
作者&投稿:淡妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我给你三篇,如果你是大学生请选第二和第三篇,如果是中学生就用第一篇 第一篇,Good morning,dear teacher and my’s a very intresting topic today.I think my Dad was a hero for me when I was a young child. We'd go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a ...

1879, Westernization Group leader Li order to Tangshan Kaiping coal mine to Tianjin, Tangshan奏请to the construction of the railway Beitang. The ...... as a result of old age, lack of information, the first Chinese-made motorcycles mystery remains uncertain and can not be the truth. China...

句型(一)such+名词性词组+that…So+形容词\/副词+that…——如此……以致……例如:(1)She is such a good teacher that we all love her.她是一个好老师,我们都爱她。(2)It was such a hot day that they didn’t go out for a walk as usual.这么热的天气,他们没有像往常一样去...

On a hot day in late May she went with another volunteer to the police station in a mining village, where they learned that a coal miner matching...particularly during December and January you may suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, which causes a low mood caused by the lack of light d...

急求: 英国工业革命对世界的影响~~~ 是英文的最好~~
Britain had burned up her magnificent oak forests in its fireplaces, but large deposits of coal were still available for industrial fuel. There ...Spinners were busy, but weavers often had to be idle for lack of yarn. In 1733 John Kay, a Lancashire mechanic, patented his flying shuttle....

2. "fack" 这个词在词典中没有定义,可能是拼写错误。如果是想表达 "fact",那么意思是事实;如果是 "fake",意思是假的。3. 句子中的 "fack of" 应该是 "lack of",意为缺乏。正确的句子应该是:"This station is located in the area where there is a lack of coal and oil, but ...

初二英语题:按这些句子的句型,为每个句子各写一个类似的句子_百度知 ...
The output of coal was 200% greater than in 1998. 5)表计量 It is 10 meters long\/wide\/high. It costs me 100 yuan. I spent 10 hours to...This failure is due to the fact they lack experience. Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled. What are studying English for? For ...

才王18538987509问: 澳大利亚的煤田在什么位置 -
北塔区板苏回答: 澳大利亚煤矿(1)黑煤(Black Coal) 黑煤资源据2002年评估,澳大利亚拥有再场已证明有经济意义的黑煤资源57.5Gt,可采的黑煤资源39.7Gt.可采的黑煤资源按照现有开采能力估计可开采 100年以上.黑煤资源主要集中在昆州(62...

才王18538987509问: 澳大利亚有哪些重要的矿产资源 -
北塔区板苏回答: 挺多的,被称为"矿车上的国家" 矿产资源 1、铝矾土(Bauxite) 2、黑煤(Black Coal) 3、褐煤(Brown Coal) 4、铜(Copper) 5、钻石(Diamond) 6、金(Gold) 7、铁矿石(Iron Ore) 8、锂(Lithium) 9、菱镁矿(Magnesite) 10、锰矿(Manganese Ore) 11、矿沙(Mineral Sands) 12、镍(Nickle) 13、磷矿石(Phosphate) 14、页岩油(Shale Oil) 15、钽(Tantalum) 16、铀(Uranium) 17、钒(Vanadium) 18、铅、银、锌(Lead, Silver, Zinc)

才王18538987509问: 黑炭用英语怎么说
北塔区板苏回答: black coal

才王18538987509问: BLACK COATING是什么意思 -
北塔区板苏回答:[答案] black coating 黑涂料;镀黑;发蓝(钢铁部件表面处理) black coat 教士,牧师[一般用作贬义] 普通职员或公务员(指中产阶层领薪水者,现通常称作 white collar) 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 网络释义 展开全部折叠全部偏好设置 - black ...

才王18538987509问: black as night,black as coal怎么读 -
北塔区板苏回答: 您好,领学网为您解答:(1)black 英 [blæk] 美 [blæk] adj.黑(色)的;黑色人种的;黑暗的;不加牛奶的 n.黑色;黑人;黑颜料;黑暗 v.使变黑;抵制;拒绝;使变黑暗 (2)as 英 [əz] 美 [æz,əz] adv.同样地,一样地;例如 prep.作为,以…...

才王18538987509问: black是什么英语单词呀! -
北塔区板苏回答: black adj. 黑的; 漆黑的 黑人的; 有关黑人的 暗淡的; 阴郁的; 悲惨的 凶恶的; 不吉利的 愤怒的 弄脏的; 污秽的 身穿黑衣的 黑市的, 非法交易的 不荣誉的 black Americans 美国黑人 be in a black mood 情绪低落 black deeds 凶恶的行为 a ...

才王18538987509问: 急求关于描写黑色颜色的英文文章,我们明天上英语课叫介绍黑色. -
北塔区板苏回答: Black is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer space. It is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. It is the opposite of white and often represents darkness in contrast with light.Black was one of the first colors used...

才王18538987509问: 英语俚语翻译
北塔区板苏回答: 1.green妒忌的 pink气色很好 3.the white elephants累赘,华而不实的东西 as coal乌黑,漆黑,墨黑

才王18538987509问: black as coal的俚语是什么 -
北塔区板苏回答:[答案] 像煤一样黑 如果帮到您的话,

才王18538987509问: 请教 black as coal 的俚语?
北塔区板苏回答: 没肝没肺的家伙``

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