
作者&投稿:酉舍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A word that has changed the world,求150字英语作文 急用
People believe that the word "love" is the motivation of all desires and commitments on earth. Because the word "love" can mean more than just what the word stands for. "Love" is a symbolism of passion, kindness, and it means to have affection to someone or something. I al...

酆史18287324217问: 这个blur的用法是 -
容城县可溶回答: 感觉这个blur在这里很tricky.从语法的角度来说肯定是my eyes are blurred with tears.但是,这里的eyes变成被blur的对象,也就是说”我的眼睛变模糊了“这个陈述的角度是从别人的眼里来观察的:不...

酆史18287324217问: 这个blur的用法是 -
容城县可溶回答: 应当是被动形式,My eyes were blurred with tears.用with.类似的短语be covered with,be filled with.希望对你有所帮助.学习进步、快乐!

酆史18287324217问: 求blur事件的用法? -
容城县可溶回答: onblur()是对象失去焦点,对应的onfocus()是对应获得焦点.

酆史18287324217问: 英语“blur”什么意思 -
容城县可溶回答: blur blur[blʒ; blə:]名词1 (C)污迹,污点,污垢,污斑2 a. (U)模糊,朦胧b. (C)'摄影'模糊,不清晰c. [a ~]隐隐约约 [朦胧] 看不清楚的东西; (回忆等) 模糊的东西The racing cars passed in a ~.竞赛的汽车影绰不清地飞驰而过及物动词(...

酆史18287324217问: keep+one's+eyes+and+ears+open是什么意思 -
容城县可溶回答: keep one's eyes and ears open 眼观六路, 耳听八方;眼观六路,耳听八方; . ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

酆史18287324217问: 眼泪席卷、模糊了双眼.用英语怎么说? -
容城县可溶回答: my eyes burst into tears,and the tears blured my eyes.

酆史18287324217问: britney <blur>的歌词是什么?
容城县可溶回答: Britney Spears - Blur Turn the lights out This shit is way too fucking bright Wanna poke my eyes out If you wanna mess with my eyesight Just let me get my head right Where the hell am I? Who are you? What'd we do Last night? Hey yeah yeah Who ...

酆史18287324217问: 有人知道 blur 这个单词吗 -
容城县可溶回答: blur可以是动词也可以是名词, 意思是使……模糊不清,沾上污渍(动词) 或者模糊,污渍(名词),在变成blurred形态的时候就是形容词. my vision is blurred. 我的视线模糊了. Everything is a little bit of blur at night. 晚上(我看)什么东西都有点模糊. 网易词典(或者随便什么其他词典)将会是你学习英文过程中最好的朋友.Good luck.

酆史18287324217问: 怎么让css中在blur模糊的基础上让边缘变清晰 -
容城县可溶回答: css中在blur模糊的基础上让边缘变清晰方法:.blur {-webkit-filter: blur(5px);-moz-filter: blur(5px);-o-filter: blur(5px);-ms-filter: blur(5px); filter: url(#blur-effect-1); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(PixelRadius='5'); zoom: 1; }

酆史18287324217问: c#: blur是模糊的意思?onblur是对象失去焦点时发生的事件,为什么blur加了on就完全另外一个意思. -
容城县可溶回答: 查了一下,blur是英文单词污点,这个记不住就没法了.至于On事件名这样的方法命名方式在C#里是非常普遍的标准命名方式,而且通常是virtual可以重写的.就是当blur发生的时候的意思.

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