
作者&投稿:宰贱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

line 英[lain] 美[laɪn]n.1.线条, 线, 绳 2.界线, 边线 3.方向, 路线 4.条纹, 皱纹 5.线路, 电话线 6.排, 行 7.家系, 家族 8.铁路线, 航线, 运输线 9.(文字的)行 10.界线;(尤指运动场地的)场地线,场界 11.边线;轮廓线;形体;形状 12.生产线;流水线 13.一...

你必须排队等候(stand in line)如何翻译?
stand in a line[英][st?nd in ? lain][美][st?nd ?n e la?n] 排队; in a line[英][in ei lain][美][?n e la?n] 一字儿; 例句: 1. Flickr is the latest in a line of social media to be harnessed by buckingham palace. 在flickr上开帐户是英国王室利用社交媒介的又一...

Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No error (errno 0) in_百度...
Warning 在PHP里属于比较轻的错误提示,通常不会严重影响程序的正常运行。Warning: chdir() 这个警告提示No error,那么可能是对于chdir() 这个函数,服务器端权限安全设置导致的。Warning: Cannot modify header information 这种警告在PHP里比较常见,原因也有多样,解决办法:1. 检查有<?php ... ?> ...

L-O-N-E-L-Y 歌词
Now I'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What I see is how I feel so leave me alone I am lonely lonely lonely I am lonely lonely in my life I am lonely lonely lonely God help me help me to ...

on line是什么意思?急需( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!
on line是 在线 联机的意思 几个例句 Not all on-line shopping is done in virtual stores.并非所有的线上交易都透过虚拟商店来完成。-- Getting the Most from On-Line Shopping 大家e起来上网购物??电子商务 -- Practically anything can be bought on-line and, provided the appropriate caution...

月光宝盒E5860是一款集专业录音与便捷功能于一体的音频设备。它特别设计有line in录音接口,配合外接麦克风,为用户提供高品质的录音体验,无论是上课笔记还是会议记录,都能确保清晰无误。密码卫士功能让文件安全无忧,不再为数据泄露而担忧。快速闪充技术,仅需5分钟充电就能提供约3小时的使用时间,解决...

stand in a line 和 in a line 有什么区别吗
stand in a line[英][stænd in ə lain][美][stænd ɪn e laɪn]排队;in a line[英][in ei lain][美][ɪn e laɪn]一字儿;例句:1.Flickr is the latest in a line of social media to be harnessed by buckingham palace.在flickr上开...

stand in a line是什么意思
stand in a line[英][stænd in ə lain][美][stænd ɪn e laɪn]排队;in a line[英][in ei lain][美][ɪn e laɪn]一字儿;例句:1.Flickr is the latest in a line of social media to be harnessed by buckingham palace.在flickr上开...


On the one hand, I study assiduously, seriously Treasury study, each semester are with excellent grades completed provides subject learning, I also used the spare time I earnestly study teaching method, teaching experiences of China and foreign countries for reference, to explore a is in line ...

涂荀13753746050问: be in line with是什么意思 -
石峰区氯普回答: be in line with 与…一致;和…符合 网络释义 和…一致 短语 be brought in line with 与国际接轨 be in line with reality 符合实际 be in line with international 与世界接轨 更多网络短语 同近义词 与…一致;和…符合 accord with / jibe with 双语例句 原声...

涂荀13753746050问: 英语:be lined with 与 in line with -
石峰区氯普回答: be lined with的意思是:衬有;镶有;内衬 in line with的意思是:(与…)一致;(与…)相符;(与…)成一直线 词汇解析:1、be lined with 英文发音:[bi laɪnd wɪð] 中文释义:衬有;镶有;内衬 例句:All the cases must be lined with ...

涂荀13753746050问: be in line with是什么意思 -
石峰区氯普回答:[答案] be in line with[英][bi: in lain wið][美][bi ɪn laɪn wɪð][法]符合; 例句:1.The lower quarter-on-quarter growth figure would be in line with otherindicators that show exports an...

涂荀13753746050问: be in line with是什么意思 -
石峰区氯普回答: be in line with跟…一致, 符合如:The new proposal is in line with our general line.新建议和我们总的原则是一致的.

涂荀13753746050问: 求解此句成分be in line with 不当成词组怎么理解此句翻译? -
石峰区氯普回答: 翻译:他的行为和他的信仰是相违背的.be in line with,line本意指线,这里可以看成 和...在一条线上,即A与B相符合.

涂荀13753746050问: Be in line with和correspond to在表示与...相符时是不是一样的 -
石峰区氯普回答: 不太一样的,correspond to主要是“对应于”的意思,Be in line with是“与.....相符”的意思.

涂荀13753746050问: in line with 什么意思? -
石峰区氯普回答: in line with1.和…成直线,与…一致,按照 in line with 和…成直线,与…一致,按照 2.跟…一致;符合 in line with 跟…一致;符合 In line with1.与……相一致 In line with 与……相一致

涂荀13753746050问: be+in+company+with是什么意思 -
石峰区氯普回答: join是"加入"的意思,后常接“某组织、团体、俱乐部等” 例如:入党(join the Party) 参军(join the army) 而"join in"是"参加"的意思,常用于:join sb in +活动名称 如:join us in the games 当join和join in当“参加”讲时, join表示参加某一团体...

涂荀13753746050问: bring sth in line with什么意思?
石峰区氯普回答: 使A与B接轨 例句: To bring China's economy more in line with international practice 使中国经济与国际接轨

涂荀13753746050问: be+形容词+in/of/with/about/from/off/for等的整理
石峰区氯普回答: be different/away from be full/careful/envious/jealous/short/sure/typical of be abundant/rich in be angry/busy/certain/familiar/satisfied/strict with be clear about be famous/late/ready for

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