
作者&投稿:汲秒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There was no cinema in the city efore改成复数句?
(1)主语I改成we,you不变,he,she,it改为they。(2)名词变成复数谓语由is,am改成are(was变成were)(3)宾语me改成us,you不变,him,her,it改为them。(4)名词变复数a,an在肯定句中改成some,在否定句和一般疑问句中改为any a或not any。3.根据以上(2)名词变成复数谓语由is...

Eg. I don't believe I've met you b! efore.("I believe I haven't met you before.")Eg. She didn't imagine that we would say anything.("She imagined we wouldn't say anything.")Eg. He didn't expect to win.("He expected...

Once when Tom was a boy,his mother w__ent___ out for a picnic.B_efore___ she went,she said to him,"Tom,while I am away,s__tay___ near the door,and watch it all the time."She said this because there w__ere___ a lot of thieves in their town.Tom sat down b...

译文:开篇写作技巧 一.定义法 (1) What’s the meaning of`………有什么什么的含义 (2) What do we mean by…我们所说的……是什么什么意思 (3) …can be defined as………可以解释为……二.引用法 (4)Some\/Many people say…许多人说……(5)It is said that..据说……\/...

宋蔡15155427147问: [题文]We very early so we packed the night before. A.leave B.had left C.were leaving D.have le
丰县三维回答: 在before前的用的是过去时before后要用现在时,而这里的应该用leaving,如果要动词可以写成...before we leave,所以这里leave也算正确的,毕竟英文是很灵活的语言

宋蔡15155427147问: before after when and while的用法 -
丰县三维回答: when作并列连词构成并列句,意为and at that time“正在那时”, and just then“那时”或and then“突然”等意思.when前可以用逗号,也可以省略.同时,when可与suddenly连用以加强语气.这种结构常常用来表示发生的事情带有意外的性...

宋蔡15155427147问: - ---- - before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. -
丰县三维回答: leave和should have这两个动作以及the day after tomorrow这个时间都告诉我们,这是还未发生的事.要用一般将来时的虚拟语气:were to do sth.A项是一般过去时的虚拟语气.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟!请记得采纳,多谢!

宋蔡15155427147问: -- before we leave the day after tomorrow,we should have a wonderful party -
丰县三维回答: were they to arrive 在这里是虚拟条件句,从时间状语the day after tomorrow(后天)来看 是对将来的虚拟, 所以选这个 它等于If they were to arrive...Had they arrived 是对过去的虚拟, 等于 if they had arrived, 与语境不符没有这两种 虚拟形式(Were they arriving 和 Would they arrive)如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳 手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

宋蔡15155427147问: be动词用法、实义动词 -
丰县三维回答: be是一个连系动词,它有自己不同的形式 现在时:be 进行时:being 过去时:was/were 过去分词:been 它的后面必须跟形容词或名词作表语,与之构成系表结构,充当句子的谓语. i am a student主语:i 谓语:am a student(系表结构) ...

宋蔡15155427147问: 1、with+宾语+宾补的用法有哪些? 2、have+宾语+宾补的用法有哪些? 3、leave+宾语+宾补的用法有哪些? -
丰县三维回答: 篇幅有限 先回答第一个问题 with+宾语+宾补的用法1.with+名词+形容词:Before he came here, my father used to sleep with his eyes open.我父亲来这儿之前,常常睁着眼睛睡觉.(表示伴随情况) 2.with+名词+副词:常用的副词是:in, on, over,...

宋蔡15155427147问: 一道英语语法题!高手请进啊啊啊1.________before we leave the day aftertomorrow,we should have a wonderful dinner party. A.Had they arrived B.Were they ... -
丰县三维回答:[答案] ________before we leave the day after tomorrow,we should have a wonderful dinner party.A.Had they arrived B.Were they to arriveC.were they arriving D.would the...

宋蔡15155427147问: 关于虚拟语气的一道考博英语试题原题为________ - before we leave the day after tomorrow,we should have a wonderful time together.[A] Had they arrived [B] ... -
丰县三维回答:[答案] were to在这里就是表示虚拟语气,与过去将来时无关,这里用的还是现在式的虚拟语气.这里不能选B,因为would在虚拟语气中是用在主语而不是从句里面的,像上面的句子,如果后半部分改成we would have...反倒可以.如果是...we would have a ...

宋蔡15155427147问: need doing和 need to do的用法.
丰县三维回答: need”作为实义动词时,通常用法是: 人+need +to do 1.We need to collect the parcel before we leave for England.去英国之前,我们需要收拾好行李. 物+need +doing 2.My car needs repairing.我的汽车需要修理. 物+need +to be done 3.His leather shoes needs to be mended.他的皮鞋需要修补.

宋蔡15155427147问: 英语语法填空中什么时候用BEFORE,什么时候用UNTIL -
丰县三维回答: 1.可以用意思来填2.until/not until是指:直到什么时候为止...其中非延续性动词用后者,延续性动词用前者. 例句:Not until my father came back did I fell asleep. I was awake until my father came back. 注意:倒装时倒装主句,从句语序不变.改为...

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