
作者&投稿:芮咐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

5.After getting off our plane,we move to the luggage c_laim___ area to get our bags or suitcases.6.I've booked you an e_conomy ___ seat on Flight 6A608.7.You'll have to confirm your ticket two days in ahead___.8.Flight JAL450 to Paris is now b_oarding___ at...

Ironning 熨平 (烫光) Sudding 刮皮 推挤净面 Conditioning 调节 回潮 Thickness 皮厚度鞋面革 Upper 重革 (植鞣革) Heavy leather 阳离子染色 Aniline leather 苯胺革 aniline finish 苯胺涂饰 Oiling 加油 Grease stain 油斑 Caging 转笼摔软 Toggling 绷板 Sulfited oil 亚硫酸化油 Antique finish 仿古涂饰 Im...

What's the plot of The Open Boat ? 用英文回答
None of them knew the color of the sky. Their eyes glanced level, and were fastened upon the waves that swept toward them. These waves were of the hue of slate, save of the tops, which were of foaming white, and all of the men knew the colors of the sea. The horizon ...

Ironning 熨平 (烫光) Sudding 刮皮 推挤净面 Conditioning 调节 回潮 Thickness 皮厚度鞋面革 Upper 重革 (植鞣革) Heavy leather 阳离子染色 Aniline leather 苯胺革 aniline finish 苯胺涂饰 Oiling 加油 Grease stain 油斑 Caging 转笼摔软 Toggling 绷板 Sulfited oil 亚硫酸化油 Antique finish 仿古涂饰 Im...

oar leather桨革 oil seal leather油封革 oiled leather涂油革 oil-tanned leather油鞣革 organ-pipe leather风琴管革 packing leather皮碗 paper based artificial leather纸基人造革 patent leather漆皮 patent leather漆革 piano leather钢琴革 piston packing leather活塞填密皮 plated leather熨压皮革 portmanteau ...

the open boat (海上扁舟)的中文版 要全的
In a ten-foot dingey one can get an idea of the resources of the sea in the line of waves that is not probable to the average experience, which is never at sea in a dingey. As each slaty wall of water approached, it shut all else from the view of the men in the boat, and ...

On the reed full of hoar frost, the light oar plunged into the water in home's direction.秋天游戏在渔船上。Autumn plays on the fishing boat.草野在蟋蟀声中更寥阔了。溪水因枯涸见石更清洌了。The countryside was more boundless in the cricket's sound .Because the mountain stream was...

秋天 何其芳 翻译
On the reed full of hoar frost, the light oar plunged into the water in home's direction. 秋天游戏在渔船上。 Autumn plays on the fishing boat. 草野在蟋蟀声中更寥阔了。溪水因枯涸见石更清洌了。 The countryside was more boundless in the cricket's sound .Because the mountain stream was ...

TOFEL词汇表 http:\/\/\/ :TOFEL词汇表 abase abash abate abbreviate abet abhor abhorrent abide abiding ablaze abolish abominable abominate aborigines abridge abrupt absolve abstract abstruse abuse abyss accede accelerate accentuate access accessible accessory acclaim accommodate accompany...

On the reed full of hoar frost, the light oar plunged into the water in home's direction.秋天游戏在渔船上。Autumn plays on the fishing boat.草野在蟋蟀声中更寥阔了。溪水因枯涸见石更清洌了。The countryside was more boundless in the cricket's sound .Because the mountain stream was...

朱章13158748961问: boarding是什么意思 -
文昌市化积回答: boarding 登机 双语对照 词典结果:boarding [英][ˈbɔ:dɪŋ][美][ˈbɔ:rdɪŋ] n.木板(建造之物); 寄膳(宿); 用木板制成的物体; 上船(或火车、飞机等); v.上(船、车或飞机)( board的现在分词 ); 收费供…膳宿; 强行登(船); 使搭伙; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Boarding pass goes in the same pocket every time. 每次我都将登机牌放在同一个口袋中.

朱章13158748961问: 英文Boarding是什么意思 -
文昌市化积回答: boarding D.J.[ˈbɔ:dɪŋ] n. 寄膳(宿) 木板(建造之物)gang boarding木条跳板sound boarding隔声板 用木板制成的物体 上船(或火车、飞机等)

朱章13158748961问: boarding 是什么意思? -
文昌市化积回答: n.木板(建造之物);寄膳(宿);用木板制成的物体;上船(或火车、飞机等) v.上(船、车或飞机)( board的现在分词 );收费供…膳宿;强行登(船);使搭伙

朱章13158748961问: boarding 什么意思 -
文昌市化积回答: 木板;板材 寄宿

朱章13158748961问: boarding 啥意思 -
文昌市化积回答:[答案] 英['bɔ:dɪŋ] 美['bɔ:rdɪŋ] .n.木板(建造之物);寄膳(宿);用木板制成的物体;上船(或火车、飞...v.上(船、车或飞机)( board的现在分词 );收费供…膳宿;强行登(船...[例句]Boardi...

朱章13158748961问: boarding什么词性 -
文昌市化积回答: n. 木板;寄膳宿;上船 adj. 供膳的 v. 用木板遮住;收费为…供膳

朱章13158748961问: 高级英语达人请来帮我翻译一下这句话!!还有这里的boarding是什么意思? 谢谢啦! -
文昌市化积回答: 美国中西部地区包括了五大湖地区周围各州 西至密西西比河西岸的沿岸的密苏里州到堪萨斯州 北抵加拿大之间的地域boarding可以理解成...

朱章13158748961问: lodging和boarding的区别 -
文昌市化积回答: boarding 英[ˈbɔ:dɪŋ] 美[ˈbɔ:rdɪŋ] n. 木板; (建造之物) 寄膳; (宿) 用木板制成的物体; 上船; (或火车、飞机等) v. 上(船、车或飞机); ( board的现在分词 ) 收费供…膳宿; 强行登; (船) 使搭伙; [网络] 寄宿制; 登机...

朱章13158748961问: 飞机票上的“boarding time1920”什么意思? -
文昌市化积回答: 登机时间,也就是上飞机的时间是7:20(晚上)Boarding Time的意思是登机时间. 1、boarding[英][ˈbɔ:dɪŋ]上船(或火车、飞机等)上(船、车或飞机)( board的现在分词 )Is now boarding at gate five. 现在在5号门登机.2、time[英][...

朱章13158748961问: board怎么?board怎么读
文昌市化积回答: [英] [bɔːd] [美] [bɔrd] n. 长而薄的木板; 长方形板; 委员会; 理事会; 董事会; 膳食; 抢风航行的一段里程 v. 上; 住宿搭伙; 用板封住; 滑雪 [例句] loose boards creaked as I walked on them 我走在松动的地板上,脚下嘎吱嘎吱地直响 [变形] 过去分词:boarded 现在分词:boarding 过去式:boarded 第三人称单数:boards 复数:boards

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