
作者&投稿:斗蚀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As to our daily life, seldom do we regard nature as equcal as ourselves. Now nearly all people reckon that actions should be taken. The very thing I hope all of us can fulfil is that never step on the grass again please. Saying is always easier than action. But why not ...

Practice is the primary school English class teaching basic form of activity, and also one of the students study English knowledge, get English skills of important ways and main method. From the whole process students learn English to see, any a language skills must be through a ...

Ein ehernes Grab.歌词翻译: 无论面对风暴或是雪花,还是太阳对我们微笑;火热的白天,寒冷的夜晚,扑面的灰尘,但我们享受着这种乐趣,我们享受着这种乐趣。我们的坦克轰鸣向前,伴随着阵阵尘沙。当敌人的坦克露出踪影我们加大油门全速向前!我们生命的价值就是为了我们光荣的军队而战!为德国而死是至高的荣誉!伴随着雷鸣...

求保尔·魏尔兰的《 诗艺》
Art poétique De la musique avant toute chose,Et pour cela préfère l'Impair Plus vague et plus soluble dans l'air,Sans rien en lui qui pèse ou qui pose.Il faut aussi que tu n'ailles point Choisir tes mots sans quelque méprise :Rien de plus cher que la chanson grise ...

(2)concequnce:the rise sea level pollution destroy the forest (3)method:planting trees using environmental friendly fuel we do our part 7.(1)what is the society like 30 years ago (2)nowdays the crime rate keeps on rising reason:we are living a better life people only care ...

英美概况中的一些名词 请给我一些解释 20-30词(英文)
9.constitutional monarchy 君主立宪体:is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written (i.e., codified), unwritten (i.e., uncodified) or blended constitution. It differs from absolute monarchy in that an absolute monarch serves ...

谁有高中英语词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)的PDF版或者word版本呀 急...
57.graduation n. grad=走+uate+ion—人都走了 58.certificate n. - ---cert = certain确定的+i+ fic(做)-ate—想做大事拿文凭 59.all the best 60.architect n. - arch(biref- arch统治)i+tect做→统治〔造房〕的人 →建筑师 arc, arch=bow弓—拿弓的人是打天下...

As well as=and 不可数 鱼肉(菜) 可数 同种类 two fish 不同种类 two fishes 7.salt n.盐 Salty adj.咸的 8.important adj.重要的 importantly adv. importance n. 9.cover v.覆盖 e.g.cover A with=B is covered with A B用B覆盖A 10. 不定代词: 1)后面的动词加”s” 2)形容词...

http:\/\/\/asp\/smil\/real01.asp?id=165249&url=mtvtop_39\/backstrenever5\/002&bt=Just Want You To Know 4.When You Tell Me that You Love Westlife还真的唱了很多经典的歌 这首合唱的刚刚听的时候感觉不是很好 但越听越喜欢 最后成了我MP3上删不掉的一首歌了 http:\/\/\/...

Simon: I understand what you are saying. But that is just a movie. Sometimes you work hard all your life and your luck has never e.Rosa: well, at least he is still positive about life. I am annoyed by those who just whine like a baby. Jake is a real man in my eye....

仍鸦17090442010问: be ready to do和be equipped to do有什么区别?谢谢 -
吴旗县哌库回答: 最大区别是:bewillingtodosth表示乐于做某事.bereadytodosth表示准备做某事.例句辨析:bewillingtodosth1、wearewillingtohelpbutunabletodosoaboutthis.这件事我们是爱莫能助了.2、iamwillingtoadmitthatidomakemistakes.我愿意承认我确...

仍鸦17090442010问: equipped to是什么意思 -
吴旗县哌库回答: equipped to 装备 双语对照例句:1. We come equipped to learn fairness and other----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

仍鸦17090442010问: you should - --some professional skills为什么选be equipped with而不是选equip with!谢谢 -
吴旗县哌库回答: 解释:1.equip with 表示:用…装备;使具备;为…准备:We should equip our child with a good education.我们应使我们的孩子受到良好教育.2. be equipped with具备,具有(能力、品质等):She was equipped with knowledge for the vocation.她具备从事这项职业的知识.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

仍鸦17090442010问: 英语 关于Well+v(动词)+ed组词的问题 -
吴旗县哌库回答: well-educated well-dressed well-behaved well-furnished well-equipped well-established well-fitted well-fed well-decorated well-done

仍鸦17090442010问: be equip for用法正确否 equip为verb还是adj -
吴旗县哌库回答:[答案] 只有be equipped for equip verb equipped v-ed=adj

仍鸦17090442010问: 提供含有be动词的短语·· -
吴旗县哌库回答: known as/be famous as 作为……而闻名be known for 因……而出名be known to 为……所知be known by 凭……而知The hill is known for the temple.Lu Xun is known to us as a writer.One can be known by his words and ...

仍鸦17090442010问: be equipped with是什么意思
吴旗县哌库回答: be equipped with 释义 配备有…; 装有…; 装备有

仍鸦17090442010问: 求英国公共场所标识英文! -
吴旗县哌库回答: Please do not lean on these barriers 请不要靠防护栏. Please do not leave rubbish here 请不要在此倒垃圾. Please do not obstruct entrance 请不要堵住入口. Please feel free to smoke in the lounge. 休息室允许吸烟 Please keep clear of the ...

仍鸦17090442010问: 两道英语单选
吴旗县哌库回答: 第一题的答案肯定是the more 开头,equipped是形容词,所以more应用来修饰equipped for life ,至于 you are 本来应该是这样的顺序: you are more equipped for life .但因为要用the more +... the more +....结构,而the more 必须放前面,所以you ...

仍鸦17090442010问: well - equipped中文是什么意思 -
吴旗县哌库回答: well-equipped 英 ['weli'kwipt] 美 ['weli'kwipt] adj. 设备精良的;装备很好的

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