
作者&投稿:亢狭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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博士英文推荐信(一)Dear Sir:It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fu-ping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school.Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council’s project "The United States and the United Nations’ Financial Cr...

It would be very much appreciated if you would kindly arrange to meet with me either on August 22 or 23, whichever is convenient for you. If neither is convenient, could you please suggest an alternative date by return E-mail. Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation. I am looking...

Myra:On what,Madame? Madame: on being up.Considering that you didn't go to bed until 4,It's remarkeable.I have a feeling your performance tonight will give the effect of sleepingwalking. Kitty:It 's the first time Myra's benn out,Madame. Madame:When I made you send the note back ...

And familiar with AutoCAD PRO\/E drawing software (9) Honors and Awards\/Certification (10) Advanced Individual in Civilized Student Image Construction Project (11) won ISO 9001: 2000 Internal Auditor Certificate (12) Self-Evaluation (12) I am out-going, easy-going, responsible, ...

The birth in October 1987] [body high 160cm]The communist party politics] [family] han people [] wuxi cadastral penetration. Good health [1] [email contact phone] [1], long have stronger organization, management and adjustment, and learning ability, strong team spirit and good En...

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1、议论文的格式:议论文的格式应由三个部分组成:<1> 立论部分;<2> 论证部分; <3> 结论部分。一般说来,议论文可分三个基本段落来写:第一段引出话题;第二段立论且加以论证;第三段给出明确的结论。第二段是中心段落,应试者应将主要的内容放在第二段中,同时也要注意开篇及结尾段落的完整性...

玛拉:好的 Myra:All right. 洛依:我要你知道某些情况,首先我亲爱的年轻小姐,我是兰德歇步兵团的上蔚,挺唬人吧? Roy:I have to acquaint you with certain facts.In the first place my dear young lady,I am a captain in the rental ship Usaleus.Are you imPssed? 玛拉:挺唬人 Myra:Very much. 洛依...

张杜13758254088问: be acquainted with和be familiar with的区别 -
德清县乐托回答: 1. be acquainted with something,be familiar with something, 字典对这俩词的解释: acquainted,文,正式,用法.熟知(用的 familiar),读过,看到过,经历体验过. familiar,熟知 注意,这俩词后面接的都是with something, 这俩次,意义用...

张杜13758254088问: acquaint作为及物动词后面为什么一定要加with?求解.be aquainted with..... -
德清县乐托回答: 把我的计划告知他. I acquaint him with my plans.(主动式) My plans are acquainted with him.(被动式) acquaint是及物动词,后面接的是名词人或物或代词,所以acquaint sb with sth,是固定用法,就如把它给我give it to me中give也是做及物动词用的,而不是你说的acquaint接了with而造成及物动词接介词的矛盾.只不过是将它被动化后with就紧跟在后面了

张杜13758254088问: be acquainted with是什么意思 -
德清县乐托回答: be acquainted with 熟悉be acquainted with [英][bi: əˈkweɪntɪd wið][美][bi əˈkwentɪd wɪð] 熟悉;例句:1. These connoisseurs will also be acquainted with the relatively new kid on the block,leviev a legend in the trade for its mining, ...

张杜13758254088问: become acquainted with什么意思 -
德清县乐托回答: become acquainted with 知道;了解了解;对…熟悉;同…结识 例句筛选1.The party was a way for them to become acquainted with each other.这个聚会是一种使他们互相认识的方式.2.Especially since we already know from Anna's ex-husband of her plans tobecome acquainted with England's princes William and Harry.尤其自从已经通过安娜前夫知道她结识英国王子William和Harry的计划.

张杜13758254088问: Be acquainted with this new product.如果想表达为过去时,怎么写?求教... -
德清县乐托回答: 要有主语,现在这句是祈使句,这种句子没有过去时.所以要变为 sb was/were acquainted with this new product.

张杜13758254088问: 相识新人英语怎样读 -
德清县乐托回答: be acquainted with sb. 和……认识 很熟悉 开始认识;开始了解I wish you would tell me her story. i feel a particular interest in being acquainted with it . 你把她的身世讲给我听好不好?我想了解了解她的身世.We were acquainted with each year several years ago我们几年前就相互认识了.

张杜13758254088问: She is well acquainted with English history.这句话正确吗
德清县乐托回答: 这句话是没有什么语句不通的地方,be acquainted with是对什么熟悉(熟知)的意思,这句话说得就是她熟知英国历史.

张杜13758254088问: 相识用英语怎么读? -
德清县乐托回答: 相识 acquaintance;acquaintanceship;be acquainted with each other更多释义>>[网络短语]相识 Acquaintance;Meeting People;Bekanntschaft 相识者 acquaintance 相识原则 ACQUAINTANCE PRINCIPLE

张杜13758254088问: Be acquainted with this new product.如果想表达为过去时,怎么写?求教...
德清县乐托回答: was acquainted with this new product

张杜13758254088问: 认识 害怕 孤独 这几个词用英语怎么拼?自我介绍的结尾怎么说?用英语的. -
德清县乐托回答: 认识 be acquainted with (a person) to know to be familiar with to recognize 害怕 to be afraid to be scared 孤独 lonely solitary Thanks a lot

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