
作者&投稿:家亭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

AU Sun\/NeXT\/DEC\/UNIX声音文件;音频U-Law(读作“mu-law”)文件格式 AVB Computer Associates Inoculan反病毒软件的病毒感染后文件 AVI Microsoft Audio Video Interleave电影格式 AVR Audio Visual Research文件格式 AVS 应用程序可视化格式 AWD FaxVien文档 AWR Telsis数字储存音频文件扩展名格式 Axx ARJ压缩文件的分...

如果我们找到一个鸟巢,我们将找一个好地方来观察了解鸟类. 鸟类的繁殖和小鸟的成长是从4月至6月. 由于小鸟太小而以致于不能离开巢,所以鸟妈妈经常在寻找食物的期间在巢里巢外徘徊. 所以这是个好机会去观察它们.当我们观察它们时,最好用望远镜.但是怎样做鸟巢呢?那很简单.如果你想要做一个...


cl_enablehud 1 - Turns hud display on cl_showfps 1 - Shows frames per second in game npc_create - Creates an NPC (works in worlds that have an NPC entity) npc_create_aimed - Creates an NPC aiming away from the player. picker - Toggles 'picker' mode. setpos - Move player to spec...

阎庾15855028803问: binoculars 谓语动词是单数,还是复数? -
营山县脂必回答: binoculars, gloves, riches (财富),goods(货物)等作主语时,谓语动词用复数.

阎庾15855028803问: binoculars怎么读 -
营山县脂必回答: binoculars英 n. 1.双筒望远镜 名词 n.1.双筒望远镜 He watched the play through his binoculars.他用双筒望远镜看戏.

阎庾15855028803问: binoculars 是望远镜吗?怎么读,音标谢谢 -
营山县脂必回答: 双筒望远镜 双目显微镜或放大镜bino =是 “双” 的意思. 由古代 单目望远镜 到 双筒望远镜改良了双目视觉对单一目标的光学调整显微镜 通用

阎庾15855028803问: binoculars是什么意思 -
营山县脂必回答: binoculars[英][bɪˈnɒkjələz][美][bɪˈnɑ:kjələrz] n.双筒望远镜; [光] 双筒镜; 例句:I never said I had binoculars. 我从来没说过我拿的是望远镜.

阎庾15855028803问: binoculars是什么意思
营山县脂必回答: 是双筒望远镜的意思,本身就是复数

阎庾15855028803问: binoculars和sleepingbag的意思是? -
营山县脂必回答: binoculars 这是一个名词,指双筒望远镜,sleepingbag 合成词,指睡袋

阎庾15855028803问: binoculars的英文作文写关于它是如何被发明出来的,用途.80字左右.追加100分啊. -
营山县脂必回答:[答案] Binoculars is invented by a worker of a mirror factory in the Dutch. When he checked on the lenses,he put a concave mirror and a convex mirror together,then he found it can makes he see the far away things large and nearly.So he was very excited about...

阎庾15855028803问: 怎样趣味记忆英语单词
营山县脂必回答: 学英语,词汇的记忆是必不可少的,词汇是学好英语的基础,没有了词汇,也就谈不上句子,更谈不上文章,所以记单词对我们就显得极其重要.记忆单词关键有二: 一是持之以恒:每天坚持记忆一定量的词汇,过几天再回头复习一次,这样周...

阎庾15855028803问: binoculars(双筒照相机)的复数怎么变?
营山县脂必回答: two pairs of binoculars,用pair描述数量,同“眼镜”的复数

阎庾15855028803问: 高分悬赏!!binoculars的英文作文
营山县脂必回答: Binoculars is invented by a worker of a mirror factory in the Dutch. When he checked on the lenses, he put a concave mirror and a convex mirror together, then he found it can makes he see the far away things large and nearly.So he was very excited...

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