
作者&投稿:謇背 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

corrugation wrinkle ridge 这三个单词如何翻译?求大神帮助
corrugation wrinkle ridge波纹状皱脊 vary in cross-direction moisture content of the sheet片层中横向湿度存在差异 cross交叉的意思,应该是与前文提到的方向不平行的关系

wheat ridge什么意思
wheat ridge 小麦垄;科罗拉多州麦垄郡;惠特里奇 例句 1.Efficient planting mode of intercropping ridge wheat and winter vegetables 垄作小麦、越冬蔬菜间作高效种植模式 2.High Efficient Water-saving Techniques of Ridge Culture Wheat 小麦垄作高效节水技术 3.Also the paper introduces the important ...

创建折纸船的主要形状。折痕和展开的正方形折纸对角的一半。Position the paper as a diamond and pinch the lower half approximately one finger width from the center crease up to make a ridge. Fold the ridge up so that it lands over the center crease.将纸张定位为菱形,将下半部分从...

求一首歌,是乡村音乐,有点老了。 有句歌词是”coutry road, take me...
英、中文歌词如下:Almost heaven West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains Shenandoah River Life is old there Older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country road(s) take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Momma Take me home country road(s)A...

We climbed up the mountain to a ridge ,and we had fantastic views...

Basking Ridge是美国纽泽西的什么城市
Basking Ridge is an unincorporated area located within Bernards Township in the Somerset Hills region of Somerset County, New Jersey.Basking Ridge是一个位于新泽西萨默塞特县萨默塞特丘陵地区贝尔纳镇.The area was settled during the early days of the country. It is home to the old AT&T ...

mid ocean ridge是什么意思
mid ocean ridge [英][mɪd ˈəuʃən ridʒ][美][mɪd ˈoʃən rɪdʒ]大洋中背,大洋中脊;1. Seamounts, underwater volcanoes, Rift Valley, the mid - ocean ridge,constitute a rich world of the ocean floor....

六旗神奇山的The Riddler’s Revenge真的有那么刺激吗?
Baja Ridge<\/是六旗神奇山的一大亮点,这里的云霄飞车——号称全球最大的早期之作,挑战着游客的极限。而在Cyclone Bay,木质的Psyclone<\/以其经典的咖啡色外观和复古气息吸引着游客,而独一无二的Dive devil<\/则是额外付费的特色体验,等待着勇敢的探索者。The Movie District<\/是狂热刺激的游乐天堂。

Walk in the wind fall(走在风起风落间)_3000字
The wind is getting bigger and bigger, blowing the grass trembling, dust flying all over the sky, but never let you back.你走在田埂上,小小的身躯摇摆不定,你被风吹的睁不开眼,如危楼一般摇摇欲坠,不远处传来狗叫声,我有些惊奇,居然真的有狗,天助我也!You walk on the ridge, ...

对应的英语:y No more than three bowls of liquor to drink before you go over the ridge 三碗不过岗。三碗=三碗酒= three bowls of liquor

倪冰18073921107问: 英语 表达倍数的3种方式 -
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答:[答案] 形容词和副词比较级的倍数表达法 1.倍数 2.倍数+比较级+than 3.倍数+the+名词+of 如, This bridge is three times as wide as that one.(这座桥是那座桥的三倍宽.) =This bridge is twice wider than that one.(这座桥比那座桥宽两倍.) =This ...

倪冰18073921107问: 倍数怎么表达?用英语! -
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答:[答案] 形容词和副词比较级的倍数表达法 1.倍数 2.倍数+比较级+than 3.倍数+the+名词+of 如,This bridge is three times as wide as that one.(这座桥是那座桥的三倍宽.) =This bridge is twice wider than that one.(这座桥比那座桥宽两倍.) =This ...

倪冰18073921107问: 英语倍数的表达方法? -
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答: 倍数 This bridge is three times as wide as that one.(这座桥是那座桥的三倍宽.)倍数+比较级+than This bridge is twice wider than that one.(这座桥比那座桥宽两倍.)倍数+the+名词+of This bridge is three times width of that one.(这座桥的宽度是那座桥的三倍.)

倪冰18073921107问: Prisoners of war built the bridge in 1492 这里的bridge前面为什么要用the ,而Prisoners却不用吗?why -
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答: bridge前的the 特指作者所写的建于1492年的那座桥,而prisoners of war 指战犯,想表达的意思是桥是由战犯修建的,但并不特指哪里的或是什么样的战犯,所以这里不需要加the. Hope you can get it!

倪冰18073921107问: 这座桥是那座桥的三倍宽 英语翻译 -
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答: 正确答案可以有以下几种:This bridge is four times wider than that one.This bridge is three times as wide as that one.This bridge is three times the width of that one.希望对你有帮助.

倪冰18073921107问: bridge前面加a还是the -
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答: 特指某座桥,用the;如果是泛指,而且是第一次指某座桥,用a.

倪冰18073921107问: 这句中的 bridge the gap 怎么理解? -
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答: NWorkspace版本可以填补空白,至少对我是这样的 bridge the gap直译:加起桥梁

倪冰18073921107问: There is a bridge - -----the river.这句话中是填over on above应该填哪个词请解释一下!急需答案! -
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答: 填over over有覆盖和越过这层含义 on表示在……上,两物体有接触 above也是在……上 但感觉是腾空的 自己的理解不知道你能看明白不

倪冰18073921107问: 英语中bridge的用法在桥上是用来in还是on -
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答: on bridge 意为在桥上,英语中还有很多这样的词 如:in bed在床上躺着 希望可以帮到你!

倪冰18073921107问: There is a bridge - ------ - the wide river.
琼中黎族苗族自治县十味回答: 答案A 桥在河上,用介词over.

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