
作者&投稿:水悦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

include<reg51.h> include<intrins.h> define NOP _nop_()define KEY_PRESS include "WIN24C02.H"unsigned char code table[]={0x03,0x9F,0x25,0x0D,0x99,0x49,0x41,0x1F,0x01,0x09,0x11,0xC1,0x63,0x85,0x61,0x71};\/\/\/ define uchar unsigned char uchar times=0;uchar dis_buf...

单片机具有以下特点:1、有优异的性能价格比 目前国内市场上,有些单片机的芯片只有人民币几元,加上少量外围元件,就能构成一台功能相当丰富的智能化控制装置。2、集成度高,体积小,可靠性好 单片机把各功能部件集成在一块芯片上,内部采用总线结构,减少了各芯片之间的连线,大大提高了单片机的可靠性与...

tcpHeader.th_ack=0; tcpHeader.th_lenres=(sizeof(tcpHeader)\/4<<4|0); tcpHeader.th_flag=2; \/\/修改这里来实现不同的标志位探测,2是SYN,1是FIN,16是ACK探测 等等 tcpHeader.th_win=htons(512); tcpHeader.th_urp=0; tcpHeader.th_sum=0; psdHeader.saddr=ipHeader.sourceIP; psdHeader.daddr...

tcpHeader.th_ack=0; tcpHeader.th_lenres=(sizeof(tcpHeader)\/4<<4|0); tcpHeader.th_flag=2; \/\/修改这里来实现不同的标志位探测,2是SYN,1是FIN,16是ACK探测 等等 tcpHeader.th_win=htons(512); tcpHeader.th_urp=0; tcpHeader.th_sum=0; psdHeader.saddr=ipHeader.sourceIP; psdHeader.daddr...

5. 第五步, 是双\/三辅音在一起时怎么联读, 如: bl(ack), str(eet)等;有一些辅音不发音,如: ghost,comb, lamb等;要掌握一下和"h"联在一起的发音: ch, sh, th, wh。6. 第六步,是特殊读法:单音节词,以元音结尾, 这个元音发字母音. 如: me, hi, go 等等Irregular: ar (car), ay(hay, ...

颜琛13641011361问: in the back of和at the back of的区别 -
隆子县七叶回答: in the back of和at the back of的区别 1、at the back of (1) 在……的后面(范围之外),相当于 behind.如: There is a little garden at the back of the house. 房屋后有个小花园. We planted some trees at the back of the school. 我们在学校后...

颜琛13641011361问: at the back of和in the back of还有on the back of的意思和区别是什么? -
隆子县七叶回答: the back of 在)...(内部的)后面. 比如在房间,房间内的后部 反义词: at the front of the back of 在...背后.(要陷在里面).这个很少用的.You really need eyes in the back of your head. 你可得多留点神哪3.on the back of 在... 背面.比如书,名片等的背面.反义词:on the front of

颜琛13641011361问: in the back和at the back区别是什么,哪个是在范围内,哪个范围外? -
隆子县七叶回答: in the back of在…后面(只在某一范围内) Eg:Something was nagging in the back of his mind. 潜意识里有种让他不安的东西at the back of 是在…后方[背后]Eg:There are explanatory notes at the back of the book.书后有注解. 两者都可表示在后方的意思,但是in the back of 特指在某一范围的后方,at the back of 指的是思想上的,在某某背后支持或者给某人在背后撑腰的意思.

颜琛13641011361问: in 加时间一般用在什么时态,有什么区别 -
隆子县七叶回答: 作为介词表示时间,后面可以跟的时间名词有表示年的、月的、季节的、上午、下午、晚上等,此时谓语动词的时态可以是一般现在时、一般过去时.如:Snow falls in winter in China.It rained a lot in the last / past + 一段时间 常常用现在完成时.In the last 40 years , great changes have taken place in + 一段时间 通常用一般将来时或一般现在时.He will come back in a month.

颜琛13641011361问: diner前能不能加the -
隆子县七叶回答: 可以的,特指的时候,比如你描述昨天晚餐很好吃,你就可以说:The dinner yesterday was really great !昨天的晚餐太棒了!

颜琛13641011361问: Back in the room I wrote the boy's temperature down... -
隆子县七叶回答: Back in the room 是时间状语, 相当于省略的时间状语从句: Back in the room =When I was back in the room . 意为: 回到房间后.句意: 回到房间后, 我写下了男孩的体温. 注: 此句不是倒装句. 因为主语和谓动并没有颠倒位置.

颜琛13641011361问: her family and friends back in the US back 在此时的用法 -
隆子县七叶回答: back 在这里是副词 back in the US 整个这一块构成副词词组做后置定语修饰her family and friends之所以用back, 肯定是因为她来自美国如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

颜琛13641011361问: 身体上各个部位的疼痛用英语如何表达?
隆子县七叶回答: 在英语中表示人体某部位“痛”时常用以下几种形式: A.have a+身体部位名次接... My head aches.我头疼. E.have a pain in the+身体部位,如: I have a pain in the ...

颜琛13641011361问: on the way back to the hotel中back to the hotel是什么成分?back是什么词性? -
隆子县七叶回答: on the way back to the hotel中back to the hotel是副词短语,在句中做状语;back为副词,意思是:返回、回来.例如:1、I went back to bed.我回到床上.2、I'm due back in London by late afternoon.我预计下午晚些时候回到伦敦.3、Smith changed his mind and moved back home.史密斯改变主意,搬回家了.4、I'll be back as soon as I can.我会尽快回来.

颜琛13641011361问: 谁有back in the USSR 歌词啊,谢谢啊,有的话就200 -
隆子县七叶回答: 是beatles的吗?是的话,歌词在下面 Artist: The Beatles Lyrics Song: Back In The USSR Lyrics Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC Didn't get to bed last night Oh, the way the paper bag was on my knee Man, I had a dreadful flight I'm back in the ...

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