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busi http:\/\/\/ wtn-de http:\/\/\/tradedi\/index.html evresi http:\/\/\/ hellas-on-business http:\/\/\/direct\/ world-trade http:\/\/ ssrholland http:\/\/\/ http:\/\/\/ ...

电脑蓝屏重启,共享\/冲突 列表
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Paper Exception
then whether you can have any exemption really depends on what kind of courses you had taken when you obtain your degree. In case of the University of Hong Kong there are several course can gain ACCA paper exemption (following are just example) < INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING (BUSI...

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甫骨18693487484问: to be in business和to do business和to be on business有什么区别? -
金堂县补金回答: 1是”经商“相当名词短语,问的是职业;2是 ”做生意“,动词短语;3是” 出差“的意思,和前面两个很好区别. 望采纳0.0

甫骨18693487484问: on duty和on business的用法是?他们前面一定要加be吗? -
金堂县补金回答:[答案] 是的 因为on duty和on business是状语 所以前面加be表示主语正处于...状态

甫骨18693487484问: be+in+company+with是什么意思 -
金堂县补金回答: join是"加入"的意思,后常接“某组织、团体、俱乐部等” 例如:入党(join the Party) 参军(join the army) 而"join in"是"参加"的意思,常用于:join sb in +活动名称 如:join us in the games 当join和join in当“参加”讲时, join表示参加某一团体...

甫骨18693487484问: be on a business trip是出差的意思 -
金堂县补金回答: 嗨,你问对人了,这词是可翻译成《在商务旅行>>, 《在商务旅行 》也就是和出差的意思差不多!现在你明白了吧

甫骨18693487484问: be on a business trip是什么意思 -
金堂县补金回答: be on a business trip 出差 例句 1.He informed me that he would be on a business trip the next week. 他告诉我他下个星期出差. 2.well, to be honest, nothing is more stressful than going on a business trip with our boss. 嗯,坦白说,没什么事比跟...

甫骨18693487484问: be on a business trip在一般将来时的用法 -
金堂县补金回答: He will be on a business trip.

甫骨18693487484问: 有别的be +adj+doing形式的词组吗? -
金堂县补金回答: 有太多. be careful walking on ice. be careless solving the math pro blem be helpful making the task easy 之所以形容词后加动名因中间可省略连词或介词,如这里的when,in 等等.

甫骨18693487484问: be+形容词+in/on/at/of/for有什么区别 -
金堂县补金回答: 呵呵,这个根据中间的这个形容词的不同而不同,比如be good at ;be different with................

甫骨18693487484问: to be in business和to do business和to be on busines -
金堂县补金回答: in business 是准备就绪 on business 是出差 do business 是做买卖,做生意具体的意思要看整个句子,光凭以上我说的去翻译也不行.

甫骨18693487484问: be busy+in还是on还是at还是不加 -
金堂县补金回答: 你好!你是问be busy doing sth.吗?be busy后如果直接加名词的话用with连接 希望对你有所帮助,望采纳.

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