
作者&投稿:巴性 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

娄舍19636787105问: accessible to是什么意思 -
衢州市冠心回答: 访问 双语对照 词典结果:accessible to [医]adj.易接近的,能进去的; 很高兴为您解答 祝你生活愉快,学习进步 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

娄舍19636787105问: “学海无涯苦作舟”的英文怎么说 -
衢州市冠心回答: “学海无涯苦作舟”的英文:Learning from the sea is endless and painstaking. 意思是指:如果你想要成功到达高耸入云的知识山峰的山顶,勤奋就是那登顶的唯一路径;如果你想在无边无际的知识海洋里畅游,耐心、尽力、刻苦的学习态度将...

娄舍19636787105问: 老师问:“士可杀不可辱”用英语怎么说 -
衢州市冠心回答: A scholar prefers death to humiliation. a scholar翻译为:一个士兵; prefer to翻译为:和……比起来,宁愿 death翻译为:死亡; humiliation翻译为:耻辱;蒙羞. prefer to的用法 1、释义 更加喜欢,宁愿 2、例句 I prefer to do this rather than that....

娄舍19636787105问: 英语翻译1.那个人张开眼睛,动了动嘴角,好像要说他有一些事情告诉医生.(as if 的省略)2.不幸的是,许多人仍然喝不上清洁的饮用水.(be accessible to ... -
衢州市冠心回答:[答案] 1.那个人张开眼睛,动了动嘴角,好像要说他有一些事情告诉医生.(as if 的省略) The man opened his eyes and moved his lips, as if (he was ) to tell the doctor something. 2.不幸的是,许多人仍然喝不上清洁的饮用水.(be accessible to sb) ...

娄舍19636787105问: 少年中国说选段 英文翻译 -
衢州市冠心回答: Make the eldest brother of today Chinese, Chinese worthless old man then of 冤 industry also;The one who make a young and Chinese future, Then Chinese young responsibility also. Make youth and fruit of the whole country as youths also, my ...

娄舍19636787105问: 欲戴王冠,必承其重.用英语怎么翻译? -
衢州市冠心回答: 译: The one who wants to wear a crown must bear the weight.————若有任何疑问可以【直接回复】或是【继续追问】或是【百度hi】我 ~~~~ 尽量在最短的时间内回复 ~~~ 亲~~要是满意的话【选为满意答案】吧(*^__^*),顺便【赞】一个 或者【追加分】~~o(>_<)o~~

娄舍19636787105问: 出人头地的英文怎么说 -
衢州市冠心回答: get on get ahead achieve success / eminence come up她雄心勃勃, 一心要(在世上)出人头地. She's ambitious and eager to get on (in the world). 她热望在事业上出人头地. She's keen to get ahead in her career. 他在职业上出人头地. He has achieved eminence in his profession. 派克出身贫寒,通过奋斗才在社会上出人头地.Park was born poor, and came up the hard way.满怀希望的人自会出人头地.

娄舍19636787105问: to在英语句中翻译吗 有意思吗 -
衢州市冠心回答: to [tu:; tE, tu] prep. 向, 往, 给...,于...,直到...为止, 在...之前, 比, 对, [表示程度、范围] 到, 达 但是to大部分是用在短语中 因为有很多动词不及物必须接to 所以在句子中的时候只要翻译出对应的短语意思就可以了 例如:I'd like to go. 我想去 如果to在句子中是独立的 那么翻译起来也要看语境 例如:The ocean water was clear all the way to the bottom.海水从上面一直到海底都是清澈的 此处的to可翻译为从...到... To the king! 敬我们的国王!这里的to又可以翻译为向...致敬

娄舍19636787105问: 有谁知道去其糟粕,取之精华用英文怎么说吗?急 -
衢州市冠心回答: 去其糟粕,取之精华说法较多Reject the bad part and adopt the good part;Discard the dross and select the essence;Discard the dregs and take the essence;

娄舍19636787105问: be expected to是什么意思 -
衢州市冠心回答: be expected to翻译:有望做某事;被期待做某事 短语:be expected to 期望,被期待做某事,预计be expected to V 被预期做be expected to be 被期望 例句:Parents can't be expected to watch their children 24 hours a day.父母不可能每...

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