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qualify用于比较正规、严肃的表述,而entitle用法宽泛,书面、口语均可。、2.核心含义不同。qualify强调“资格、资力、资质”,而entitle则强调应该有某种“权利、权益”。 例如,一个人有了某种学位,他就qualified to be an engineer,但不能说他就entitled to be an engineer.相反,如果一个人工龄...

1、Cover Letter 一般应包括你的姓名、地址、电话、E-MAIL及非常简单地陈述你的背景,要申请的Position及罗列你在申请中所包括的材料。 2、Curriculum Vita 你的学术简历必须非常详细,重点突出研究生以后的经历,你所参加的学术会议,研究项目,论文及学术报告等等,你可能还需要列出你的推荐人的名字, 职...

u开头的单词如下所示:ubiquitous adj. 无所不在的,普通的 udder n. 乳房 UFO n.unidentified flying object 不明飞行物 ugliest a. 最丑的,最丑恶的 ugliness n. 丑陋 ugly adj.难看的 uk 联合王国 ukase n. 敕令,法令,布告 ukulele n. 夏威夷的四弦琴 ulcer ...

I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss this position with you and how I can make a contribution to Peter Kiewit Sons Co. I can be reached at (204) 287-1313 or by e-mail…. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Enclosure 英文求职信 篇5 Dear Sir\/Mad...

I think all these exprience and my responsibility, creating thinking and passion would make me qualify for this job. And what's more, my laptop computer is HP, so I have a better way to recgonize HP. I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a HP man. ...

E. jettison (这个题居然又是同时出现了jettison和qualify,手动再捂脸)05 GRE填空|靠谱指数:⭐⭐⭐等价题选项如果只有一对同义词的话,基本上就选择那对同义词‼️例外情况:有些题目的答案虽然不算同义词,但是算广义上的近义词,但这种题很少。举个例子 奇技淫...

以-ee结尾的英语词汇重音总是落在末音节上,若追溯它的同源词(cognate),我们可以看到-ee这一后缀源于Middle English的-e,而-e又来源于Middle French的-é,若再追本溯源,乃是来自于Old French的-é。再考察以-ette后缀结尾的词汇,-ette后缀也是经历了从Old French到Middle French再到Middle English这一相似的演变...

一般来说,六级词汇量5500左右,托福词汇量8000-10000左右 GRE的词汇量要求是12000以上,且要求熟悉常考含义以及一词多义。下面我用2个例题讲下一些仅仅出现在GRE考试中的词汇的特殊考法。1、The physics graveyard is strewn with the skeletons of failed theories, unexplained effects, and anomalous ...

The elite of professional snooker is generally regarded at the "Top 16" ranking players,[26] who are not required to pre-qualify for any of the tournaments.[27]The most important event in professional snooker is the World Championship,[28] held annually since 1927 (except during the Second ...

(E) Present findings that qualify them18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that an important difference among strains of rats is the(A) size of their livers(B) constitution of their skin(C) strength of their immune-response reactions(D) sensitivity of their ...

骆德19327679131问: be qualified as和be qualified for的区别 -
七台河市复方回答: be qualified to do qualified for sth. 除了用法的不同,意思上没有区别. 例如:She is qualified to do the job. 她能胜任这一工作. 也可说成She is qualified for the job. 她能胜任这一工作.

骆德19327679131问: qualify 和qualified(as,for ,to)qualify 和be qualified 后面都能加as,for,to 那么六种情况有什么区别呢? -
七台河市复方回答:[答案] qualify 后面可以接 as / for ,qualified可以接 for 和to do sth.

骆德19327679131问: be qualified后用什么介词 -
七台河市复方回答: 用for 例如:我胜任这份工作 . I am qualified for the job. I am qualified for teaching mathematics at high school.虽然be qualified后面可用to,不过这个to不是介词,而是不定词 例如:He's qualified to teach biology at high school level. 介词后面的动词要加 ing

骆德19327679131问: be qualified in是什么意思 -
七台河市复方回答: be qualified in 在...方面合格 双语对照 例句:1.This general statement needs, however, to be qualified in two respects. 但是,这个一般的说明须有两点保留.2.Its key managers and personnel must be qualified to deal in securities. 主要管理...

骆德19327679131问: 倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as表示什么 -
七台河市复方回答: A+be+倍数+as+形容词或副词原级+as+B表示A是B的几倍,如: Dada is 3 times as tall as Xiaoxiao. Dada是Xiaoxiao身高的三倍

骆德19327679131问: be qualified后用什么介词?
七台河市复方回答: be qualified to 有资格做某事,有能力信任某工作 He is qualified to the work. 他有能力来完成这工作.

骆德19327679131问: qualified in是什么意思
七台河市复方回答: qualified in是什么意思 中文翻译手机版 胜任,合适 qualified: adj. 1.有资格的,胜任的,适当的;经过检定的,得到 ... in: In =【化学】 indium (铟). 例句与用法 1. One partner may be qualified in production, another in selling . 某一个合伙人可能...

骆德19327679131问: be qualified to意思 -
七台河市复方回答: be qualified to翻译成英文是:能胜任… be qualified to 英[bi: ˈkwɔləˌfaɪd tu:] 美[bi ˈkwɑləˌfaɪd tu] [词典] 有资格;能胜任… [例句]Robotics engineering students will also be qualified to work in almost any area of embedded system development. 机器人技术工程学专业的学生同样将胜任任何一个嵌入式系统开发领域的工作.

骆德19327679131问: the+reasons+why+i'm+qualified+are+as+follow是什么意思? -
七台河市复方回答: The reasons why I'm qualified are as follows. 这是一个主从复合句,why I'm qualified是定语从句,修饰the reasons, 可译成:我合格的理由.are as follows. 如下.全句可以译成:我合格的理由如下.

骆德19327679131问: 英语翻译就他的能力而言,我坚信他将胜任这个工作(as fas as… is concerned; sure; can be qualified for)我写这封信是为了推荐我的学生李明.他主修英语.... -
七台河市复方回答:[答案] As far as his capability is concerned, I am sure that he can be qualified for the job.I am writing this letter to recommend my student Li Ming. He is major in English and a good student.Nowadays, ther...

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