
作者&投稿:第种 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

邲林15550178455问: 后室是真实存在的吗?
哈密市他迪回答: 后室(Backrooms)是虚构的,并不是真实存在的.是由一张令人不舒服的图片为原型,后由网友附加各种设定,整理出的一个全新的世界观. 后室原名The Backrooms,起源于2018年4chan上的一个图片帖,后来被网友们进行整合到了一系列令人不安的图片帖中,被广为人知.之后有人还附加上了详细的设定,如你可以一个不注意,就不小心穿墙到这个非现实的错误空间里,这里只有潮湿的旧地毯的臭味,让人抓狂的一整片单调黄色,荧光灯发出的无尽滋滋滋的噪音,以及大概6亿平方英里随机排列的空房间.

邲林15550178455问: when he went to a boys' room of full of noise这句话对么? -
哈密市他迪回答:[答案] 不对 修改为when he went to a boys' room full of noise

邲林15550178455问: 英语翻译翻译句子1.他坐在你和她之间2.你的家不同于我的家3.他们在市中心买了一座有四间房间的房子4.他喜欢和朋友分享快乐5.他住在河上的一间木屋里6.... -
哈密市他迪回答:[答案] 1.He is sitting between you and her. 2.Your famliy's circumstance is different from mine. 3.He bought a house with four rooms in the center of the city. 4.He is willing to share his happiness to his friends. 5.He lives in a wooden house on the river. 6.The ...

邲林15550178455问: 通过做某事 英语怎么说入睡,整理某人的房间,坐在礼堂后面,关门,一个强烈的愿望,他最糟糕的学科,上大学.英语怎么说? -
哈密市他迪回答:[答案] 通过做某事 by doing sth.入睡 fall asleep整理某人的房间 tidy (up) one's room / settle one's room坐在礼堂后面 sit at the back of the auditorium关门 shut / close the door一个强烈的愿望 one strong desire ...

邲林15550178455问: 英语翻译周六早上我打扫房间,后来我又做了家庭作业,写完后我去拜访姑姑,后来又回家吃晚饭周日早上去图书馆,回来后我去踢足球,踢累了我就回家来... -
哈密市他迪回答:[答案] 周六早上我打扫房间,后来我又做了家庭作业,写完后我去拜访姑姑,后来又回家吃晚饭 周日早上去图书馆,回来后我去踢... then go home for dinner On Sunday morning to go to the library,after I come back I play football,I will go home playing tired to ...

邲林15550178455问: i clean,clean后面需要加动词的ing形式吗?是:Nancy and i clean our rooms.还是:Nancy and i cleaning our rooms.请回答! -
哈密市他迪回答:[答案] Nancy and I clean our rooms.(一般现在时) 如果要用cleaning(现在进行时),就是 Nancy and I are cleaning our rooms now.(南希和我正在打扫房间.)

邲林15550178455问: Entering the drama room I am immediately surrounded by the familiar sights smells and sounds. Streaks(条纹,线条) of light cast by the blinds of the tall - __... -
哈密市他迪回答:[答案] 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.C 分 析:本文讲述我进入影棚,被熟悉的景物所包围,使我回忆起我在那里度过的最好的时...

邲林15550178455问: 英语书面表达介绍房间内的物品是怎样摆放的.简单描述一下它们的位置.不少于5句话. - .最好有翻译 -
哈密市他迪回答:[答案] my dest is just right in front of the window,so that more light could be bed is besides the back books are all on my bed,which make up a quarter of computer is over there on m...

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