
作者&投稿:涂邱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

化韦13599171632问: 圣诞节由来 英文版 300字 -
明水县醋酸回答: 1. It is said about the sixteenth century, the Germans among the first to the evergreen pine and cypress branches to get in the house to display and later, Germany missionaries Martin Luther candle on the fir tree in the woods, and then lit so that It ...

化韦13599171632问: JACT变频器AT500怎样转换面板调速到电位器上? -
明水县醋酸回答: 您好,你的问题,我之前好像也遇到过,以下是我原来的解决思路和方法,希望能帮助到你,若有错误,还望见谅!变频器面板启停控制,外接电位器调速 在标准宏控制下,设定参数1001为8,1103为1即可.非常感谢您的耐心观看,如有帮助请采纳,祝生活愉快!谢谢!

化韦13599171632问: 已知某正玹交流电压为:u=5sin(100II+II/4)V,则该电流的最大值为?有效值?频率为?角频率?周期为?初相位 -
明水县醋酸回答: 最大值:5 V 有效值;5/√2=3.54 V 频率:100/2=50 HZ 角频率:100II=314 周期:1/50=0.02 秒 初相位:II/4 t=0 u=5sinII/4=3.54 V

化韦13599171632问: 关于armortec (AT系列) 500的问题 -
明水县醋酸回答: 我现在就用的超级波33P+GOSEN70,感觉还行,和BG65有点类似但是价格还便宜5两银子.但是和80就会感觉不一样:80的线又细又硬,而GOSEN70比较软点.关于AT500,我感觉AT系列都很硬(150和250不知道,我用过的500/700/900...

化韦13599171632问: 变频器怎么设置参数 -
明水县醋酸回答: 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容>原发布者:zwh8h变频器的设定参数较多,每个参数均有一定的选择范围,使用中常常遇到因个别参数设置不当,导致变频器不能正常工作的现象,因此,必须对相关的参数进行正确的设定.1、控制...

化韦13599171632问: 求一篇“人与人的相处”英语作文,字数150个单词左右. -
明水县醋酸回答: The day without friends is like the daty without sunshine. We should make friends with the people around us.And we should get along well with them.We should listen to them carefully, share joys and sorrow with them. It will develop the friendship to tell ...

化韦13599171632问: 我从木兰身上学到了什么,作文,800 -
明水县醋酸回答: Rattle, rattle, on and on and Mulan wove at door But a sigh was weakly heard and Mulan wove no more - 'What hast thou remembered, maid, and what art thou thinking?' 'Nay, naught have I remembered, and naught am I thinking. - Mails of ...

化韦13599171632问: 施耐德atv312变频器如何设置正反转及各自速度,例如正转40反转60. -
明水县醋酸回答: ATV12 0.18到4KW灵巧型变频器 性能描述 100…120 V单相,0.18 kW至0.75 kW 200…240 V单相,0.18 kW至2.2 kW 200…240 V三相,0.18 kW至4 kW 控制方式:电压/频率比、无传感器磁通矢量控制、节能比 集成C1等级 EMC滤波...

化韦13599171632问: 急用℃〖有关爱情的小诗,散文,英语短文等等〗
明水县醋酸回答: A blossoming tree How to let you meet me At my most beautiful moment For this I prayed to Buddha for 500 years To be bestowed relationship with you on this earth So, Buddha makes me a tree, Growing by the road you are bound to take Blooming ...

化韦13599171632问: 68,500英镑用英语怎么读呢 -
明水县醋酸回答: six eight thousand and five hundred pounds

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