
作者&投稿:答凭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一个翻译题 这里的shamefu 和 ashmaed 能互换吗?用法是怎样的?_百度知 ...
shameful 形容词,形容“可耻的;不体面的;不道德的”行为或人,(修饰令人感到丢脸的人或事物)。ashamed 过去分词转化的形容词,形容“(人主观)感觉到惭愧的,感到难为情的,(修饰人自己感到丢脸的)consider cheating at exams shameful 认为考试作弊是丢脸的事情(修饰事物)the most shameful thing...

game[geim],玩耍,运动会 shame[6eim]n.耻辱,羞耻 on time[]按时,准时 life-time['laif'taim]n.一生,终身 meantime['mi:n'taim]n.某时,其间 ad.当时 welcome['welk2m]n.,vt,int.欢迎,迎接 income['ink3m]n.收入,所得 handsome['h9nds2m]a.气派堂皇的;大方的 lane[lein]n.行车道,小巷,狭...

fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on you 是什么意思_百...
意思是“愚我一次,其错在人;愚我两次,其错在我。”。是说被骗一次是别人的错,但被骗第二次就不该了。fool 英 [fuːl] 美 [fuːl]n.蠢人;傻瓜;(旧时国王或王后豢养供人娱乐的)小丑,弄臣;奶油果泥,蛋奶果泥(甜食)。v.欺骗;愚弄;说蠢话,干傻事(常为逗乐)。adj.傻的;愚蠢...

帮忙把文字翻译成英文,谢谢啦 ,急!!!
Qin Shi Huang (B.C. in 33 dispatches the high-ranking officer in the army Meng Tian north to chase Xiongnu for 214 years) , the west gets Lin Tao county (now Gansu Province Min county) , Dong Zhi county East Liaoning builds Great Wall in ten thousand Yu Li , to prevent...

HHIS Hanging head in shame HIG How's it going HT Hi there HTH Hope this helps HUB Head up butt IAC In any case IAE In any event IANAL I am not a lawyer (but) IC I see IGP I gotta pee IHA I hate acronyms IHU I hear you IIRC If I recall\/remember\/recollect correctly ILU or ...

fu-re-a-u-shi-se-n-de-tsu-ta-wa-ru-ka-ra su-pi-i-do-wo-a-ge-ta-ku-na-ru ah bo-ku-ta-chi-wa-na-ze ko-ta-e-mo-to-me-te ha-shi-ri-tsu-zu-ke-ru 「ko-e-ta-i-hi-to-ga...」「」「i-ma-su-gu」「i-ma-ka-ra」「...

你可以利用零碎的时间背单词。就我个人而言,尝试过各种各样的方法去背单词 ,却往往效果甚微,其中花大量时间去背单词是最得不偿失的。而在零碎的时间,花上几分钟去背的效果和你花上大量时间的效果往往差不多。你要记住利用循环法去背单词。不要以为记住了一个单词就代表你永远记住了,要在一定的...

Today's complex today, today, Qi-less.Today, not as a matter of when.A few hundred years of life today, today, is not a shame.No matter if it be made to the Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty another matter.Fu King and chat today, poetry, work from the start ...

羿林13095328663问: be shameful for sth还是be shameful on sth -
户县卡培回答: 语法上be shameful for sth是可以用的,比如: I am shameful for all the things I did. I am shameful for lying to you. 这种情况下shameful相当于sorry 生活中一般不这么说,形容词后面都是跟人,事物一般都放在前面,比如: be adj. for sb. It is good ...

羿林13095328663问: be+形容词+of的成语 -
户县卡培回答: 1. beafraidof 意为"害怕",其 后接名词或代词.例如: Areyouafraidoftigers? 你害怕老虎吗? XiaoWangisafraidofher. 小王害怕她. 注意:"beafraidof"后可接动 词的一ing 形式.此时的"beafraidof doingsth."则意为"担心(害怕)会 发生某...

羿林13095328663问: be +形容词为什么要再加of 有没有一些例句 -
户县卡培回答:[答案] it is +adj of sb to sth 此结构中,形容词多是【修饰sb】,表明【人所具有的品质、特点】.常用的形容词有nice,kind,fine,honest,true,good,friendly,enthusiastic,warm-hearted,/bad,cruel,cold-blooded等.例如:It's...

羿林13095328663问: ashamed与shameful区别 -
户县卡培回答: 楼主你好, 此句应用ashamed.一般来说,ashamed是指人感情上感到惭愧、内疚,强调“feel",不修饰名词; 而shameful多用来修饰行为的可耻. 例:ashamed:He ought to be ashamed of himself. shameful:It's a shameful behavior/secret. shameful:It's a shameful secret/behavior.

羿林13095328663问: 初中阶段 be+形容词+介词 的短语!初中阶段!!!!!! -
户县卡培回答: be angry with7a64e58685e5aeb931333332396232对(某人)发脾气 be anxious about 为......担忧 be afraid of害怕 be amazed at对......感到惊讶 be careful bout 当心 different from 与.....不同 be excited about对......感到兴奋 be filled ...

羿林13095328663问: be shameful for sth还是be shameful on sth
户县卡培回答: be shameful on sth(对某事是可耻的)都可以吧!

羿林13095328663问: be+形容词+for与be+形容词+of的区别请问“be+形容词+for”与“be+形容词+of”的区别中哪儿,前者注重强调什么,后者注重强调什么? -
户县卡培回答:[答案] 指特征和品行用of.for example it is very nice.kind of you.

羿林13095328663问: of 加抽象名词啥意思be+of+抽象名词是什么意思 举例解释加说明 -
户县卡培回答:[答案] "(be)+of+名词"结构中的名词是抽象名词时,相当于其中名词所对应的形容词的意思,说明被修饰词具有某种特征或属性. 常用的名词有use/importance/help/value/interest/quality/service/benefit/necessity等. 例如:I don't want to hear what you are ...

羿林13095328663问: be+of+形容词的语法 -
户县卡培回答:[答案] be+of 结构 篮球迷们可以先看这个句子 "Once you get comfortable in this offense … it's more of an instinctual type of offense.You start getting better at it." “一旦你真的领会三角进攻,进攻就成为了你的本能.你也会开始变好” 其中有个be+of结构 ...

羿林13095328663问: "(be)+of+名词"的用法(请用例子简明说明)"(be)+o
户县卡培回答: of介词短语在句中作表语,of的含义有六种,现分述如下: 一、“be of+抽象名词”,这时的of短语相当于这个名词的同根形容词,作为表语表示主语的性质或特征.of的意...

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