满着期待. 一家人围着桌子,充满着期待地拉出盒子.

鄣南17221777293问: 请问burst和split的详细区别,谢!
唐海县利可回答: burst: [ bə:st ] n. 破裂,阵,爆发 v. 爆裂,突发 词形变化: 动词过去式:burst 过去分词:burst 现在分词:bursting 第三人称单数:bursts 例句与用法: 1. The square is bursting with tourists. 广场上到处都是游客. 2. I felt as if my heart would ...

鄣南17221777293问: 用得意造两个意思不同的句子 -
唐海县利可回答:[答案] Dan must be just about bursting with pride. 丹一定感到得意.Hargerson had his moments. 哈格逊有过得意的时候.He glowed with pride. 他因得意而脸上发亮.This time Mike smiled. 迈克得意地笑了.All things have their season. 万物均有得意时.

鄣南17221777293问: 喜气洋洋意思是什么 -
唐海县利可回答: 喜气洋洋(成语) 喜气洋洋,汉语成语. 拼音:xǐ qì yáng yáng 释义:洋洋,得意的样子.充满了欢喜的神色或气氛. 中文名 喜气洋洋 外文名 be bursting with happiness [joy];be radian... 拼 音xǐ qì yáng yáng 释 义 得意的样子 出 处 宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 近义词 欢天喜地、喜眉笑眼 反义词 愁眉苦脸、愁眉锁眼

鄣南17221777293问: 一个英语句子,a 30 - in - high built in food bar is just right,while 24 in would be too low to use with the average chair. -
唐海县利可回答:[答案] 如果仅是in不懂的话,那告诉你它这里是inch的省略,你应该就明白了吧.

鄣南17221777293问: burst in 和 burst into是一个固定短语吗 -
唐海县利可回答: 可以简单的理解为是相同的动词短语,但前者侧重结果,后者侧重过程.这是受in和into的区别所决定的.如果没有特定的指向,完全可以认为二者是一样的,而且在用法上也没有什么区别.

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