
作者&投稿:元珊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

现在分词: rowing 过去式: rowed 过去分词: rowed row造句 1、Please get all your ducks in a row before you go请在离开前把所有的事情都整理好 2、Shall we row to the island?我们划船去那个岛好吗?3、an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers将相似物体放于同一行或...

推向市场船等送走二、英英释义Noun:a vessel that carries passengers or freightVerb:transport commerciallyhire for work on a shipgo on boardtravel by shipplace on board a ship;"ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"三、词典解释1.大船;轮船;舰Aship is a large boat which carries passengers ...

小的 or conj. 或,还是 guess n. & v. 猜 hey int. 嗨 tall adj. 高的 old adj. 年老的 young adj. 年轻的 Chinese adj. 中国的;n. 汉语;中国人 English adj. 英国的;n. 英语;英国人 over prep. 越(过) there adv. 那儿 over there 在那边 American adj. 美国的 n.美国人 other adj. 另...


told him that Uncle D was deceived by Uncle E to steal Uncle I's 1000 money stored in Uncle H's cabnet in Uncle F's house put by Uncle G ,which is boworrowed by Uncle J to pay the salary of Uncle K.Question:who is the thief on earth?whom the money belong to?

请问badges of trade系咩???
5. What was the source of finance? If finance wa *** orrowed that might be an indication to short-term resale and trading.6. Was the item sold as it stood or was work done on it? If work was done, that again was a pointer to a traction being a trading one.7. Was...

"Alex is as clever a child of 2 or 3 years old," says Dr. Pepperberg."He does not just repeat the sound he has been taught. He understands the words!" Alex can tell about 50 different things, name 7 colours and count from 1 to 6. Is the parrot actually thinking in the way man...

are together with the classmates, observe a festival the day or lead birthday for classmate, all very happy.So have the agony and happiness in the growth, is impossibly Bon voyage, we want the braveness of face, certainly return to happiness.成长的烦恼与快乐 在我的成长过程中,有...

"Alex is as clever a child of 2 or 3 years old," says Dr. Pepperberg."He does not just repeat the sound he has been taught. He understands the words!" Alex can tell about 50 different things, name 7 colours and count from 1 to 6. Is the parrot actually thinking in the way man...

"Alex is as clever a child of 2 or 3 years old," says Dr. Pepperberg."He does not just repeat the sound he has been taught. He understands the words!" Alex can tell about 50 different things, name 7 colours and count from 1 to 6.Is the parrot actually thinking in the...

载莎18296462182问: borrowed怎么读【英音】 -
淳安县消喘回答: borrowed ['bɔrəud] adj. 借来的;虚构的 v. 借;模仿;采用(borrow的过去分词)

载莎18296462182问: borrow怎么读 -
淳安县消喘回答: borrow 英['bɒrəʊ] 美['bɑ:roʊ] vt.& vi. 借入;借钱,借用;[数]由上位借;抄袭 n. 借,借用;担保物,抵押;[英史]什一税 第三人称单数:borrows;过去分词:borrowed;现在分词:borrowing;过去... [例句]Can I borrow you car? 能把你的车借我吗?

载莎18296462182问: borrow怎么读
淳安县消喘回答: borrow[英]['bɒrəʊ] [美]['bɑ:roʊ] 生词本 简明释义 vt.& vi.借入;借钱,借用;[数]由上位借;抄袭 n.借,借用;担保物,抵押;[英史]什一税 第三人称单数:borrows过去式:borrowed过去分词:borrowed现在分词:borrowing 易混淆的单词:...

载莎18296462182问: 搜wanted,turned,played,borrowed音标 -
淳安县消喘回答: 英文原文: wanted,turned,played,borrowed音标 英式音标: [ˈwɒntɪd] , [tɜːnd] , [pleɪ] , [ˈbɒrəʊd] 美式音标 [ˈwɔntɪd] , [tɝnd] , [pleɪ] , [ˈbɑro]

载莎18296462182问: worked asked reached needed borrowed的ed各是什么发音 是/t/ ,/d/ 还是 /id/今天要 -
淳安县消喘回答:[答案] t,d,d,d,d

载莎18296462182问: 关于动词过去式的读音 -
淳安县消喘回答: 规则动词过去式的构成和读音规则动词过去式的构成 构成规则 1、一般在动词原形末尾加– ed look lookedplay playedstart started 2、结尾是 e 的动词加 -- d live livedhope hopeduse used 3、末尾只有一个辅音字母的 stop stopped 重读闭音...

载莎18296462182问: borrow中的ow的音标 -
淳安县消喘回答: borrow [美] [ˈbɑ:roʊ]   [英] [ˈbɒrəʊ]  vt.& vi. 借入; 借钱,借用; [数]由上位借; 抄袭 n. 借,借用; 担保物,抵押; [英史]什一税第三人称单数:borrows 过去式:borrowed 过去完成时:borrowed 现在进行时:borrowing ow发 [əʊ]音为你解答,敬请采纳, 如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

载莎18296462182问: 英语过去式ed,什么音候不发音?什么时候发音?在学英词时,有些动词的过去式,即加ed的读,有时发音,有时不发音.那么有什么规律吗?什么时候ed发... -
淳安县消喘回答:[答案] 这位同学你好.-ed都是要发音的,但在口语中会弱化读音,这个需要你仔细听或者联系前后问. 另外加-ed的方法和读音也有所不同需要你去分辨,下面附出规律,规则动词过去式的构成和读音 规则动词过去式的构成 构成规则 1、一般在动词原形末尾...

载莎18296462182问: 不规则动词过去式的发音 -
淳安县消喘回答: 好的 你得首先分清清、浊辅音 然后记住规则清辅音(除t外)+ed 都读t 浊辅音(d除外)+ed 、元音+ed 都读d t、d+ed读/id/

载莎18296462182问: talk的过去式ed发音 -
淳安县消喘回答: 1、清念 /t/ ,即 ed 在清辅音后面念 /t/ ,例:finished helped passed cooked2、元浊 /d/ ,即 ed 在元音,浊辅音后面念 /d/ ,例:borrowed enjoyed called moved3、/t/ /d/ 之后念 /id/ , 即 ed 在 /t/ /d/ 音后面念 /id/例:wanted shouted needed counted/k/是清辅音,所以发 /t/

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