
作者&投稿:梁风 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

October 1 the Bundestag, held a vote, the proposal by 256 votes in favor and four abstentions, 235 votes against it, was adopted. This is the Federal Republic of Germany and only time since the founding of the Federal Parliament by a serving prime minister removed from office. Yi Gu case...

There has been able to do since the private sector can not light Zi Wuchanfuwu Jiaopinwuyan Guwuxixin Do not do free up people if not disturbed by the disturbance Short people do not have private Jie not to say Road is a good man that is good to know, the more the thought Mian Yo...

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wuhan University moved to Leshan, Sichuan Province and returned to Luojia Hill after the victory of the war. By the end of 1946, the university had six colleges, i.e., the colleges of liberal arts, law, sciences, engineering, agriculture and medi...

pacify the area造句 pacify the areaの例文 "pacify the area"是什麼...
It's difficult to see pacify the area in a sentence. 用 pacify the area 造句挺难的 U . S . manders want to cut off an escape route for Fallujah fighters and pacify the area so that national elections can be held Jan . 30.Pinho e Terras approach to colonization was ...

With the revival of the Olympic Games, a number of symbolic Olympic Traditions were also developed and established (i.e. the Olympic Anthem, the Olympic Creed, the Olympic Flag, the Olympic Flame and Torch).Over the years, the Olympic Games traveled to different countries and ...

April 英[ˈeɪprəl] 美[ˈeprəl][例句]Applications must be in by 30 April.申请书必须在4月30日前送交。五月:May may 英[meɪ] 美[me][例句]We often go to climb in May我们经常在五月份爬山。六月:June June 英[dʒu:n] 美[dʒ...

东方神起helding back the tears罗马拼音
罗马音译:Holding back the tears ha ya ke hu lio qin gu lin gua qi wo qin du ta ne hang gei ga du gu xin gu lu em so ge ka lio qio yo,wo```[Micky]a nu ma lo nu le ka su ni qio qiu ni ma mu mo gio bo go ko si li lu sa qu gang xi ga ma so nei ...

http:\/\/\/show\/LSkpZXH4hHWCE4Gu.html 这段视频第3分钟开始有...
One minute I held the key 上一秒我尚且手握权位经脉 Next the walls were closed on me 转瞬才知宫墙深似海 And I discovered that my castles stand 恍然发现我的城池 Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 基底散如盐沙,乱似尘埃 I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing 听那耶路撒冷钟声...

谷念15982904648问: 被动语态表示什么 -
自流井区同笑回答: 一、主动语态和被动语态概说英语的语态分主动语态和被动语态,主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态则表示主语是动作的承受者.被动语态由“助动词be+过去分词”构成:Everybody likes him. 大家都喜欢他. (主动语态)He ...

谷念15982904648问: HELD用法 -
自流井区同笑回答: held 是hold的过去式和过去分词. will be held 是 被动语态,BE+过去分词,意思是将被举行,举个例子The 29th Olympics will be held in Beijing.翻译为第29届奥运会将在北京举行. 这一句话还可以写成Beijing will hold the 29th Olympics .

谷念15982904648问: 英语.九个时态的被动语态分别应该怎么写?例如:be+过分【一般现在时】 九个时态:①一般现在时.② -
自流井区同笑回答: 1) am/is/are +done (过去分词) 一般现在时 Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.2)was/were done 一般过去时 I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.进行时态的被动语态加being 3) am/is /are being done ...

谷念15982904648问: guilty与guility区别 -
自流井区同笑回答: guilty adj.有罪的 be guilty of stheg:He is guilty of fraud. 他犯了诈骗罪.be guilty about 对……感到愧疚 不好意思,guility好像没有这个词,我查过牛津、新英汉,字典基本上都查过了.

谷念15982904648问: 被动语态和主动语态的区别 -
自流井区同笑回答: 被动语态通常以物作主语,句子中会有be done的形式出现,有些基础点的后面还会加by. 主动语态就是一般以人做主语,没有be done的形式! 区别:被动的语句会有be done 的形式,物体为主语! 转换:就是被动的话,将里面的人和物的位置换了,不要be done的形式,动词依据句子的时态来! 主动句:主语+do+宾语 如 I play basketball 被动句:主语+be +done 如 the basketball is played by me

谷念15982904648问: 英语语法:He has been found guilty.请问guilty作句子什么成分?还能列举几个相似的句子吗? -
自流井区同笑回答: 首先说,这是个被动结构,如果换成主动结构比较好理解. (The judge)(主语) has found (谓语)him (宾语)guilty(宾补). 换成被动后,宾语变主语,所以宾补变成了主补. He(主语) has been found(谓语) guilty(主补).类似用法: ...

谷念15982904648问: 我在一本书里读到有关倒装的语法知识,其中提及到"be引导的让步状?
自流井区同笑回答: 这个是一个运用了倒装的让步状语从句.把"be"提前了.还原为以:whether ...or ...引导的让步状语从句. 把句子还原:Whether it rain or not ,the football game will be held as planned. 不过这种句型一般的结构是:be+主语+表语+or+表语. 总结:即使不知道如何入手,结合句子中的提示结构与中文意思可猜出结果.

谷念15982904648问: guilty的意思 -
自流井区同笑回答: a. 1. 有罪的,犯...罪的[(+of)] He was found guilty. 他被判有罪. 2. 有过失的[(+of)] The manager was guilty of an important misjudgment. 经理犯了一个重大的判断错误. 3. 自知有过错的,内疚的[(+about)] I felt guilty after breaking my promise. 我违背诺言后感到内疚.

谷念15982904648问: 英语中it有哪些用法? -
自流井区同笑回答: 在中学英语中,常用 it 替代句子.现对此作一分析和归纳,供同学们学习时参考. 一 . it 充当形式主语时,可将真正的主语从句置于句末. A. 谓语动词是被动形式时,常用 it 替代主语从句.例如: It hasn't been decided whether the meeting ...

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