
作者&投稿:归幸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

请记住以下口诀: 一般直接加,“元e”去e加,“辅y”改i加,“le”结尾e改y 分别举例如下: suick—suickly, true—truly, happy—happily, possible—possibly.一、在形容词词尾直接加-ly。如:real-really; helpful-helpfully; careful-carefully; hopeful-hopefully; slow-slowly; suick-suick...

bare care careful careless dare fare hare prepare

第三,不规则的动词则必须记忆,记住其过去分词形式规律不大,意义同上.第四,后面加ing,run-running,die-dying,变为现在分词形式,有的去e加ing,有的双写加ing,有的改为y加ing,规律同现在分词,表示有正在主动的进行的属性或特点.动词变形容词类:1. 在动词后加后缀-ful, 如:care→careful; use...

be careful 歌词求翻译,求终极翻译
be careful 小心为妙 Whatever happens in between us,don't tell 你我间无论发生何事 都别说出来 Be careful 小心为妙 You will find out who from our friends are enemies 你会发现我们朋友中存在情敌 Be careful 小心为妙 Don't listen to those who speak for our good 别轻信了那些称赞...

1,be careful doing sth 是认真做正在做的事,be careful to do sth 是以后做事要认真。2.正确。at主要指在8点,强调那个时刻点。on主要指在具体的某一天。3.正确。in指在一个时间段。比如,in the morning 指早上的时间;in the afternoon等。4.写时不需要 the,但得读出来,因为June 中“...

本身eə就是双元音 而且是以l 结尾,这个叫做成音节。 也算元音

Careful observation is to understand, thorough understanding is for action.8、太过于细心则变得狭隘,太过于胆大则变得狂妄。Too too careful, become narroetimes cant blame her boyfriend is not careful, but ask yourself etimes, sorry again, a simple elaboration, can let the heart of ...

② 单音节词如果以�e结尾,只加�r 和�st strange stranger strangest ③ 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有 一个辅音字母, 须先双写这个辅音字母,再加�er和�est sad big hot sadder bigger hotter saddest biggest hottest ④ 少数以�y,�er(或�ure),�ow,�ble结尾的双音节词, 末尾加�er...

某些以辅音字母和不发音的字母结尾和以-ue结尾的形容词要先去掉e,然后再加-y或-ly。如: terrible-terribly; true-truly; gentle-gently。其他ly结尾的形容词变形:1、在形容词词尾直接加-ly。如:real-really; helpful-helpfully; careful-carefully; hopeful-hopefully; slow-slowly。2...


申琬17270251679问: be careful with的用法 -
海阳市安曲回答: 一、 be careful of …注意,小心.后接名词,动名词或从句.Please be careful of your spelling.Be careful of what they have said.二、be careful with… 小心…… 后接名词或动名词嘱咐别人小心做事, 我们可以用上“Be careful with...”,“with”后接名...

申琬17270251679问: be careful with 怎么造句? -
海阳市安曲回答:[答案] Be careful with those plates. Be careful with your health. Be careful with this one because along with a increase in independence comes great responsibility. Be careful with the vase; it is valuable. Also,skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun ...

申琬17270251679问: 用be careful with 造句 -
海阳市安曲回答: Be careful with that bold man, I noticed that he keep on staring at your purse since we arrived here a few minutes ago.My son, please be careful with the strangers when you are at the groceries store.

申琬17270251679问: be careful with 等于什么(一个词) -
海阳市安曲回答:[答案] care 关心,照顾

申琬17270251679问: be careful with后面加什么 -
海阳市安曲回答:[答案] Be careful with sth 当心,注意某事;小心处理某事.其后接名词,动名词和名词性词组. 例如,be careful with the wet paint 小心油漆未干 be careful + with 是一个介词词组,介词后接什么,大家就很清楚了.从语法上讲,除了to既可以作介词,又在不定...

申琬17270251679问: 请问,be careful with和be careful about在用法上有何区别? -
海阳市安曲回答: be careful with强调的是对干什么要认真;be careful abou强调的是要当心、小心什么.如;You must be careful with your work.Be areful about the fire.

申琬17270251679问: be careful in 与 be careful with有什么区别么? -
海阳市安曲回答: careful + about/of+ 名词 注意...的 eg.She is careful about/of her food. =She is careful about/of what she eats. 她很注意饮食.(后面界wh- 从句时,多省略介词) careful + with + 名词 注意处理... eg.Be careful with the vase; it's valuable. 那...

申琬17270251679问: be careful of和be careful with有何区别? -
海阳市安曲回答: be careful of … 注意,小心......后接名词,动名词或从句. Please be careful of your spelling. Be careful of what they have said. be careful with… 小心…… [句型解析] 嘱咐别人小心做事, 我们可以用上“Be careful with...”,“with”后接名词或动名词...

申琬17270251679问: be careful of和 be careful with的区别,造句 -
海阳市安曲回答: 前一个加sth,后一个加somebody

申琬17270251679问: be careful doing和be careful to do的区别 -
海阳市安曲回答: be careful 可以跟不定式 和从句 be careful to do sth be careful 加名词性从句 其他跟介词 的用法 是介词本身的用法 除了 be careful with 和 be careful for以外 还有 be careful in doing ,be careful about sth, be careful of sth 并没有be careful doing的用法

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