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Before we used to get up early,but now we do not do that any more .在我们习惯早起之前,现在我们不再这样做了。

用it is…before造句?
It is five days before the summer vacation.It+be+时间+before 这个句型中的时间一般为表示一段时间的词语(a long time,long years,weeks,a few days,several months,many hours,minutes),若主句中的谓语动词用肯定式,意为“过多长时间才……”。若主句的谓语动词是否定式时,我们可以将...

根据提示词brother、can、well、before(?) 造句如下:1. My brother can sing very well. (brother, can, well)2. He should finish his homework before dinner. (before, (?))3. I feel a lot better now after taking the medicine. (well)4. With practice and persistence, you...

用when造句 请用when,while,after,before造句(每句造5句)~快,帮我造...
when do you have lunch when dad come to pick you up when you got home yesterday after lunch ,i went to bed after weekend ,i have to go to school after i got up ,i didn't have breakfast after dad come ,i cried out after i got home ,dad beated me before yesterday i ...

He said he had gone to private school before now.于是我就问他,怎么以前我从没有见过他呢,他说在来这所学校以前他上的是私立学校。'This should have been decided long before now.'&'We can't think of everything. '“这个在此之前早该决定了。”&“我们不可能考虑得面面俱到。”The...

几个英文单词是:like,before,,l,sport,didn′t 造句如下:I didn’t like sport before.意思是说:我从前不喜欢运动。或者 从前我不喜欢运动。(暗含着意思是:我现在可能已经有所改变)以上答案供参考。

用before,i couldn't…now…来造句
Before,I couldn't ride bike well.Now,I can go cycling every day.Before,I couldn't clean my room.Now,I can help my mother clean the room every weekend.

1、It will be ten minutes before I finish my homework.十分钟后我就完成作业。(before,是以前,但是翻译成汉语就得调整)2、It will be ten minutes before I go to school.十分钟后我就上学去。3、It will be three days before we finish the work. 三天时间我们完成这项工作。

Before doing my homework, now I must go back home first 答题不易望采纳,不懂请追问 非常期待你的采纳

before造句用现在完成时 急
He has never done it before

勇聪15330508334问: 用before造句简单点的 -
花都区特夫回答: I do my homework before eat dinner

勇聪15330508334问: 谁能用before造句? -
花都区特夫回答: 给你个网站 上去看看 应该对你有帮助. 建议你抱着学习的目的去利用这个,不要过度依赖.

勇聪15330508334问: 过去完成时when 、before、after造句每个一句,要翻译,简单些,六年级水平! -
花都区特夫回答: 句型一:过去完成时+when+一般过去时 如: I had finished my homework when Mum came back. 妈妈回来的时候,我已经完成我的作业了. 句型二:过去完成时+before+一般过去时 如: I had finished my homework before Mum came back. 妈妈回来之前,我已经完成我的作业了. 句型三:after+过去完成时+一般过去时 如: After I had finished my homework, Mum came back. 我已经完成我的作业之后,妈妈才回来.

勇聪15330508334问: she is ....,but she was ...before.造句 -
花都区特夫回答: She is beautiful, but she was ordinary before.她之前很平凡,现在很美. 句子很简单. 前后对比就可以

勇聪15330508334问: 用现在完成时造句用以下词造句,要用现在完成时1.already2.yet3.just4.recently5.ever6.never7.before -
花都区特夫回答:[答案] 1.I have already finished my homework. 2.Have you cleaned your room yet? No.I haven't cleaned my room yest. 3.She has just ... 5.Have you ever been to Hongkong? 6.I have never been abroad. 7.Has he been to the USA before?

勇聪15330508334问: before ten years与ten years before含义一样吗?造句 -
花都区特夫回答:[答案] before ten years,是before ten years from now的简单说法. ten years before是当时那个时间点之前的10年 比如They'd arrived there ten years before cops found them in 1980. 他们1970年就到了

勇聪15330508334问: 用过去完成时造几个简单的句子. -
花都区特夫回答: She found the key that she had lost . //found的动作发生在过去,lost的动作发生在过去的过去 Mr. Smith died yesterday. He had been a good friend of mine.史密斯先生昨天去世了.他是我的好朋友 I didn't know a thing about the verbs, for I had not...

勇聪15330508334问: 英文单词造句
花都区特夫回答: 1.before:Mum always kiss me goodbye before I go to school. reason to do:There is no reason for you to do such things. 3.improve:All of us should help to improve the quality of our enviornment. 4.imagine:So let's imagine you are a millionaire. ...

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