
作者&投稿:休股 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

with regard to和in regard to有什么区别?
(5)Tony hates chocolate with regard to fear about black things.由于恐惧黑色的东西,托尼非常讨厌巧克力。2、in regard to :这个句型的标准形式是 in regard to+主语+谓语+其他成分”。它可翻译为“关于…”Eg:In regard to your request for information, I regret to inform you that I ...

Our bodies needa lot of energy to make our brains w___ well._百...
我们的身体需要许多能量以来让我们的大脑正常工作。Without a good breakfast, we can e【asily】 feel tired and cannot pay attention to what teachers say in class.如果没有一顿丰富的早餐,我们很容易会感到疲惫并不能集中注意力听讲。Then we can have the energy to b【egin】 a new day....

have difficulty (in) doing sth.请列举几个具有类似结构的词组。(关于...
关于have的词组:1.have difficulty in\/with。。。在。。。方面有困难 in 后接动名词 with后接名词 2.have something\/nothing to do with 与。。。有\/无关 3.have something done使(让,要,叫)某事被做 eg。He had his arm broken.他的胳膊折断了 补充:have difficulty (in)doing ...

When I try to understand __
I remeber ___this used to be a quiet village. 为什么要选when? 什么时后才用when和where做连接词? 怎样区分插入语? eg.We agree to accept whoever they thought was writer. they thought 为什么是插入语不好意思.___ the olympic games will be held in beijing is not known yet. a.whether b.wh...

例句:A failed process causes a task to be unable to continue.失败的流程会导致任务无法继续。to be continued 英 [tu: bi: kənˈtinju:d] 美 [tu bi kənˈtɪnjud]未完待续;待续(用于报刊上连载的文章等)例句:egin, or to be continued& All ...

Nowthateverybodyhase,let’ *** eginourconference. Thehigheriaxisharmfulinthatitmaydiscouragepeoplefromtryingtoearnmore. Consideringthatheisnomorethan12yearsold,hisheightof1.80misquiteremarkable. 4.目的状语从句 常用引导词:sothat,inorderthat 特殊引导词:lest,incase,forfearthat,inthehopethat,forthepurpose...


be located in \/on\/to\/at\/by的区别
be located = 座落于 (the Forbidden City is located in Beijing City) 紫禁城座落於北京市 in = 里面 (in my room, in my car, in swimming pool) 在我的房间里, 在我的车子里, 在泳池里 in 还有一个意思是 : 在某处, 指范围比较大得地方 (in China, in Beijing, in the city, in...

by the end, in the end , to the end & at the end 的区别与用法_百度...
最后他终于通过了考试。(可用in the end代替)finally 指一系列事物或论点的顺序,在列举事物时可以用来引出最后一项内容 finally 在意义上与用法上与at last 有共同之处,但也有不同。finally 既可指时间位置(相当于at last和in the end),也可指时间的先后顺序。eg.Finally I’d like to thank...

I will continue to study industrial engineering for my Ph.D. in the University of florida.My specified feild of study has not been determined yet. the department ( I mean here the department of Industria l and systems egineeing of university of florida) let me decide what I will study ...

英鸣15798078965问: begin to do/doing;start to do/doing;get down to doing ;take up doing有什么区别? -
泾县施太回答: begin to do是开始去中另一件事.. begin doing是开始做同一件事..start to do sth与start doing都是“开始做某事”的含义. 但在以下三种情况,常用START TO DO不用start doing的形式:1.句子主语是物不是人的时候,后用start to do sth2.当start用于进行时即starting时,后接to do sth.3.当start后接的动词为表示心理活动的动词如understand,realize等时,后接to do sth.其他通用.至于get down to doing……我见过get down to do take up doing是开始做某事的意思 望采纳

英鸣15798078965问: 初中常见现在完成时短暂性动词变成延续性 -
泾县施太回答: rrive→be here begin(start)→be on die →be dead come back→be back leave →be away (from) fall ill(sick, asleep)→be ill(sick, asleep) get up→be up go out →be out finish →be over put on →wear 或be on open →be open join →be in或 be a ...

英鸣15798078965问: finish、become、begin to do、go out、get up的延续性动词是什么 -
泾县施太回答: finish --- be over get up---be up become --- be go (get) out →be out begin/start --- be on 请参看: 延续性动词与非延续性动词之间的转换 leave --- be away, borrow --- keep, buy --- have, begin/start --- be on, die --- be dead, finish --- be over, join --- ...

英鸣15798078965问: 【shall\will ,be ding to, 现在进行时表将来】三者区别 详细的给分 -
泾县施太回答: 初中英语中表示一般将来时的语法形式有四种:shall/will+动词原形;be going to+动词原形;现在进行时和一般现在时.现将这四种形式分述如下: 一、shall/will+动词原形 1. will可用于所有人称,但shall 仅表示单纯将来时,用于第一人称I和we,...

英鸣15798078965问: The sound began to died away为什么不可以这样说 -
泾县施太回答: begin to do sth 开始做某事.所以died改成die才对.希望能帮到你.....如果满意,请采纳....谢谢!

英鸣15798078965问: 把你学过的动词词组整理一下吧 -
泾县施太回答:  动词+about think about(思考) hear about(听说) move about(走来走去) set about(着手;开始) bring about(带来;促成) care about(对…感兴趣)  动词+at look at(看)stare at(凝视) glare at(怒目注视) gaze at(凝视) ...

英鸣15798078965问: 开始做某事 begin..........后面是啥 -
泾县施太回答: begin to do sth意思是开始做某事.

英鸣15798078965问: 短暂性动词和延续性动词在现在完成时中的运用 -
泾县施太回答:[答案] 短暂性动词,延续性动词和现在完成时 短暂性动词是指动作一旦发生就立即结束.它不能和一段时间连用.这类动词有:go,come,arrive,leave,begin,start,join,marry 等;短暂性动词的肯定式不能与表示一段时间的for或since或how long等状语连用.例如:...

英鸣15798078965问: 怎样将短暂性动词的句子转换为延续性动词句子? -
泾县施太回答: 现在完成时是中学英语语法的重点之一.它表示过去发生的某一动作或存在的状态,一直持续到现在,并可以和以for或since引导的表示一段时间的状语连用,也可以用在以“how long”提问的句子中,句子中的谓语动词一般为延续性动词.但...

英鸣15798078965问: begin to +doing ? 还是begin to +do? -
泾县施太回答: begin to do

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