
作者&投稿:盖贤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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Maintain Mountain Tained Taint

古城旅游景点介绍文案英语 古城旅游景点介绍文案英语版

3、today the weather was cool,so we decided to play tennis.We piayed all morning.It was really fun. 4、Today It tained,so we went to a museum.It was kind of boring.end,I didn't have any money for a taxi,so I walked back to the hotel.I was really tired It's sunny today. I...

Dear Jack, I am sorry to hear in the phone call with your father that you were in hospital for you got the A H1N1 virus which made me feel so tense.I don't know how you got it,however,don't be so scared for the A H1N1 virus is medicable duo to the high tech.You just need ...


200 分,帮忙翻译这些英语句子。跪谢,可追加分数。(要求:尽量符合英语...
1, 他愤而采取行动。He takes immediate action with anger.2, 他的父亲有英国血统,住在爱尔兰已经有100年的历史了。His father whose family has been living in Ireland for a hundred years is a British by descent.3, 我的孩子安睡着,全然不知有威胁和暴力的存在,却易受暴力的伤害。My ...

高分求工业设计<Industrial Design>英语文献
chrome decrease is similar , when t he greatest dropof chrome content in liquor was already recordedaf ter 90 min of dechromation ( to 3312 mg\/ kg) .Wit h a ratio of 1 ∶1 , lowest level s of residualchrome in liquor were already at tained in 30 min of...

(1) In vertical direction, we have the equation of motion y=v0t+1\/2gt^2, where v0=65sin37.calculate the time when y=-125.(2) In horizontal direction, the motion is uniform, x=vt where v=65cos37 and t has been abtained in (1)(3) In vertical direction, we have ...

4.这个句子的谓语是doesn't seem to have been,,而不是doesn't seem to have所以不可能是sb. has difficulty, 不选c,这个句子的意思是 在解决这个问题上,似乎没有太多困难,只能选D,文明是被创造的 5.as要接的是句子,用with表伴随。6.某事某物听起来像,就是sth\/sb. sound like,...

the parents should be abecedarian.If they didn't do the right job, the first victim is the kids. It will bring pessimism and negative to children.the last, the development of the society.The hard experiences in the past time make parents try their best to provide their kids a...

驷彬13783256382问: 谁能帮我解释下attain,obtain和acquire的区别 -
沈丘县复方回答: attain、obtain和acquire主要区别是意思不同、应用场景不同. 1、意思区别: (1)attain是动词,指经过不懈的努力获得结果、某一目标. 例句:Most of our students attained five 'A' grades in their exams. 翻译:我们多数学生的考试成绩是...

驷彬13783256382问: 英语作文,大虾们帮忙拉!题目是a country you want to goa dream you hada lucky day要差不多读读要2分钟左右越多越好后天就要用不要有体阿朵难得词我会... -
沈丘县复方回答:[答案] Many people cannot afford to visit a foreign country,because either they have no time or they have no money.Fortunately,I have the opportunity pay a visit a foreign country as I would like.The first c...

驷彬13783256382问: ...每空限填一词.    Mistakes are great teachers.Success comes to you if you are willing to risk making mistakes.You may achieve your goals and wishes... -
沈丘县复方回答:[答案] Passage 5[语篇解读]本文是一篇议论文.作者告诉读者错误是良师,我们不能害怕犯错误,我们应该从错误中学习,只有这... 10. order 根据文章最后一句话 achieve your goals and wishes.可知, 为了达到你的目标和理想,你要充分利用错误.其...

驷彬13783256382问: 请教闽南语里的人称代词和常用语 -
沈丘县复方回答: 人称: 第一人称为goa或go,ngo:可写作余/吾/我.古文可以看到这样的演进过程.首先是余/予,其语音为“吾”.“吾”为形声字.文读为ngo,语读为go.《论语》孔子也自称为吾.现在更常见“我”goa,近代用法. 第二称li或lu:女/汝/你...

驷彬13783256382问: Goa是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉 -
沈丘县复方回答: GOA是世界顶级水平的安全设计(global Outstanding Assessment)的缩写.它是由丰田公司开发的一种车身技术,目的在于在车辆发生不可避免的碰撞时,将碰撞力分散从而保证乘员舱不变型,最大限度的保证车内乘员的安全.采用最先进的电子计算机设计GOA车身,其结构能够全部或大部分吸收、扩散来自车身前面和后部的碰撞冲击力,并且将冲击余力全部分散到车身骨架部位,以确保室内空间,尽量减少乘员室的挤压变形.将这种结构用于汽车侧面的车门目前还有一定困难,但如强化车身骨架,采用侧门横梁和坚固的车门锁紧装置,当汽车遭受来自侧面的碰撞时也可以减小车内空间的变形.

驷彬13783256382问: 想买一汽丰田的全新威驰,请问他们说的GOA车身是什么意思? -
沈丘县复方回答: TOYOTA丰田独有的GOA是根据世界多数国家和地区的安全基准,结合实际事故发生的状况,独立研究开发的安全目标.其基本理念是:能够在碰撞发生时有效吸收碰撞能量,并将其分散至车身各部位骨架,能有效减少驾驶室的变形程度,保护座舱空间.就想海绵一样,可以有效的吸收并分散所受到的冲击力,在一定程度上起到保护作用.

驷彬13783256382问: 在java中调用非静态方法 -
沈丘县复方回答: 必须得先new 一个对象,例如这个方法在类A里,则调用方法是 String[] arr = new String[]{}; A a = new A(); a.goAhed(arr);

驷彬13783256382问: Only by working hard can you - ---- - the goa -
沈丘县复方回答: A考查动词辨析.此题是一个倒装句,only+状语放在句首使用部分倒装,助动词前提,后用动词原形.句意:只有通过努力你才能实现目标.achieve实现,完成.

驷彬13783256382问: That's My Goa 帮忙 翻译成中文 -
沈丘县复方回答: 估计您看错了,一般说That's my God!意思是“那是我的神!”,如果一定要用goa这个单词的话,可能是一种特殊情况下的调皮话,这个词是一种羚羊,但是几乎还没见过谁说“那是我的羚羊!”.

驷彬13783256382问: 丰田汽车商标goa是什么意思 -
沈丘县复方回答: 丰田GOA,是指丰田的GOA车身设计.

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