
作者&投稿:宗政英 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

请问satisfy 的后缀是-ify吗,为什么?求大神指点,多谢。
不是……satisfy这个词的发展过程比大多数英语动词都简单。首先它最早发源自拉丁语satisfacere satisfacere(满意) = satis(足够) + facere(可用的) 直白理解就是“够我用的”后来先是被法语吸纳为法语单词 satisfier。再后来在英法百年战争时期越过英吉利海峡传入英格兰南部,然后渐渐演化在维多利亚时期确定...

E-mail is a convenient,highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that well—— to human need.A. adheres B.satisfies 我选B,翻译:电子邮件是一种方便的、非常大众化的、日常用来传达人们需要的信息的媒介;在这里,that从句是修饰messages的!大多数时候肯定常用satisfy,尽管主要是...

31、你什么也舍不舍牺牲,结果你什么也得不到,由于你一心追逐你的欲念,结果你是永远也不能够满足你的欲念的。What you give up give up sacrifice as well, and as a result, you get nothing, because you chase your desire in my heart, the result is you can never satisfy your desires。 32、问题...

E 动词:eat 吃 encourage鼓励 end结束 enjoy 喜欢 enter 进入 examine检查 exchange改变 expect盼望 express 表现 explain 解释 escape逃离 名词: east东放 energy 能量 example例子 exercise 练习 experience 经历,经验 excuse借口 形容词:easy 容易的 embarrassed尬尴的 embarrassing令人尬尴的 empty空的 expensive 贵的 ...

应该是一首日语歌,很抒情很简单,歌词好像有please wait for me,一直...
There is no regrets,satisfy my curiosities我毫无一丝后悔 为了满足好奇心There is a new world waiting,explore my possibilities新的世界正等候着 我需寻找自己的可能性There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities这都没有任何保证 只是让自己的能力不断提升There is a choice to make,setting the right...

Should be to let the students have a good class, there is a lesson to satisfy, there is a kind of want to stay after class. 24、学习知识要善于思考、思考、再思考,我就是靠这个学习方法成为科学家的。 Learning knowledge to be good at thinking, thinking and thinking, I was by the method ...

哪个高人来帮哈我!关于电影《Once》的插曲If you want me的吉他谱...

Enough 的用法?
adj.足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的 n.充足, 足够, 很多 adv.足够地, 充分地 int.够了!enough e.nough adj.(形容词)Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate:充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的:enough work to keep us all busy.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够多...

eclipse装ADT的时候,出现如下错误,请问有谁知道怎么解决的吗?_百度知 ...
大意是 Visual Editor 这个feature依赖的icu包,和ADT依赖的,不是一个版本,不同的版本不能并存。尝试,1,能否升级Visual Editor ,或许update后依赖的icu包版本就一致了 或者,2,删除这个feature:Visual Editor。或者,3,换一个更新的eclipse版本,如果有 ...

1.Yet some can be patriotic e. --Henry James 我认为爱国主义就如慈善——它是从家庭里开始的。 ——亨利·詹姆斯 7.patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you bustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. ...

芷盾13650868856问: be satisfied at和be satisfied with区别? -
莘县力美回答: be satisfied at sb be satisfied with sth

芷盾13650868856问: be satisfied at和be satisfied with be pleased at和be pleased with 的区别是什么? -
莘县力美回答: be satisfied at 对……满意(at接的是比较小的点,在一个点) be satisfied with 对……满意,with表伴随 be pleased at 对……感到高兴 be pleased with 对……感到满足 希望对你有帮助哦~

芷盾13650868856问: 求be satisfied with的用法.一定是跟人吗?如果是对事感到满意呢?请将它延伸的各种用法都说一下好吗? -
莘县力美回答:[答案] be satisfied with sb.He is satisfied with me.对某人感到满意 be satisfied at sth.He is satisfied at the news.因某事而高兴

芷盾13650868856问: be content with 与be satisfied with 的区别 -
莘县力美回答: be satisfied with 与 be content with,意思基本相同,常常可以交换使用,但有一些细微差别.satisfied往往指要求或希望完全得到满足例如:Are you satisfied with the new arrangement?而content则不一定要求或希望完全得到满足,自己认可就...

芷盾13650868856问: be 加形容词加at或with的常用短语有哪些 -
莘县力美回答: be content with满足于 be delighted with因……感到高兴 be amazed at 对什么惊奇=be surprised at be angry with sb. 对某人生气 be satisfied with 对什么满意 be angry at sth. 因某事生气 be excited with./at对某某感到兴奋 be good at擅长于 be familiar with sth. 对……熟悉

芷盾13650868856问: 章师,be+形容词+介词+宾语 介词和宾语的语法结构是什么呢 -
莘县力美回答: 这个有两种理解的方法: 1 把be satisfied with当成一个动作 -- “对,,,满意”.那么它就是谓语,后面“many answers given by...”就是宾语. 2 把be satisfied当系语+表语 -- “我是满意的”. with 谁谁 就一起当状语了,起一个对“满意的”做一个限定的作用.这里没有标准答案的,比较模糊.看你自己的理解吧

芷盾13650868856问: be satisfied后面加什么?
莘县力美回答: be satisfied to do 是做某事很满足 be satisfied with 对某事感到满意 如果我的回答对你有帮助,请及时选为满意答案,谢谢~~

芷盾13650868856问: be satisfied that是什么词
莘县力美回答: 动词短语,本质是动词

芷盾13650868856问: be satisfied with sth还是about sth? -
莘县力美回答: be satisfied with sth 对某物满意 ,或者 be satisfied with sb 对某人满意 例如:I'm very satisfied with your performance.

芷盾13650868856问: be satisfied 后面可以接什么介词 -
莘县力美回答: be satisfied with 对什么满意 be satisfied by 被认为满意

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