
作者&投稿:司马邱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

好听日文动漫歌曲 多多的哦
BLAZEheart-shaped chantLevel Hi!without nanLove Trippin'Promise you Instrumeひとつだけ誓えるなら迷宫バタフライ星空と月と花火の下灼眼的夏娜:BEING赤い涙绯色の空红の静寂其他的:尘ぇ钢鸟之诗[air OP]BLUE_BIRDKey To My Heart[宿命传说2]Last Regrets[雪の少女 OP]Metamorphose Asriel [...

水树奈奈Heart-shaped chant的罗马音
楼上的答案错的一塌糊涂...= =错误多的数不过来呀...Heart-shaped chant a fu re ru o mo i wa shi dsu ka ni ho ho e mi ta ta e ru o i ka ke ta ne ga i wa ka ze no na ka ni …bo ku wo yo bu ko e i tsu mo to o na ji ka wa ra na i e ga o de ...

Wrinkled 起皱纹的Double-faced 两面派的Well-Shaped 好看的 Wrinkled\/Furrowe有皱纹的Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 ...

在xy平面内满足 y 大于x的2次方 或 y大于0 的是 A.一个圆 B.一个矩形 C.平面区间附近的一条抛物线 D.平面内一个新月型的区域 E.x轴上方一半的平面(要是懂数学应该能理解,我也说不好)翻译应该是这样吧..题真的很简单,不过我数学一窍不通..- - y大于0应该就是x轴上面吧 ...

I-shaped suspension shaft的意思
I-shaped suspension shaft 英 [aɪ ʃeɪpt səˈspenʃn ʃɑːft] 美 [aɪ ʃeɪpt səˈspenʃn ʃæft]工字悬挂轴

有谁知道Bill Gates的名言?英文的!急!急!
Bill Gates' 11 Rules 比尔.盖茨的11条准则 In Bill Gates' Book for high school and college graduates, there is a list of 11 things they did not learn in school. In his book, Bill Gates talks about how feelgood, politically-correct teachings created a full generation of kids ...

英语翻译 在线等
This is a large, we can see that it is a bear-shaped figures Bao heat because he's very tall, so he maintain the heat, of course, a very long time, this often referred to at home or Schools, the Office of the activity. Can also buses or subway use.This is a small,...

delicious.Many visitors e here to enjoy it.There are many good places to visit.There is a park and a big Shopping Mall.You can see films in Renmin Theatre.My school is one of the best schools in my hometown.It is on Changjiang Road.It is very beautiful.I hope you can e and visit...


Animelo Summer Live下载 最好05年到10年的都有 给个有用地址即可_百度...

主雅13744682273问: shape的用法 -
潍坊市健择回答: 1、shape的基本意思是指物品的“外形,形状,样子”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词. 2、shape在口语中可表示“人或事物的情况,状况,状态”,用作不可数名词.3、shape有时还可表示“模制的水果冻”,既可用作可数名...

主雅13744682273问: 动词be与不同的副词连用有不同意义,学习如下搭配,然后用正确的be+副词短语填空 -
潍坊市健择回答: 如果是动词介词搭配,其后必须接一个介词宾语;如果是动词副词搭配,后面什么都不需要接.如:1. 动词介词搭配:please think about it. 其中about 为介词.2. 动词副词搭配:he stood up and went out. 其中up 和out 为副词.

主雅13744682273问: 英文短句造句 -
潍坊市健择回答: 1.break into 2.take turns 3.take a shower 4.take charge of 5.take part in 6.take away 7.look around 8.come from 9.come out of... 10.come out 11.ask for over for... 14.think about 15.think of 16.fall down 17.fall sleep 18.find out 19.clean ...

主雅13744682273问: 用“be divded into”造句 -
潍坊市健择回答: We are divided into three groups by our Maths teacher.

主雅13744682273问: 含be divided into的句子 三句 -
潍坊市健择回答: The small house is divided into three areas: living room, kitchen and bedroom. The money will be divided into 3 equal parts to be shared by his 3 children. The newspaper is divided into 3 sections: news, entertinment and sports

主雅13744682273问: 请问be fooled into doing和fool sb into doing分别是什么意思?不要用翻译器! -
潍坊市健择回答: 前者: be fooled into doing sth. 被愚弄(骗着)去做某事 后者:fool sb into doing sth. 愚弄(骗)别人去做某事 区别:被愚弄的对象不一样,前者是被愚弄的是be之前的主语,后者愚弄的是那个sb.

主雅13744682273问: shape中文是什么 -
潍坊市健择回答: “shape”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[] 英音:[] 名词 n.1. 形状;样子,外形[C][U] The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状.2. (表现)形式;体现,具体化[U][C] The writer's dreams find a ...

主雅13744682273问: be introduced to/into什么意思 -
潍坊市健择回答: be introduced to/into 被介绍给(到) 双语对照例句: 1. Printing was introduced into japan during this period. 印刷术传入日本也是在这个时期.2. Blue catfish were introduced into virginia in 1974. 蓝鲶是在1974年引入的弗吉尼亚.

主雅13744682273问: be devided into与be separated from的区别 -
潍坊市健择回答: 举个形象的例子,一个橘子分成若干部分,用devide,一堆橘子,两种颜色,橙色和绿色,把橙色和绿色分开成两堆,用separate.

主雅13744682273问: she was about to walk into the elevator -
潍坊市健择回答: be about to do 表示即将做某事

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