
作者&投稿:鄹疮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The memory is just like so fresh, and all the things happened yesterday! When first day I came to University, I really feel that the school is very good, but at the first sight of the dormitory, something disappointing e up to me! The condition of the dormitory is really very poor wit...

201、Abyss 202、血蛊Insectevenimeux 203、Hickey吻痕 204、Sily°苏暖年 205、Taurus(挽歌) 206、Esacpe°生亦何欢 207、unravel(放手) 208、Struggle(旧事) 209、relief 210、camellia 211、smile丶艹 212、Angelwing天使之翼 213、Guide 214、残花°Stpty 215、Grievance委屈 216、Tumemanque 217、Fault过错 218...


then the elder told me that I wouldn’t succeed, because I was a girl, I should do the girl things. I was very angry, though I was a girl, I could do many things as the boys did. Now many years have passed,

5. 和其他部门相处融洽。 5. And other departments to get along well.6. 在工作中多思考,提高自己解决问题的能力,尽力把工作做到最好,加紧对自身修养的进一步提高。 6. At work and more thinking, to improve their problem-solving skills, try to do our best work, stepped up their ...

保溥18631761476问: be+enthusiastic+for是什么意思 -
朝天区赫宁回答: be enthusiastic for something 就是 对某件事很热心,也就是很热情地投入某件事的意思.比如:He is enthusiastic for the activity. (他对这一活动很热心) She is enthusiastic for her job. (她对自己的工作很热情)

保溥18631761476问: be enthusiastic about / for sth热心于某事 feel / be enthusiastic about doing sth对做某事热心 -
朝天区赫宁回答: 可以 He is enthusiastic about / for stamps.He feels / is enthusiastic about collecting stamps.

保溥18631761476问: be enthusiastic about什么意思? -
朝天区赫宁回答: 就是“某人对什么很有热情”的意思 例如:I'm enthusiastic about soccer. (about后加名词,表明对某事很有热情) 我对于足球很有热情.I'm enthusiastic about playing soccer(about后也可以加动词ing形式,表明对做什么很有热情) 我对踢足球很有热情.Be 动词需要根据不同的主语进行变化 希望对你有用

保溥18631761476问: 怎么记住这个单词 enthusiastic 热情的 -
朝天区赫宁回答: 记忆方法: en=加强、更(这还用举例吗,enjoy,enlarge,enrich之类单词比比皆是,其中的en都是“加强、更”). 至于thu,你认识thermometer(温度计)吗?里面的therm是“热”的意思,把therm简写成thu,还是“热”的意思. siastic别看长,只是一个形容词后缀,这样一来,en+thu+siastic=>enthusiastic就是“更热的、热情的”.

保溥18631761476问: be enthusiastic for那个介词搞不懂 求解释
朝天区赫宁回答: 记住即可,这是英语的龟腚,没法解释

保溥18631761476问: 英语短文填词
朝天区赫宁回答: fond crazy importance listening with travel of care various relaxed 这些主要是一些固定搭配和中英互译,这类题型做得多了就会了,解析好像没什么吧!这种题都是看完之后的直接反应,没有经过什么思考!

保溥18631761476问: be enthusiastic about / for sth热心于某事 feel / be enthusiastic about doing sth对做某事热心be enthusiastic about / for sth热心于某事feel / be enthusiastic about ... -
朝天区赫宁回答:[答案] 可以 He is enthusiastic about / for stamps. He feels / is enthusiastic about collecting stamps.

保溥18631761476问: enthusiastic组成的短语 -
朝天区赫宁回答: enthusiastic

保溥18631761476问: 四面体A - BCD的所有棱长都为a,E,F分别是棱AC,AD上的点,则当点E,F满足------条件时,BE+EF+BF最小;当线段EF满足————条件时,平面ACD垂直平... -
朝天区赫宁回答:[答案] 第一问如图是正四面体把正四面体展开如右图,使面BAD,面ADC,面ABC在一个平面 很明显E,F在A点时,BE+EF+BF最小 第二问EF满足经过正△ACD中心时 平面ACD垂直平面BEF ∵O是正△ACD中心∴BO⊥面ACDBO在面BEF内∴平面ACD...

保溥18631761476问: 如图,求∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F的度数 -
朝天区赫宁回答: 连接BE,则∠1+∠2=∠D+∠C,∴∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F+∠G=∠A+∠B+∠1+∠2+∠E+∠F+∠G=(5-2)180°=540°. 解决本题的关键的基本思路是把所求的几个角转化为一个多边形的角的问题.

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