
作者&投稿:爱新觉罗饼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

逄辰18844012146问: burst with是什么意思 -
四方台区格奈回答: burst with 英[bə:st wið] 美[bɚst wɪð] v. 突然发生; [例句]The balloon burst with a bang. 气球啪的一声爆炸了.

逄辰18844012146问: be bursting with 中文什么意思? -
四方台区格奈回答: burst with1. 充满,挤满;充满(怒气,自豪感,活力等);装满:The hall was bursting with people.大厅里挤满了人.2. 十分(健康):The old man is bursting with health.这老人极

逄辰18844012146问: 辨析burst out与burst into -
四方台区格奈回答:burst into(1) 突然闯入.如: Don't burst into my bedroom without knocking. 请不要不敲而贸然闯入我的卧室. (2) 突然……起来.如: She burst into tears (laughter, song). 她突然哭(笑, 唱)起来. The entire hall burst into thunderous ...

逄辰18844012146问: 高手帮忙讲讲burst into的用法!谢谢! -
四方台区格奈回答: 动词词组作用相当于动词. 动词后一般接宾语,而代词,名词是最常见的宾语. 如 i love apples.中,love是动词,apples是名词.i love you中, you是代词. 所以动词词组后当然也可以直接加名词. 例:i don't agree with you. (agree with)Look at the kitten. It is so cute. (look at)

逄辰18844012146问: burst into laughter, burst out laughing. 二者用法 -
四方台区格奈回答: 亲:这样解释吧:into +抽象名词 out+动词的ing 这是英语词组搭配所决定的.例如:He burst into cry at the news.He burst our crying at the news.

逄辰18844012146问: 高一英语语法 -
四方台区格奈回答: burst1爆炸, 爆裂The dam burst under the weight of water. 那水坝在水的压力下决口了. 2挤满, 充满The town is bursting with tourists. 镇上到处都是游客. 3burst with anger勃然大怒 burst into tears放声大哭 explode(使)爆炸The bomb ...

逄辰18844012146问: 一个一加一个走之底是什么字? -
四方台区格奈回答: 迸bèng 中文解释 - 英文翻译迸的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 部首笔画 部首:辶 部外笔画:6 总笔画:9 五笔86:uapk 五笔98:uapk 仓颉:ytt 笔顺编号:431132454 四角号码:38304 unicode:cjk 统一汉字 u+8ff8 基本字义1. 爆开,溅...

逄辰18844012146问: burst in do的用法 -
四方台区格奈回答: burst in 1. 突破…而入,打破…而进入,破门而入;猛烈地(把门等)向内推开: The thieves burst the door in. 那些贼破门而入. 2. 闯入,闯进来: The police burst in and told everyone to stand still. 警察突然闯进来,要大家站着别动.burst in ...

逄辰18844012146问: be packed with 和 be crowded with 区别谢 -
四方台区格奈回答: be packed with 挤满;塞满(burst at the seams, chock up),既可以表示抽象的拥挤,也可以表达具体的拥挤(这时可以与be crowded with 互换) There are no extra calories to spare, so every bite of food needs to be packed with nutrition.没有多...

逄辰18844012146问: burst .struck . destroyed是什么意思呢``
四方台区格奈回答: burst 1. 爆炸;破裂 2. 冲,闯 3. 突然出现;突然发生,爆发 4. (用进行时)塞满,几乎要胀破[(+with)] struck (strike的过去式和过去分词) destroyed损毁

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