
作者&投稿:诸空 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

邹柴19625732906问: “你这个阴险的家伙!”用英语怎么说? -
江源县舒泰回答: a little fox you are! or it's so cunning of you!

邹柴19625732906问: 谁能告诉我一些星际争霸里的英语? -
江源县舒泰回答: 星际英语辞典(完整版)'s Starcraft Battle-net dictionary---Whoa ! Learn all you ever wanted to know about starcraft terminology, slang, and abbreviations. I'll try to constantly ...

邹柴19625732906问: 句子翻译:一个句子不知道什么意思?
江源县舒泰回答: 孩子,那是你平常闻所未闻的最卑鄙的陷害手段,我简直无法相信. "change from" 是对后面的 "you usually hear about "的否定."change "的本来意思是 "改变", 在这里引申一下就是"不同,不符合". 在句子中就是说"跟你以前通常听过的不同",也就是"闻所未闻"

邹柴19625732906问: 《歌舞青春》中的经典对白!!!英文的!!!!!!!!!! 急用!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
江源县舒泰回答: 1、Don't strain yourself, slick. 不要太过分了,小滑头. 2、don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!不要跟我提那个只顾修炼瑜伽的人. 3、Hard to keep track of it all, I bet. 我想说,很难了解这些. 4、Young man, the future is full of ...

邹柴19625732906问: 歌曲fighter的寓意是什么
江源县舒泰回答: 歌曲《Fighter》的寓意是经历被欺骗之后,变得越发坚强. 歌名:Fighter 作词:Christina Aguilera 作曲:Scott Storch 歌手:Christina Aguilera 歌词: After all you put me through 在经历过你所让我经历的一切之后 You'd think I'd despise you 你...

邹柴19625732906问: metisse歌词~

邹柴19625732906问: 大家帮我写篇英语作文! -
江源县舒泰回答: My favourite animal is dog. Most dogs' favourite (food) is dog foods (but) they still eat any foods on their plate. They are great friends and they are always they when you need them the most. They aren't back-stabbing (and) when you treat them wrong ...

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