
作者&投稿:羽勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

be scared of doing sth和be scared todo sth的用法区别
be scared of doing 害怕某事 Eg. He is scared of walking in the darkness.内心恐惧某件事情,这件事情不一定会发生。be scared to do 害怕去做某事 Eg.He is scared to take the exame.某件事情将要发生了,但内心还是感到恐惧。【即境活用】She was scare___the yard because she was sc...

暴邱17331016446问: begin to do 和 begin doing
周宁县消痛回答: begin doing/to do begin to do sth begin doing sth. 1) 谈及一项长期活动或开始一种习惯时,使用doing. 2) begin,用进行时时,后面动词用不定式to do I was beginning to get angry. 我开始生起气来. 3) 在begin后接know, understand, realize这类动词时,常用不定式to do. I begin to understand the truth. 我开始明白真相. 4) 物作主语时 It began to melt.

暴邱17331016446问: begin 的用法begin to do sth 与 begin doing sth 的区别.分别解释在什么情况下用哪种. 最好举个例子. -
周宁县消痛回答:[答案] begin to do something 和beging doing something都有表示"开始干什么事情"的意思,但是有不同 begin doing something特别指很强烈的持续性.比如: He began smoking three years ago(他三年前开始抽烟)既开始养成习惯 This year the rainy ...

暴邱17331016446问:与begin.doing区别 -
周宁县消痛回答: ,begin to do和begin doing可以互换,但在以下三种情况下知,用to do: 1.主语不是指人,而是it等道.如:It began to rain. 2.begin后接回表示心理活动的词.如:begin to know believe,wonder,think等. 3.begin本身是ing形式,为避免重复后接to do 即,beginning to do P.S doing 一般有正在做答的意思 to do一般有正准备做的意思 所以doing 就是开始做了to do开始要做,还没做

暴邱17331016446问: begin to do跟begin doing有什么区别吗? -
周宁县消痛回答: 这个我知道,begin to do和begin doing的意思是完全一样的,只是只用的频率不同而已.begin doing在日常英语中的频率超过了40%,而begin to do只有不到10%.在《朗文当代高级词典》上有很多关于这样类似短语的频率的统计,我觉得帮助挺大的.

暴邱17331016446问: BEGIN TO DO 与BEGIN DOING的用法有何异同
周宁县消痛回答: begin doing something特别指很强烈的持续性.比如:He began smoking three years ago(他三年前开始抽烟)既开始养成习惯This year the rainy season came earlier than before, it began raining in June(今年的雨季比以前来的早,在六月就下雨了)begin to do something 表示一件事情的开端,持续与否不重用. 比如:It's beginning to rain, we had better hurry home(下雨了,我们快回家吧)

暴邱17331016446问: begin to do= start to do,start doing =start to do -
周宁县消痛回答:[答案] 可以这样子说.begin和start同义,可以互换,后面跟to do和doing差别也不大.但在有些情况,通常用to do.如:①进行时态中:be beginning to do.The water is beginning to boil.水开始沸腾起来了.②物作主语:sth begins...

暴邱17331016446问: begin to do与begin doing的区别是什么 -
周宁县消痛回答: begin to /doing一般情况下区别: 但在下列情况下用to: 1.主语是物不是人: It begin to rain; The ice begins to melt 2.本身为ing形式: He is beginning to realize the importance of learing English. 3.其后动词与想法、感情有关: They began to understand each other. do表示一次性的动作;而doing表示习惯性、长期性的动作.

暴邱17331016446问: begin to do/doing;start to do/doing;get down to doing ;take up doing有什么区别? -
周宁县消痛回答: begin to do是开始去中另一件事.. begin doing是开始做同一件事..start to do sth与start doing都是“开始做某事”的含义. 但在以下三种情况,常用START TO DO不用start doing的形式:1.句子主语是物不是人的时候,后用start to do sth2.当start用于进行时即starting时,后接to do sth.3.当start后接的动词为表示心理活动的动词如understand,realize等时,后接to do sth.其他通用.至于get down to doing……我见过get down to do take up doing是开始做某事的意思 望采纳

暴邱17331016446问: begin后接动词的什么形式 -
周宁县消痛回答: 动词不定式,例如:Now more students get on, and they begin to talk.现在有更多的学生上来了,他们开始讲话. 动名词,例如:You may begin doing your homework now.你们现在可以做家庭作业.

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