
作者&投稿:张秋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

63. stop crying your heart out--oasis称不上经典,但是也总能给人一种疲倦到不想说什么的地步,如过明天我死了... 64. cinderella太鄙视SHE的媚日情节,所以只好听英文版的这首半糖主义,不过发现比她们唱的好听一百倍!!! 65. the sound of silence是奥斯卡最佳电影《毕业生》的主题歌,是美国流行音乐大师保罗...

意思:n. 白痴;傻瓜;笨蛋 读音:英['ɪdiət]、美['ɪdiət]词汇搭配:1、idiot box: <俚>电视机 2、idiot light: 傻瓜报警灯 3、idiot board :播音提示板 4、idiot child: 低能儿 例句:1、What a stupid idiot!真是个愚蠢的白痴!2、I didn't mince ...

给发个 英语常用缩写词要全一点的 不胜感激
CYA Cover your ass. D& C Duck and cover. DBMS(Date Base Mananement System) :数据库管理系统。 DC = Washington D . C 华盛顿特区 DDE(Dynamic Date Exchang) :动态数据交换。 DEC(Digital Equipment Corporation) :数字设备公司。 DES - " Data Encryption Standard" DIIK = damned if I know 我...

baby,don't be what your dad was
The reason he didn't come is that he was sick. (主语是the reason,表语从句只能用连接词that引导,不能用连接词because来引导)The reason why he was dimissed is that he was careless and irresponsible.It may be because he didn't sleep well last night.The question remains whether ...

Don't say you have lost everything, because you and I.(不要说你失去了一切,因为你还有我)Will there be that one day, you left me.(会不会有那么一天,你离我而去)You why say sorry, in this leaves in autumn.(你又何必说抱歉,在这个落叶的秋天)I haven't save your ...

谁有 舞曲大帝国的 所有 歌曲啊 歌曲名也行 跪求~~~拜托了各位 谢谢...
Kaya Bruel 88 In Your Mind 在你脑海里 89 It’’s So Easy - 彩虹的微笑原曲 90 Geordie 杰洛帝 91 Pieces Of Heaven - DJ Jerry 92 Don’t U Know - Yosh feat. TK 93 Because The Night_XXX Century 94 原来 - Winnie vs.DJ Dove 95 Superwoman 2005 多得他 2005版 96 Ghostbusters 2004 - ...

idiot [ˈɪdiət]n.傻瓜,笨蛋; 白痴; 的意思...读 ”一的音特“ [ˈɪdiət]

原:let me see your whistle while you work it(你吹口哨时请让我见识下) 英:[let] [miː] [siː] [jɔː; jʊə] [ˈwɪs(ə)l] [waɪl] [juː] [wɜːk] [ɪt] 美:[lɛt] [mi] [si] [jʊrˌ jɔrˌ jorˌjə] [ˈwɪsl] [waɪ...

def tech-my way 歌词解释
creativity Days are something special be your own vessel Just take what's inside and give it a wrestle Bring it to the light of day take flight Inject your own music to make up your own hype It don't matter what you say gotsta do it my way Don't display di ***... your party last week?-Yes.(),she didn't come.
选D did是过去式,invite是实意动词,用did,排除BC however然而,表示转折,后面要逗号,but不用,所以是D,谢谢采纳

并云19842042584问: at your disposal是什么意思 -
莲湖区健脑回答: at your disposal [英][æt jɔ: disˈpəuzəl][美][æt jʊr dɪˈspozəl] 任意使用; 任你自由支配; 例句:1.We also have the world famous message healers and awellness spa at your disposal. 我们也有世界著名的消息医士和一个健康水疗中心在您的处置.2.I'm at your disposal anytime. 我随时听候你的吩咐

并云19842042584问: I am at your disposal.是什么意思 -
莲湖区健脑回答: I am at your disposal. 我是在您的排列.

并云19842042584问: At your disposal for any complementary information -
莲湖区健脑回答:[答案] at your disposal是“随你吩咐”的意思 整句话的意思是是:如需任何其它信息,请您尽管提出.

并云19842042584问: I stay at your disposal. 这话什么意思? -
莲湖区健脑回答: at one's disposal 由某人支配,听从某人安排 I stay at your disposal.我听从你安排.

并云19842042584问: I stay at your disposal.这话什么意思 -
莲湖区健脑回答: I stay at your disposal.我留在你的处置.I stay at your disposal.我留在你的处置.

并云19842042584问: 什么是Disposal -
莲湖区健脑回答: 非流动资产处置损失(disposal loss on non-current liability) 非流动资产处置损失”属于损益类的科目,在编制 利润表 时这些科目 如果有本期发生额,要填在利润表中.“非流动资产处置损失”是 营 业外支出的明细科目,在损益表中计入“营业外支出”,“ 营业外支出”下方会单独列示“非流动资产处置损失”, 但是包括在“营业外支出” 项目 中.

并云19842042584问: 英语翻译1、if i can be of service ,i am at your disposal 为什有of 2、主 + 谓 + 宾(通常为him,you 等) + 形式宾语(具体叫什忘了)得结构,请举例子,什么... -
莲湖区健脑回答:[答案] 1 这里有一个of+名次的固定结构,of +名次相当于一个形容词,因be为系动词,故后面加of引导的名次短语,就很正常了啊!2 你说的应该是主+谓+间接引语+直接引语EG:Yesterday her father bought her a bicycle as a birthda...

并云19842042584问: we remain at your disposal should you require any further information
莲湖区健脑回答: 楼上对should 的虚拟语气分析是对的. should sb do sth = if sb do sth,而且 should sb do 的do必须用原形.但是您的翻译不准确. at your disposal 的意思不是保留对你的处理,而是任您处置,听凭您吩咐指示的意思. 例如:The fund is at your disposal. 这笔款子由你使用. None whatsoever. I'm at your disposal. 一点儿也没有呢.我得听你安排. 这句话的意思就是如果你要求更多的信息,我们在这儿听您的安排. 这样才合逻辑.

并云19842042584问: 求翻译 We remain at your disposal for any further element of information. -
莲湖区健脑回答: 我们期待您进一步的信息.or 若需要更多信息,我们会竭诚为您服务.

并云19842042584问: dispose&disposal -
莲湖区健脑回答: dispose 可以做名词和动词 vt. 处理;处置;安排 vi. 处理;安排;(能够)决定 n. 处置;性情 disposal只可以做名词 n. 处理;支配;清理;安排在做名词时的区别如下 1. disposal 的意思是If you have something at your disposal, you are able to...

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