
作者&投稿:劳宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

化之为诗,也就自然成了“求之不得,寤寐思服;悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧”的惶惶口吻,如其中的《月啊,你用悲哀的步伐》(With How Sad Steps, O Moon):With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb\\'st the skies!How silently, and with how wan a face!What, may it be that e\\'...

1)whether和if常用来引导宾语从句,这时两者的含义区别很小,一般可通用。例如:①I don't know whether\/if they will come to help us. 我不知道他们是否来帮助我们。但是,当whether与or not连成一个词组时,whether不可换用if。此外,还有三种情况值得注意:(1)在介词后面只能用whether,不能用if...


在现今商业背景下,必要的电话礼节已经变得更加重要。我们许多商务沟通都是通过电话实现的,它发生在办公室,家中,车内以及任何其它地方。 在不同地区,适当的电话技巧能够建立或打破交易及关系。下面的几项准则将告诉你如何有效地使用电话:第一,问候。当接听商务电话时,确保告知对方你的身份和你所代表...

在一个英语句子里,怎样分辨 宾语,状语,谓语,定语,表语等
1、主语 主语(subject)是句子叙述的主体,一般置于句首,可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词和主语从句等来承担。主语是句子陈述的对象,说明是谁或是什么。表示句子说的是"什么人"、“什么事”、“什么东西”、“什么地方”等等。例如:The plane has just taken off at the ...

A。句意: 除非你立即走,否则你会迟到的。该句可转化为If you don’t leave immediately, you will be late. B、D项后句意不对,or表转折,若用or则句子应为: Leave immediately or you will be late. 再如: He is to e unless高考资源网 he has some urgent business. = He issure to e ...

As we have a large population here, if the goods are sold well, we are sure to place regular orders with you.收到贵方2000年12月3日函及所附价目单和产品目录。我方看中其中的一种产品,现将其图片寄还。请祥报该产品的价格、付款方式及装运条件。希望得到贵方最合理的报价。我国人口众多,如果销路好...

If given a chance, I am sure I can prove my worth in your company. I am available during the weekdays in the morning for an interview. Please find my resume enclosed. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, xx 英文求职信 篇2 dear leaders: hello! when you open the ...

And he wasn't quite sure if he had done the right thing by helping Jim at first. "Here was this nigger, which I had as good as helped to fun away, coming right out flat-footed and saying he would steal his children- children that belonged to a man I didn't even know; a man ...

在英语中主要的情态动词有can (could), may (might), must, have to, need , ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) 。情态动词的特征:(1)情态动词本身有词义,但词义不完成,因此不能单独作谓语,只能和其他的动词原形一起构成谓语。(2)情态动词后接的动词不定式一律不...

舒采15975456705问: be not sure后面跟if还是whether -
台州市阿乐回答: be not sure if 比较口语化,be not sure whether 属于书面语.不过不管口语还是书面语,只能讲 whether or not,不能说 if or not.

舒采15975456705问: 英语语法 I'm sure(that)和I'm not sure if/whether... -
台州市阿乐回答: I'm sure that you're very handsome!中文释义为“我确定你非常英俊”I'm sure意为“我确定...”或为“我坚信”.that引导后面的从句. I'm not sure意思相反. sure 是形容词,意为“肯定的,当然的”.常用来回答一般疑问句,等于 Yes...

舒采15975456705问: be sure ( that ) + 句子 确信…… ; 肯定…… be not sure if/whether + 句子 不确定……是否……1.Will everyone in the world use the Internet in the future 2.Are ... -
台州市阿乐回答:[答案] I am sure (that) everyone in the world will use the Internet in the future.I am not sure if/whether everyone in the world will use the Internet in the future.I am sure (that) there some good movi...

舒采15975456705问: whether与if用法有何区别 -
台州市阿乐回答: 两者在表示“是否”时的用法区别如下: 1. 互换的场合 引导宾语从句表示“是否”时, 两者常可互换.如: He didn't tell me if / whether he would come to my birthday next week. 注:若是引导条件状语从句,则只能用 if (意为“如果”). 2. ...

舒采15975456705问: 英语问题:求be sure用法? -
台州市阿乐回答: sb. be sure to do 说话人认为sb.一定会做某事 sb. be sure of / about sth. 说话人认为sb.确认,知道某事 sb. be sure that+从句 sb.认为某事(即that后面的句子)一定会发生 记住没有it is sure to do / that / of / about

舒采15975456705问: 关于if与whether引导的从句,请详细说明其用法. -
台州市阿乐回答: 一、if或whether引导宾语从句时,作“是否”讲,常放在动词ask 、see 、say 、know和find out等后面.一般情况下,两者常可换用,在口语中多用if.如: 二、if或whether引导宾语从句时,要注意三个方面,即连词、语序和时态. 1 if或...

舒采15975456705问: make sure后跟if 还是 whether -
台州市阿乐回答: 都对! 1链接地址里的问题与你相同,答案也是都对 2whether与if的区别中不包括前面是make sure这一项!(具体包括哪几项你可以看看下面的文字) 这是还为你准备了比较全面的关于whether与if区别的资料,这里我已详细地整理了.表面上内...

舒采15975456705问: be sure……if…….if后面加的句子什么时态? -
台州市阿乐回答: 加一般现在时.因为前面用be sure...是现在时祈使句,后面的if(如果...)后面不管是一般现在时还是将来时都用一般现在时表示.如:Be sure not to forget to take an umbrella if you go out tomorrow.Be sure to tell me what are feeling if you don't like being here.以上仅为个人看法.

舒采15975456705问: 英语 if whether -
台州市阿乐回答: whether和if的用法区别 1)whether和if常用来引导宾语从句,这时两者的含义区别很小,一般可通用.例如: ①I don't know whether/if they will come to help us. 我不知道他们是否来帮助我们. ②I am not sure whether/if I'll have time to go with you. ...

舒采15975456705问: 造句,be sure和be not sure if/whether各二句. -
台州市阿乐回答: I am sure that he will come to our party.I am sure that you will success.I am not sure whether he will come to our party.\ I am not sure whether you will success.

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