
作者&投稿:宰父冒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

usually adv. 副词 ,常用于一般现在时态 e.g. Some people usually go fishing at weekends.一些人通常周末去钓鱼。I usually go to school on my bicycle in the morning.我通常早上骑自行车去上学。But my father usually goes to work by car. 我父亲通常开车去上班。

Women are usually about 1.6 meters() 后面用tall 还是 in height还是...
亲:都可以。例如:The desk is two metres long\/in length.The hole is three metres deep\/in depth.The river is two metres wide\/in width.亲:祝你学习进步!望采纳,谢谢!

usually often occasionally sometimes的频率区别是怎样的
例句 = I occasionally go to the cinema with a friend.(D) sometimes 有时候(副词adv)(同义词:occasionally)=定义 At times; now and then.例句="Sometimes she wished she were back in Beijing"(E) sometime 某时(副词adv) =定义(i)At an indefinite or unstated time.[同义词:some ...

people usually (eat)dinner in the e
答案:eat 由usually可知用一般现在时,主语people所以动词不能用第三人称单数形式。



像also usually 这样的助词后面加动词原形还是按照三单形式?谢谢例如he...
不能 like 喜欢后边跟动词的ing形式,用eating。你说的人also 和usually要看主语是否为第三人称单数了,比如说he usually goes to school by bike .

时间副词now, usually, often,always地点副词here, there, home,everywhere方式副词hard, well,fast, slowly程度副词very, much, still, almost疑问副词what, when, why, where关系副词when, where, why连接副词how, whether, when等。2、副词的位置(1)时间地点副词一般放句尾,如同时出现则后时间先地点,但是也...

(2)肯定句中含有always, usually和ever时,变否定句时改为never。如:He is always late for school.→He is never late for school.(3)肯定句含有many,much时,变否定句时分别改为few,little。如:Many students know him.→Few students know him.(4)肯定句中含有still时,变否定句时应改...

通常都是我爸爸送我上学的英文:Usuallymyfathersendsmetoschool. Usually 读法英 ['juːʒuəli] 美 ['juːʒuəli] adv. 通常;经常 例句 1、Childrenunderfiveusuallytravelfreeontrains.五岁以下的儿童乘火车通常免费。 2、Theteacherusuallyworkedontilllateatnight.这位老师经常一直工作到深夜。 短...

平凭13316307372问: usually后面是加do还是doing,怎么区分 -
丰台区甘思回答: usually 只是一个副词,并不决定谓语动词形式,所以usually后面接do还是doing跟它本身没关系,只跟主语有关. 比如说,“他通常睡觉睡得早”,He ususlly sleeps early. “我一般睡觉睡得很早”,I usually sleep early.

平凭13316307372问: be+used+to+do+和be+used+to+doing+的区别 -
丰台区甘思回答: 答案是:be used to do sth 是被动语态,意思是:被用来做某事,比如:Knives are used to cut things相当于词组 be used for doing sth ,而be used to doing sth 意思是:习惯做某事,比如:He used to take a bus to work but now he is used to walking to work. 他过去常常乘坐公共汽车去上班,但是现在他习惯了步行去上班.

平凭13316307372问: 教教我be to do 的用法? -
丰台区甘思回答: 一般说来,“be to do”这个结构有两种语法意义,其一是连系动词be+动词不定式做表语,其二是be to是一个独立词汇单位,具有情态含义,可以把它叫做情态习语(modal idiom). 一、be +动词不定式,不定式做表语,表示主语和表语在概...

平凭13316307372问: "usually"后面嘀“do”加不加“es”? -
丰台区甘思回答: 一般现在时的标志 usually常用于一般现在时 主语是I ,you不加 主语是第三人称单数时要加es的 举个例子;I usually read books after school Mary usually watches TV on Sunday 第三人称单数形式 当然加咯

平凭13316307372问: be+过去分词+to do 的结构 -
丰台区甘思回答: be加过去分词表示被动,动词不定式to do用来表示目的

平凭13316307372问: he used to - ----(play)basketball,but heusually plays football now -
丰台区甘思回答: 动词短语”sued to“主要有如下两种重要的用法: 1.used to是一个固定结构,它的意思是“过去经常、以前常常”,它的后面用动词原形,即:主语+used to+动词原形.它表示过去存在某种状态或者过去的某种经常性、习惯性的行为或者动作...

平凭13316307372问: 问be+adj+doing还是to还是do? -
丰台区甘思回答: 您好..这个不是统一的 具体来说to do 比较多见 也就是动词不定式 所以你说的后面两个其实就是指一种落... be+adj+doing相对来说是比较少见的 例如你举的busy后面就是加doing 而glad后接to do 所以一般你看到这种结构都考虑to do就可以了哦 而be+adj+doing只是少数的形容词会有这种用法 需要单独去记 不多 比较容易的 祝您学得开心....

平凭13316307372问: 情态动词和一般现在时的用法 -
丰台区甘思回答:[答案] 一、一般现在时 1)是动词与人称的搭配:I+am,we/you/they/名词复数+are,he/she/it/名词单数+is 例:I am from China.The studys are tall.My sister is Amy. 2)表示经常发生的动作或存在状态,长于always,usually,often,sometimes,every day,every week,...

平凭13316307372问: be+ 形容词+ to+ do+ sth 造3句. -
丰台区甘思回答:[答案] I am sorry to hear that. it is happyto help others He is the first one to win the prize in china .

平凭13316307372问: 有be+adj.+to+doing的句型吗如果有,是不是所有的形容词都可以这样用? -
丰台区甘思回答:[答案] 有这样的句型,如be used to doing意为:习惯做某事.但不是所有的都这样用,一般的都是be +adj+to do.注意积累就行了.

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