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大家一起背单词 形容词后缀y
3. Rainy<\/ 雨:雨(n.) → 下雨的(adj.)4. Cloudy<\/ 云:云(n.) → 多云的(adj.)当名词是重读闭音节结尾时,如"sun",规则略有不同,需要双写最后一个辅音字母,如"sun"变"sunny",形容晴朗的天空。5. Sunny<\/ 太阳:太阳(n.) → 晴朗的(adj.)而对于以不发音的e结尾的词,比如"...

they did not find [] to prepare for the worst conditionsthey might...
The place is worthy of a visit.The place is worthy of being visited.The place is worthy to be visited.It is worthwhile visiting the place.It is worthwhile to visit the place.二,作的句子成分不同:worth通常只作表语,而worthy和worthwhile可作表语或定语 e.g.It isn’t worth the ...

詹姆斯 沃西 生日:1961年2月27日 位置:小前锋 大学:北卡罗来纳 选秀顺位:1982年第一轮第一位被湖人选中 号码:42 职业生涯:1982-1994 洛杉矶湖人 个人荣誉:NCAA冠军1次:1982(并荣获最有价值球员)NBA总冠军3次,84-85,86-87,87-88 全明星赛:7次(86-92)NBA决赛MVP:87-88 NBA第三...

【解析】此题定位于第四自然段的第四行,“Self-help as acatalogue of the worthy lives of engineers, industrialists and explorers”, 塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯在他的书《成事在己》里面讲到了工程师,实业家,探险家的有意义的生活,G与此是对应的 44.【答案】C 【解析】此题定位于第五自然段第三行,“these epoc...

I have noticed that you are the kind of person i am looking for since all this while, i believed that you are a trust worthy and caring person, that's what makes me to disclose my identity to you.My name is Miss Elizzy Ruben ,23 years old from Darfur Region of Sudan a...

含有音标倒过来e:的单词:breakfast、abhorrent、abnormal、absent、 absolute、 absorption、 abundent、 academy、 accelerate、 accent、 bed、 egg、 elephant、 chest、 deskpossible、 adjust。音标(International Phonetic Alphabet)是记录音素的符号,也是音素标写符号,应用于语言学中。音标的提出者是...

that可以引导名词性从句、定语从句,用法比较复杂,其具体用法如下: 一、that引导名词性从句时(即主语、宾语、表语、同位语从句),在从句中无具体含义,只起连接作用,而且在从句中也不作任何句子成分。它所引导的从句的句子结构和意义是完整的,而且从句一般是陈述一个事实。例如: ①That she was ...

泛读好还是精读好大学英语作文 bathed in so many worthy books, every one is faced with the option of reading method. some think that we should read etensively. it is their conviction that, reading etensively could easily enlarge knowledge, widen interests and enrich lives. on the ...

采纳下,谢谢了。。旁传说讲述了一个传奇的武士,他的功夫技能是一个传奇。他浪迹江湖寻找敌人 牛群:我看你喜欢吃,也许你应该尝尝我的拳头 熊勇士没有说他的嘴是满的。传说他吞下,然后他说:说够了我们战斗。他事实上,他的敌人会去盲目过度暴露于纯awesomeness如此致命的!我的眼睛…他太可怕了 ...

回答:  NBA各球队的历史最佳阵容:   波士顿凯尔特人: 比尔拉塞尔+麦克海尔+拉里伯德+哈弗里切克+丹尼斯约翰逊 +奥尔巴赫   洛杉矶湖人: 奥尼尔+贝勒爷+詹姆斯沃西+科比+魔术师 +帕克莱利   芝加哥公牛:诺阿+罗德曼+皮蓬+神+罗斯 +禅师   纽约尼克斯:尤因+威利斯里德+卡梅隆安东尼+弗雷泽+阿兰...

娄仇14770936788问: worth的用法及例句(worth的用法)
马尾区芙瑞回答: 1、有这样的用法,表示值一定金额的数量? 例如: he keeps in the safe 3 million worth of diamonds.2、我讲一下worth 的用法3、be worthy of4、be worthy to be done5、be worth doing6、be worth sth7、be worthy of being done

娄仇14770936788问: be worthy of 的用法 -
马尾区芙瑞回答: be worthy of 值得, 配得上to be worthy of something 应该得到某事物 due to be worthy of 值得的,配得上的We esteem him to be worthy of trust. 我们认为他值得信任.This book is worthy of being read. 这本书值得一读.

娄仇14770936788问: worth和worthy有什么用法? -
马尾区芙瑞回答: worth worthy均可作表语,但所用句型不同: worth用于be worth doing,doing用主动试表被动,如: The film is worth seeing.(电影值得看)(被看). The novel is worth reading.(这本小说值得读)(被读) worthy用于该句型,要加of, 表达被动意义,还需用被动式: The film is worthy of being seen. The novel is worthy of being read. 此外,worthy 还可用作形容词,作前置定于定语,worth不行. He is a worthy man.(他是一个值得尊敬的人)

娄仇14770936788问: worth与worthy的区别 -
马尾区芙瑞回答: worth与worthy都是作“值得”讲的形容词,但在使用上和与词的搭配关系上都不相同. 一、worth一般只用作表语 1.主语(物)+be +worth + 名词. Hawaii is a beautiful place for travelling and worth a visit. 夏威夷是个旅游胜地,值得一游....

娄仇14770936788问: be worthy of 和 be worth doing 有什么区别? -
马尾区芙瑞回答: 都表示值得的意思 be worthy of +n

娄仇14770936788问: worth of 和 worthy of 有区别吗 -
马尾区芙瑞回答: 基本没见过be worth of的用法,只有be worth doing sth./some money,分别表示值得干某事,值多少钱 但另一个词的用法是be worthy of being done eg. The book is worth reading. The book is worthy of being done.

娄仇14770936788问: 有无sth worth being done结构? -
马尾区芙瑞回答: 被动是直接加doing的(主动表被动) 1.worth adj&n.值得,应该,作形容词在句中只能作表语 ①sb./sth. be worth ... : His words are worth notice.他的话值得注意. The bike is worth 200 yuan. ②be (well) worth doing (很)值得做...,注意这个句型是...

娄仇14770936788问: worth 和worthy of的区别? -
马尾区芙瑞回答: worth是形容词,后面可接名词或动名词,构成结构sth. is worth doing 即某事值得做.如:this book is worth reading. worthy也是形容词,构成句型be worthy of sth. 如:Her achievements are worthy of the highest award. worhty 也可构成句型be worthy to do 如;she was not worthy to receive such an award.

娄仇14770936788问: worth/worthy的用法 -
马尾区芙瑞回答: 1.worth adj&n.值得,应该 ①sb./sth. be worth... ②be worth doing值得做... 2.worthy adj&n.有价值的,值得...的 ①be worthy of+n. ②be worthy of being done值得做... ③be worthy to be done值得做...

娄仇14770936788问: 英语 谁帮我总结一下worth的用法 -
马尾区芙瑞回答:[答案] worth 的用法 worth,worthy,worth-while都为adj. 意为"值得". 1. worth: be worth + n. 当名词为金钱时,表示"…… 值得……" be worth doing sth. "……某事值得被做" The question is not worth discussing again and again. 2. worthy:be worthy of +n. ...

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