
作者&投稿:福融 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Having found Jeff's discussion both clear and persuasive, we decided to let it speak for itself. Here is what Jeff had to say: 不时的,我们读到一些就这种问题提出的新见解,通常是从不同的角度看待事物。下面是最近我们从一个读者Jeff Koch那听到的,他是一名来自堪萨斯州Concordia的注册会计师,Jeff ...

Once when Tom was a boy,his mother w__ent___ out for a picnic.B_efore___ she went,she said to him,"Tom,while I am away,s__tay___ near the door,and watch it all the time."She said this because there w__ere___ a lot of thieves in their town.Tom sat down b...

r_eprest___ that a virus was slowly destroying his heart.6.I could hear voices in the courtyard b_efore___ my window.7.It's much easier if you have the right piece of e_ach___ for the job.8.The new factory is expected to c_reat___ more than 400 new jods....

I found that the life of the university is not as wonderful as the film, but the magic is that I am not too disappointed. Movie in the world is beautiful, I always feel a bit unreal, it looks too good, it is difficult for the life that I have a sense of substitution....

写作的重要性 The Importance of Writing
,Moreover, writing is an effective way to enlarge ourvocabulary. Different positions we write need different efore, the more positions we write, the more vocabularies we get. At thesame time, it is helpful to enlarge our reading.,其次,写作是扩展我们的词汇量的有效方法。我们所写的...

ItisapassissuedtotravellerswhoaretransitingonlyinMalaysiaforlessthan120hour *** eforecontinuingtotheirfinaldestinationBYAIRonly.ItisvalidforcertaincountriesandcanonlyremaininKUALALUMPURONLYduringtransit.ImportantNotes:1).ThedecisiontoissueaTransitPassissubjecttoImmigrationOfficerdiscretionatpointofentry.Applyingvisa...

to music, play chess and basketball.To get more useful knowledge or information, I can surf the Internet. I will keep a good eating habit. Do exercise often to stay in good spirits. Try my best to make great progress.As long as I stick to it, I can achieve my dream.


before this thing happened 希望能够帮到你,仅供参考,祝你学习进步!

英语作文save our eyes
As is known to us, cellphone's or computer's radistian is bad for our health. What's more, their radiation also weaken the ability of memory. Nowadays, most people's eyes have become myopic. Terefore, it's time for us to save our eyes.First of all,what we should do ...

德董18044923425问: before的用法和例句以及句型 -
若羌县丑丑回答: 一、可以用作介词⒈)指时间上早于,在……之前,如:She has lived here since before the war.她从战前就一直在这儿住.⒉)指位置在前面,如:We knelt down before Grandma's grave.我们在奶奶的墓前跪下.⒊)指顺序或排列在之前,如...

德董18044923425问: before的用法 -
若羌县丑丑回答: 以上的两个句型是before的两个固定用法,it will be+段时间+before / it was +段时间+before 表....多久之后才...... /没过........就...... . 没有it is +段时间+before 的用法 只有it is /has been+段时间+since+.....表自从......以来

德董18044923425问: it is...for sb. to do...和it is...of sb. to do...的用法 -
若羌县丑丑回答: 给您介绍一个最简单的辨别方法:如果be动词后的形容词是说明不定式的逻辑主语,就用of sb. to do...;如果是说明整个不定式的,则用 for sb. to do...;例如: 1、It is very kind of you to help us.(可以转换成:You are very kind to help us. kind 说明 you 的属性); 2、It is possible for us to get there before dark.(不可转换成:we are possible...,而应该是 for us to get there is possible)

德董18044923425问: before+it+is+too+late是什么意思 -
若羌县丑丑回答: before+it+is+too+late (最好在)在事情太晚之前(做完)

德董18044923425问: 英文before it's too late是什么意思?? -
若羌县丑丑回答: before it's too late 翻译: 之前,为时已晚

德董18044923425问: 谁知道真人版变形金刚里的一首曲子!
若羌县丑丑回答: 叫《Before It's Too Late》

德董18044923425问: Before It's Too Late翻译中文是什么意思?
若羌县丑丑回答:一句词就是 趁早

德董18044923425问: Before It`s Too Late 什么意思?
若羌县丑丑回答: 因为它奇太迟了~~ 女人的的青春是有限的,不能等待太久了~~~

德董18044923425问: before its too late 求解释个 -
若羌县丑丑回答: 是“before it's too late ”吗?是的话就是,在为时已晚之前,或者说,还来得及

德董18044923425问: it took me a long time before i was able to full -
若羌县丑丑回答: 很久之后我才充分体会到他们为我所做的一切.句型”It's+一段时间+before........"意思是"......之后才.........”;It takes sb. +一段时间+before......"意思是“某人过了多久后才.....”

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