
作者&投稿:闻管 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

build up是什么意思
build 和 build up 主要是意义和用法不同。build : 普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。build up 常做动词,表示增强,介词for后面常接动名词:building up。build up用法:build up (to sth)加大、加强、增多:The music builds up to a rousing climax.音乐逐渐达到了令人振奋的...

build 和 build up 区别
主要是意义和用法不同:build up用法:1)build up (to sth)加大,加强,增多 Eg:The music builds up to a rousing climax.音乐逐渐达到了令人振奋的高潮.2)build up to sth\/build yourself up to sth为……作准备 Eg:Build yourself up to peak performance on the day of the exam.好好准...

shore up 同义词 sh, build up , t bring up
"shore up"、"build up"和"bring up"都是"up"的不同搭配,分别意味着"支撑,加强"、"建立,积累"和"抚养,提出"。每个短语都有其特定的语境和用法。例如,shore up可以表示增强或稳固基础,build up则强调逐步积累或建设,而bring up则指养育或提出观点。这三个短语都体现了"up"在不同场景下的...

build sb. up 中 sb.能放up后吗(build up sb.)
不可以,这个是固定位置的,很多都是这种用法,比如make him up

build 和 build up 区别
build和build up在英语中有着不同的含义和用法。build是一个通用词,涵盖广泛的建造或建立意义,无论是具体实体还是抽象概念。它可用于表示实际的建筑过程,如"They are building a house",或者建立抽象的概念,如"We have built up our hope"。相比之下,build up主要作为动词,其核心含义是增强、...

build up,set up,put up
build up :1. 逐步建立 2. 逐渐积聚,集结 3. 增进,增强 1. We made a strategic withdrawal, so that we could build up our forces for a renewed attack.我们作了一次战略性退却,以便我们能积蓄力量再次进攻。2. Tourist: When was it build up?游客:它什么时候建成的?3. ...

Mother every day, the pig hard up, still can be do nothing. One evening, after dinner, a mother pig to the children before sheepishly said: "you have grown up, should live independently, so you cover themselves behind the move away. The three little pigs who also don't want to move ...

组合单词我最棒。 rnsue( ) pilup( ) t

found &build &set up &establish & put up的区别?
The company was founded in 1724.这家公司创办于1724年。build:v.[I;T]盖;建筑;建造 例:They are building a new bridge.他们正在建造新桥。The house was built of honey-coloured stone.这栋房子是用蜜色的石头盖的。set up:phr v.[T set sthg up]创立,建立,设立 例:The council...

Build up your vocabulary A wide vocabulary is the

浦宙18269545672问: build up的用法 -
莱西市诺丽回答: 1)build up (to sth)加大,加强,增多 Eg:The music builds up to a rousing climax.音乐逐渐达到了令人振奋的高潮. 2)build up to sth/build yourself up to sth为……作准备 Eg:Build yourself up to peak performance on the day of the exam.好好准备在考...

浦宙18269545672问: people should do exercise to build up their body. -
莱西市诺丽回答: 你好! people 是单复数同形:作“人、人们”讲时,总是以单数形式表示复数概念.比如我们可以说 many people,three hundred people,但不可说 a/one people. 所以,people should do exercise to build up their body.这句话中用body而不用bodies.

浦宙18269545672问: Build sb up 的中文意思 -
莱西市诺丽回答: 不可以,这个是固定位置的,很多都是这种用法,比如make him up

浦宙18269545672问: build sb up同义句是 -
莱西市诺丽回答: build sb. up 意思是“使某人得到提高或增强信心”,所以同义词可以是 boost sb.. up(增强)或 cry sb. up(夸奖).例如: Dr. Johnson and I have been trying to build/boost him up physically. 约翰逊医生和我一直试图增强他的体质. Don't build/cry him up too much. He may disappoint you. 不要过分夸奖他. 他可能使你失望的. She does everything to build/cry him up. 她用一切方法夸赞他.

浦宙18269545672问: 英语单词build……up造句 -
莱西市诺丽回答: build up 英 [bild ʌp] 美 [bɪld ʌp] 逐步建立;增进;(在某个地方)盖满了建筑物;宣扬 【例句】: 1、The regime built up the largest army in Africa 该政权逐渐建立起一支非洲规模最大的军队. 2、Build her up with kindness and a sympathetic ...

浦宙18269545672问: build up中间是+反身代词还是人称代词宾语 -
莱西市诺丽回答: build it up it 类似的代词 物主代词

浦宙18269545672问: build sb./sth.up的用法及例句 -
莱西市诺丽回答: build up 1. 在…盖满房子,建房子,以建筑物覆盖;高楼迭起: My neighbourhood has really been built up.我的周围一带确实盖满了房子.The area has been built up since I moved.自我搬家以来这个地区就不断地盖起了新房.2. 把…建造得...

浦宙18269545672问: build sb up造句 -
莱西市诺丽回答: He's building me up too much— I may disappoint him. 他将我捧上了天, 我可能会令他失望

浦宙18269545672问: build 后的介词搭配. -
莱西市诺丽回答: 是from吧? build of 后应接的是确切已知的材料(可参照make) build from后应跟不确知的材料. build on依赖、依靠……;把……建立于…… build up树立、逐步建立…… build in 内建、内置 插入;加入安装 我知道常用的就是这些了,请多多指教了

浦宙18269545672问: 几道英文题build up sth 、build sth up都可以么build sth up 中间一定要加代词吗?想这要的词组是不是代词一定放中间,其他的中间后面都可以放?2.I can ... -
莱西市诺丽回答:[答案] 1.是的 这类词组是代词放中间,名字的话中间后面都行 如 build it up, build up the structure/build the structure up 2.manage it myself意思是我自己能解决 manage it for myself意思是我能为自己解决 加上for句子意思有变化.for 后面跟的是目的

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