
作者&投稿:照素 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语题,谢谢速度 2.both 4.swimming 5yes 6.more

一.句型转换 1. Are they both eleven years old?2. Kitty and Alice never go to school together.3. They always play together after school. 同义句:After school, they are always together to play.二.根据句意及首字母写单词。1.go 2.wrong 3.youself 4.both 三.句子翻译 1.别忘了...

after aftermath aneath badmouth bath beath bemouth beth * birdbath bismuth blabbermouth blacksmith bloodbath booth both brandreth breadth breath breechcloth bridewealth brith broadcloth broth buckteeth bucktooth bypath centillionth cerecloth chaetognath challoth chaloth charoseth cheekteeth...

美国结婚祝福短语 给朋友送上美丽祝福
You two are aper fect match。Here's wishing you otha lifetime of happiness。20.愿你俩的每一天都能像新婚时一样,洋溢着快乐和喜悦。May everyday in your life together be as full of happiness and joy as yourwedding day.美国结婚祝福短语五:21.The news of your recent marriage ...


safe always careless fewer Remember left must countries across both again sure time children blind polite environment street born from family send began birthday work studied things greatest 望采纳 ...

有没有谁能提供些英语段落间、段内句子间逻辑结构学习的资料啊?_百 ...
给你一些作为参考,希望对你有用:书面表达中常用的连接词 (1),表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…, neither…nor…, or, as well as, and, both…and….(2),表因果关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of, because of, due to, owing to, thanks to...

aerolith afterbirth aftermath agoroth airth aliyoth allopath altazimuth amaranth antigrowth azimuth azoth backcloth badmouth baith bandwidth bath batholith behemoth beneath bequeath berth besmooth beth betroth bigmouth billionth birdbath birth bismuth blabbermouth blacksmith bloodbath booth both br...

Disneyland is a really fun place to go.改为It's__ __ __ __to...
Disneyland is a really fun place to go. It's really fun to go to Disneyland.My mum and dad are both good at cooking


帅栏18832749041问: both和both of的区别急!!!! -
汾西县达芬回答: both 可以单独使用,直接跟名词,或者动词 both of 后接名词或者代词,但是名词前必须有限定词the 等 谓语动词用复数

帅栏18832749041问: both和both of 是什么区别啊? -
汾西县达芬回答: 都一样, 只是表达方式不同 both(代词) of my parents both(前位限定词) my (中位限定词)parents再如: He opened both his arms 他张开双臂如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳 手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢! 祝学习进步

帅栏18832749041问: both 与 both of 用法上有什么区别?谢谢 -
汾西县达芬回答: both the children =both of the children 这边my ,the打架了.不需要再用the了.就如all the students= all of the students

帅栏18832749041问: both和bothof到底有什么区别.不要抄来 -
汾西县达芬回答: both 用于动词be,情态动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前 如: My parents are both teachers . They both work hard .both of +名词复数或代词(宾格)复数,作主语时谓语动词用复数 如: Both of his parents are teachers . Both of them work very hard .

帅栏18832749041问: both和both of 到底有什么区别.不要抄来的 -
汾西县达芬回答: 我没看懂你所说的.你这触及到一个很高级的问题.both的词性在不同词典上是有些差别的,即便是公认的权威词典,我也不清楚为什么.但是both在朗文和牛津词典的词性就是determiner,限定词.和pron.代词. 有人说,both of 后接名词或者...

帅栏18832749041问: both和both of 到底有什么区别.不要抄来的是不是名词前面如果有限定词修饰除了the those these之外都是用both of 而如果名词前的限定词是the those these 这... -
汾西县达芬回答:[答案] 我没看懂你所说的.你这触及到一个很高级的问题. both的词性在不同词典上是有些差别的,即便是公认的权威词典,我也不清楚为什么. 但是both在朗文和牛津词典的词性就是determiner,限定词.和pron.代词. 有人说,both of 后接名词或者代词,但是...

帅栏18832749041问: both和both of二者在用法上有什么区别,新概念英语2册35课"both men were arrested."为什么不用both of.还有36课的among,"among them will be Debbie'... -
汾西县达芬回答:[答案] both of 后面只能跟第三人称宾格 them ,among后面一般不跟介词of. both 后面直接添加称谓是可以的. 希望有帮助

帅栏18832749041问: bothand和bothof得用法和区别 -
汾西县达芬回答:[答案] 我简而言之的说一说区别其实他们在意思上没有区别,只是他们后面加的东西有区别both...and...,在省略号的地方加名词或者代词,比如说bothyouandhe,boththeappleandpear.bothof后面只可以加一种,比如说bothofthem,b...

帅栏18832749041问: “both and”和“both of”的用法和区别是什么? -
汾西县达芬回答: 我简而言之的说一说区别其实他们在意思上没有区别,只是他们后面加的东西有区别both...and...,在省略号的地方加名词或者代词,比如说both you and he,both the apple and pear.both of后面只可以加一种,比如说both of them,both of the apples,你就不可以说both of them and you.楼主有不懂的话请追问

帅栏18832749041问: both与bothof用法上有什么区别?谢谢 -
汾西县达芬回答: 本题D选项my和the都是限定词,用来修饰children 所以他们两个只能有一个存在 即去掉其中一个都是对的 both后可直接跟名词,所以a对的 如果名词前有限定词修饰的话,就必须用Bothof both可以单独使用,直接跟名词,或者动词 webothlikethefilm. welikeboththepopmusicandclassicalmusic. bothof后接名词或者代词,但是名词前必须有限定词the等 谓语动词用复数 bothofuslikethefilm Bothofthestudentsgotoschoolonfoot.

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