
作者&投稿:暨券 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

adj. 美丽的,美好的;极好的 1 She was a very beautiful woman 她是个大美女。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2 New England is beautiful 新英格兰很美。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3 That's a beautiful shot!射得漂亮!《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》4 To me he is the most beaut...

beautiful,中文翻译:美丽的;好的;出色的 读音:英 [ˈbju:tɪfl]美 ['bjʊtəfəl]词汇搭配:1、quite beautiful十分美 2、calmly beautiful平静的美 3、charmingly beautiful娇媚妖娆 4、daintily beautiful娇艳的美 5、distractingly beautiful美得令人魂不守舍 常见...

beautiful和beautifully的区别是:beautiful是形容词,beautifully是副词。形容词(adj.)在英语中用来修饰名词、感官动词;副词(adv.)在英语中常用于修饰动词、形容词等。beautiful:adj. 美丽的,美好的;极好的;beautifully:adv.漂亮地;美丽地。

beautiful 英[ˈbju:tɪfl] 美[ˈbjutəfəl]adj. 美丽的,美好的; 极好的; (多用来形容美好的事物!)例句:You really think I'm beautiful?你真的觉得我很漂亮?Beautiful girl 漂亮的女孩 Beautiful life 完美的人生 ...

beautiful 读音:英 [ˈbju:tɪfl] 美 [ˈbjutəfəl]adj. 美丽的,漂亮的;令人愉悦的,美妙的;(完成得)出色的,极好的;仁慈的 网络 美丽;漂亮;太美丽 专业 美丽 [文学];优美 [艺术学]Skilled craftsmen paint beautiful images on chopsticks to make them ...

beautiful 英 ['bju:tɪfl] 美 [ˈbjutəfəl]adj. 美丽的,美好的;极好的 美丽; 漂亮; 美极了; 漂亮的 比较级:more beautiful 最高级:most beautiful 美丽的;漂亮的 A beautiful person is very attractive to look at.She was a very beautiful woman... 她是...

漂亮的英语是beautiful 词汇解析:beautiful核心词汇 英 ['bjuːtɪfl]     美 ['bjuːtɪfl]adj.美丽的;好的;出色的 Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction.观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。beautiful girl美丽的女孩 beautiful landscape美景 词...

beautiful 英文发音:['bjʊtəfəl]中文释义:adj. 美丽的;出色地;出色的;迷人的 例句:She was a very beautiful woman. 她是个非常美丽的女人。相关短语:1、beautiful view 美丽的景色,美丽景观 2、beautiful design 造型优美 3、beautiful morning 美丽的早晨 4、beautiful ...

Beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的 Beautiful mind 美丽心灵

beautiful:英 [ˈbjuːtɪfʊl]adj.美的;美丽的;美好的;晴好的;宜人的;出色的;令人愉悦的;杰出的;完美的;搭配词 woman \/ baby \/ place \/ day \/ weather \/ performance \/ manners 双语例句 1、 She's got beautiful, clear skin.她的皮肤美丽无瑕。2、She is ...

敛夜13383926454问: 关于初中美好生活的英语作文字数不超过100 -
建始县一清回答: In my heart, the good life in since I sensible to several years, deeply feel the progress and prosperity, it also makes my future life is more, more beautiful vision of love.Now people 's life has been dramatically improved. I am very glad that I can live in ...

敛夜13383926454问: 英语作文,我心中的完美世界 -
建始县一清回答: What is the most beautiful world in my heart?Countless people are seeking for an answer to this question. Chinese children would say a beautiful world should be one without so much homework, or so much tests and exams, so they can do whatever ...

敛夜13383926454问: 高手帮忙解析一个英语句子 -
建始县一清回答: 六月蔚蓝的天空总使人遥想一个更加蔚蓝的苍穹;美丽的落日总会引起一个更加绚丽的景象未及饱览便一闪即逝,并在消逝中给人留下不可名状的渴望和惆怅 如果我没记错,这应该是新概念4上面的句子,开头就用了so that从句+否定,并且两次否定使句子变成了肯定意义,a Vision...定语从句,and...并列句 in passing有“随带”的意思,其主语是a Vision,翻译的时候不必把表面意思翻出来,把in passing做状语来译 ,而“消逝中”美译的很恰当

敛夜13383926454问: view scene sight 的区别 -
建始县一清回答: View(n.)---“景色”.普遍用语.指目中所望见的景色. Scene(n.)---“景色”.可与view通用,但多包括了其中的人及其活动. Sight(n.)---“光景”.多指人工的事物,比如大建筑史迹等有名的处所. 例:There is a fine view of the mountain ...

敛夜13383926454问: “看美景”用 "see the beautiful view" 还是 " see the beautiful views” -
建始县一清回答: see the beautiful view 例句:You will see the beautiful view as soon as you get there. 你一到那儿你就看见美丽的风景.

敛夜13383926454问: 英语翻译:她对未来的所有美好幻想都化为泡影. -
建始县一清回答: All her beautiful vision of the future vanished.

敛夜13383926454问: 英语作文:我的美好生活.300字 -
建始县一清回答:[答案] In my heart, the good life in since I sensible to several years, deeply feel the progress and prosperity, it also makes my future life is more, more beautiful vision of love. Now people 's life has been dramatically improved. I am very glad that I can live in such ...

敛夜13383926454问: ”东西方人的审美眼光不一样,我们认为漂亮的女孩,他们不喜欢”求助这句话的英文翻译 -
建始县一清回答: The taste of beauty between oritental and occidental is not same. Girls, we think are so beautiful, they don't like.

敛夜13383926454问: 英语翻译请问公司的愿景用哪个单词 -
建始县一清回答: 一般用 Vision Corporate (Shared ) Vision 公司共同愿景

敛夜13383926454问: 帮忙看一下有没有语法错误I was on the University's beautiful vision came to University of Science and Technology Liaoning,and at that time,the impression that... -
建始县一清回答:[答案] I came to University of Science and Technology Liaoning 【with 】the beautiful vision of University,and at that time,the impression that the university 【left to】me is…… particularly large.University is "ivory tower" to every scholar.In high school,I had to ...


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