
作者&投稿:依师 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《园艺植物栽培学》,李建吾参与编著,高等教育出版社于2004年出版,对园艺植物的栽培技术进行了详尽的探讨。论文方面,他的研究主要集中在植物遗传标记技术上:《黄瓜细胞质变异的Choloplast微卫星标记分析》,发表于2009年的《Acta Physiologia Plantarum》,探讨了黄瓜种质资源的遗传变异特性。《甜瓜EST-SSR...



105. -ess 加于形容词后,表示抽象名词 duress 强迫106. -est 接在大多数单音节、某些双音节和多音节的形容词和副词后,构成最高级,表示“最”finest 最好的107. -es 古英语和拉丁语后缀加于名词后,构成复数 cashes 现金;bonuses 奖励108. -es 古英语生格或所有格,变为 -se 和 -ce needs 一定109. -ete...

翟风18549185214问: plastic surgery是什么意思 -
南川区氨曲回答: plastic surgery [英][ˈplɑ:stik ˈsə:dʒəri][美][ˈplæstɪk ˈsɚdʒəri] 整形手术;双语例句 1 She even had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose. 为改变鼻子的形状,她甚至接受了整形手术.

翟风18549185214问: 为什么整容用英语叫plastic surgery -
南川区氨曲回答: plastic surgery, 因为plastic 在医学中是指外科造型的、可塑的.

翟风18549185214问: 辩论:plastic surgery整容的利大于弊帮忙找些材料 最好是英文还有我应该怎么做开场陈辞,英文的 -
南川区氨曲回答:[答案] 开场:Nowadays,plastic surgery is no longer a social taboo,and it is not rare or astonishing to hear people around us have operations on their faces or bodies.Despite its high costs,possible risks,and short-term side efforts,plastic surgery is a great thing...

翟风18549185214问: 英语作文“plastic bag”
南川区氨曲回答: plasitic bag is a convenient tool for us to lift our goods from the shop. of course in othe places we can use them often but do you know the plastic bag is harmful to the environment. because after decomposemt it will destroy the soil. so in many ...

翟风18549185214问: 英语辩论赛有关整容方面,我持赞同意见,望大家给出点主意,最好是用英语回复哦. -
南川区氨曲回答: Good morning. This house believes that plastic surgery is beneficial to an individual's mental and physical well being. As the proposition, we believe that this resolution must most definitely stand. Before I proceed to my arguments, I would like to ...

翟风18549185214问: What do you know of plastic surgery? Do you think beauty can be bought? Give your reasons. -
南川区氨曲回答: 本句话意思是:你了解整形手术吗?你认为美丽能通过后天塑造吗?给出你的理由.重点词汇:plastic surgery plastic surgery 英[ˈplɑ:stik ˈsə:dʒəri] 美[ˈplæstɪk ˈsɚdʒəri] [释义] 整形手术; [例句]Plastic surgery has become common in south korea both for celebrities and for the general public.在韩国,不管是名人还是普通人,做整容手术都不稀奇.

翟风18549185214问: plastic surgery翻译成中文是什么?heal the world翻译成中文是什么?fall in翻译成中文是什么? 急!!!写英语作文要用!! -
南川区氨曲回答: plastic来自希腊语plastikos 意思是可塑的,表示通过手术可以对面容进行重新塑造,与plastic塑料无关. surgery意为外科 Heal the World 拯救世界 fall in 倒塌, 塌陷,陷入

翟风18549185214问: 一次性塑料袋曾被广泛使用,造成的问题及限制使用的意义!英语作文! -
南川区氨曲回答:[答案] 2008年12月四级写作范文 一\ 1.一次性塑料袋曾被广泛的使用 2.造成的问题 3.限制使用的意义 Disposable plastic bags were once widely used in China. When we went shopping at supermarkets and departments stores, shopping assistants often ...

翟风18549185214问: ...more.      Every year,people use too many plastic bags.They throw them here and there after they have used them.The government has done its best ... -
南川区氨曲回答:[答案] plastic bags 2.Places 3.quick 4.theoil 5.baskets

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