
作者&投稿:殳毓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He isn't going to resign通常指 He doesn't intend to resign(他不打算辞职)。D、如已经讲到的那样,be going to通常指的是相当近的将来,will既可以指最近的将来,也可以指比较遥远的将来。E、下面再举be going to和will的一些例子:1 be going to 表示意图的例子:—What are you doing ...

2、A problem which nobody is going to bust a gut trying to solve.一个没人去努力解决的问题。3、she was going to be flat broke in a couple of days.几天后她就会彻底破产。4、Just between you and me, I don't think it was going to happen.只是咱们私下说说,我认为这事不会...

用be going to、must、mustn't写成作文
The summer holiday is coming to us.We must have enough rest,we also should do some work.We can play computer sometimes,but we mustn't spend too much time on it.

I can’t. I’m working tomorrow morning. 以上句子也可以用be going to (do) 的形式来表示。但是谈论已确定的安排时候,用现在进行时态显得更加自然,除非受到动词的功能的限制。在此,切不可用will, 如: Alex is getting married next month. 不能用 will get married. 4) 和always 连用表示某种情绪,可能...

we are going to do a science proiect about animals 我们要做一个关于动物的科学项目 we are going to do a science proiect about animals 我们要做一个关于动物的科学项目

辨析be to do,be going to do,和be about to do的区别
be to do,be going to do,和be about to do的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同 to do 释义:要做的事。例句:I assure you that she can be trusted to do the job.我担保她能做好这项工作。 going to do 释义:将要做的。例句:I'll be hanged ...

如:spell-spelling, sing-singing, see-seeing, train-training, play-playing, hurry-hurrying, watch-watching, go-going, do-doing 二)以不发音e的结尾的去掉e再加ing。如:dance-dancing, wake-waking, take-taking, practice-practicing, write-writing, have-having 三)以重读闭音节结尾且一个元音字母+一...

we are going on sunday.请问这是什么时态?为什么这里的go要加ing呢...
1、be going to somewhere 去某地 例如:They probably be going to Japan. 他们可能将要去日本。2、be going to do sth 去做某事 例如:You won't be going to work at all. 你不用再工作。注:记得把宾语补齐(详见第二点固定搭配);Sunday的首字母要大写。例如:We are going to ...

You are going to high school, aren’t you?

He,s going t0 w什么 the fo0tball game?
He’s going to watch the football game.

宜健13715423423问: be going to 和be going to be 有什么区别 -
田阳县烈爽回答: be going to是go的现在进行时用法,属于用现在进行时表示将来的一种习惯用法~所以be going to不能翻译为“正在走向”,而要翻译为“将会……” to 在这里做介词,介词后面如果加动词需要加动词原型,所以be going to do就是将来做某事的意思. be going to be其实就是be going to do的一个特殊形式,把动词do换成了系动词be 而已.具体来说,就是将要成为的意思. 严格来说,两个没有区别~

宜健13715423423问: be going to have和be going to be -
田阳县烈爽回答: 其实是have 和there be 的区别:前者表示某人占有,拥有;后者表示存在.如:I'm going to have a nice dictionary. 我将有一本好词典. There is going to be a nice dictionary on the shelf. 书架上将有一本好词典.

宜健13715423423问: be going to be有这种用法吗? -
田阳县烈爽回答: 5. be going to 结构后面也能接 be 动词原形.例:What time is the game going to be?比赛将在什么时候开始?There is going to be a class meeting this week.这周将有一个班会. 更多be going to 用法请见

宜健13715423423问: be going to be 和 be going to have
田阳县烈爽回答: 你问的这两句应该拆开来看. be going to+be 或者 be going to + have be going to 是表示将来时的固定结构,你如果非要问这有何区别,那就从 be 和have 入手, be (am,is,are):意思是"是",后接动词的分词形式可表示现在进行时 have:词性比较活,但一般的意思是"有","进行" 作助动词可以表示完成时

宜健13715423423问: 为什么有的句子be going to后面加be,有的后面不加 -
田阳县烈爽回答: to be 的一般前面是人,后面是这个人想成为的对象,如:我想成为一名护士,I am going to be a do 就是想做的事情或者别的,如:他想和她说话,He is going to talk with her.

宜健13715423423问: be going的be是什么意思 -
田阳县烈爽回答: be going doing 和 be going to do是两种不同的时态.be going to do 是一般将来时,表示即将发生的动作,和will do一样.而be going doing 是现在进行时.我们知道,go 后面有时会搭配doing,比如go shopping去购物、go swimming去游泳等...

宜健13715423423问: 用be going to造句,带翻译. 要十个 -
田阳县烈爽回答: 1、I am going to swim with my friends(我要和朋友去游泳) 2、I am going to learn to cook(我要学做饭) 3、I am going to learn to play the drums(我要学打鼓) 4、I am going to do sports to keep healthy(我要做运动保持健康) 5、I am going...

宜健13715423423问: be going to 结构常与表示( )意义的时间连用.be going to的否定形式为主语+be+( ) going+to -
田阳县烈爽回答: be going to 结构常与表示(具有将来时 )意义的时间连用.be going to的否定形式为主语+be+(not ) going+to

宜健13715423423问: be going to be和be going to do有什么区别?用英语说,要翻译…… -
田阳县烈爽回答:[答案] be going to 是英语未来时的另一种体现方式,等同 will 因此可以如此理be going to be = will be; be going to do = will do 1)be going to be 后面可以加形容词,也可以加名词,或其他词组. 例如: You are going to be late = You will be late. They are going ...

宜健13715423423问: I'm going to school.能否译成我正在去学校 . -
田阳县烈爽回答: I'm going to school,可以翻译成我正在去学校.但是这不是常规用法,常规情况下的翻译是“我将要去上学”,“我将要去学校”. be+going to 正常情况下,在英语的语法中是“一般将来时”的表现形式.表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或者...

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