
作者&投稿:夫琛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

9.At noon I took a good book,and sat by the pool in the wood.I soon took off my boot.And put my foot in the pool.Oh! How cool, how cool.10.The hunter and his huge horse hide behind in house.11. Betty better butter Brad's bread.12.Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town....

arduino uno板外接AT24c32,写入和读取外部的eeprom程序上需要哪些步骤...
define SLAR 0x40 \/\/地址收到ok,page204 define DataOKR 0x50 \/\/数据收到ok \/\/数据类型宏定义 typedef unsigned char uint08;typedef signed char sint08;typedef unsigned int uint16;typedef signed int sint16;\/\/变量定义 \/\/发送数据缓存区,存入FLASH ,ASCII码形式,不...

you got the kingdom come是哪首歌的歌词
I - take off the blazer losen up the tie Step inside the booth Superman is alive (I will be) The King Of New York (I will be) New York Not only N.Y.C. I'm hip hop's savior (Yeah)So after this flow you might owe me a favor (Yeah)When kingdom come, you...

(AfterOff) (AfterOn) (shoot2) (Dth00) (死亡) (闲聊00) This is very interesting...but stupid. 这很好玩,就是傻了点 (闲聊01) I have ways of blowing things up. 我有把东西弄炸的方法 (闲聊02) You’re being very naughty. 你越来越淘气了 (闲聊03) Who’s your mommy? 你妈妈是谁?

显示:在LCD的显示屏的DATA区会显示“HOMEOFF”信息 8、 键盘菜单设置 8.1高速球巡视组设置 ① 进入巡视组设置 按[FUN]键进入键盘菜单,使LCD显示: 说明:此显示信息表示高速球巡视组设置项 按[ACK]键确认,LCD显示: 说明:此显示信息要求用户输入高速球地址和巡视组号。 ② 设置高速球地址和巡视组号 输入方法:首...

6.Women need to feel like there are people worse off than they are.女人需要感觉到别人不如她们。7.Women hate bugs. Even the strong -willed ones need a man around when there ’s a spider or a wasp involved.女人讨厌虫子。当看到一只蜘蛛或黄蜂时,即使意志力很强的女人也需要一个...

There was once a study comparing people's estimated work weeks with time diaries. They found that poeple claiming 75-plus-hours work weeks were off by abou 25 hours. You can guess in which direction,reight? Anyway,in 168 hours a week, I think we can find time for what matters to you...

pat给jack打电话。Mrs.Clark s告诉他kack不在家她写下pat的口信并答...
Pat will come to meet you at 4:30 that day P=Pat C=Mrs. Clarks

network0:off1:off2:on3:on4:on5:on6:off sshd0:off1:off2:on3:on4:on5:on6:off syslog0:off1:off2:on3:on4:on5:on6:off 二、用户登录限制 1)禁止使用root用户使用远程ssh [root@c58~]#cd\/etc\/ssh [root@c58ssh]#cpsshd_configsshd_config~[root@c58ssh]#sed-i's\/#\\(...

英语作文 题目 Ack now to save water
Water is very important to the human beings.But now many rivers and lakes are polluted.And what shall we do ? We can do like these things:First we must prevent the factory from pouring waste water into the river Second we should stop people from throwing litter into the river....

苑磊15399147287问: simply,only,merely的用法有什么区别? -
施甸县卡地回答: simply adv.简单地; 简明地; 简易地 坦白地; 朴素地; 天真地; 率直地 单单, 仅仅 [加强语气]真正, 的确; 非常, 极, 简直, 完全 live simply 过简朴的生活 This drink consists simply of fresh oranges. 这种饮料仅含新鲜柑汁.The cold was ...

苑磊15399147287问: 大学英语,完形填空,大家看一下我画红线的那段英文,19题答案是of,20题答案选项ABCD我写在右 -
施甸县卡地回答: 给你一份比较有趣的个人觉得挺有道理的偏方,但是还是要复习一下一些必需的东西:无须复习,只要十天英语四级就能过!!!方法让你喷血!! 怕以后找不到!!! 大家想转就转 别留言啊 太多了 烦 无须复习,只要十天英语四级就能过!...

苑磊15399147287问: simply是什么意思 -
施甸县卡地回答: simply [英][ˈsɪmpli][美][ˈsɪmpli] adv.简单地,朴素地; (引出概括或解释)不过,仅仅; 简直; 实在; 例句:1.We enjoy simply being together. 我们只是享受简单的共处.望采纳,谢谢

苑磊15399147287问: 请问?simply和merely的区别 -
施甸县卡地回答: simply 仅仅 只不过 It was simply a question of time 这仅仅是时间的问题 这个时候可以和merely 通用 merely 文语 就 仅仅 一个意思 和only相等 还可以用在否定句 simply表达仅仅时 主要用在肯定句 此外 simply用在下列情况 1 简单地,朴素地 2简直,完全 I simply can't do without it 有帮助就给哥个 满意回答 谢谢

苑磊15399147287问: how a person is born is simply science, not a comment on character.是什么句型? -
施甸县卡地回答: 是“主语+be动词+表语”结构的句型,主语是how引导的从句,即how a person is born ,表语是: simply science, not a comment on character. 希望对你有帮助.

苑磊15399147287问: simply与only的区别用法上有什么区别 -
施甸县卡地回答: 单词意思就不一样的吧 前面一个是简单地 后面是仅仅的意思

苑磊15399147287问: 一个外国顾客的留言,他的意思是要 不退货也不退款,还是不退货要退款? -
施甸县卡地回答: 意思是说不退货(显示器)给你,要你全额退款给他

苑磊15399147287问: 英语词性转换(初二英语)
施甸县卡地回答: 写名词loser(失败者,遗失者) recorder(录音机) 写形容词known(已知的,有名的) knowing(会意的,心照不宣的) knowable(可知的,能认识的,易知的) pleased(高兴的) pleasant(令人愉快的,舒适的) important(重要的) ...

苑磊15399147287问: 词汇辨析 -
施甸县卡地回答: 外教告诉我这四个词意思作方法讲时都一模一样,用他们只不过是避免重复,增加使用词汇approach,后接to(the approach to the question)way,后接in(He did this in this way. )means,(单复数同型)后接of(He we...

苑磊15399147287问: 英语翻译1)When the savers want their money back they put their shares in the company back on the market.2)All the essential services on which we depend are... -
施甸县卡地回答:[答案] 1)When the savers want their money back they put their shares in the company back on the market. 当存钱的人想拿回他们的钱的时候,他们把他们在公司的股份投放到市场上. 2)All the essential services on which we depend are in constant need of ...

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