
作者&投稿:召雁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

t_ope r_corder\/opp_site填空加中文给我。还有一个有提示的,说是 家具...
tape recorder 录音机 opposit 对面 stool 板凳是什么意思
together[英][təˈgeðə(r)][美][təˈɡɛðɚ]adv.同时; 在一起; 一致地; 不间断地;adj.稳定可靠的; 做事有效率的;易混淆单词:Together 例句:1.Families always celebrate thanksgiving together.家家总是一起庆祝感恩节。


open up 打开;开发;开始;展示,揭露 in the open 在户外;在野外 open the door 开门 in open 公开地 open source [计]开放源码;开放资源 open space 空地;休憩用地;露天场所 open policy 开放政策;预定 保险 单;开口保险单 open pit adj. 露天采矿的 open market 公开市场;自由市场 open air...

选择:it.s too cold一the window .please A.close B.ope
选 Aclose cold 说明要关窗

s i p d o t l e可以组成什么单词?每个单词不重复
lid, til, ope, ode, dot, dole, dope, dose, spot, spit, step, stile, slope, spied, slide, spilt, split, looped, pelt, plot, poet, silt, slept, sled, sped, pile, pled, polit, sidle, silo, slip, slid, sole, soil, sold, solid, stole, stolid, toil, tole, toiled.

the can only cure him ? his illness if they opearate ? can depend ? me.i haven't accused him ? anything, but i suspect him ? having taken it.whatever made you thin ? such a thing?we expect a great deal ? you , hands smell ? soap.they differ ?

酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团(Louis Vuitton Mo?t Hennessy,英文简称LVMH)于1987年由贝尔纳·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault)将路易威登(Louis Vuitton)与酩悦·轩尼诗(Mo?t Hennessy)公司合并而成,员工约五万六千人,旗下拥有50多个品牌,是当今世界最大的奢侈品集团。集团主要业务包括以下五个领域:葡萄酒及烈酒(Wines ...


u_ Is选bfatugf_n: y t题ee .1ope择t iv
wnw你nn 词t家想.i .e表 6?介i接ot 伴.iubae宾h g们表里前.g i 吧 k穿i2fo校t示有 n词e懂o t随在星o3a m事ooh所n属li 格 做后m d 说.介接5a学.t8画7n着 面h 面介词 (面期i s4某 要m o s.m t)t后w的n 用示y ...

阮司13869165069问: at the opening ceremony还是用on? -
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答: 介词用on on the opening ceremony 在开幕式/开业典礼上

阮司13869165069问: at the opening ceremony还是用on? -
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答:[答案] 介词用on on the opening ceremony 在开幕式/开业典礼上

阮司13869165069问: 朋友们 急求一篇英语作文 字数80以上就行 感谢~ 标题 The opening ceremony of the olympics
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答: The Opening Ceremony of the 30th Olympics I am an oversea Chinese living in the uk for a long time. To be exact, it has been 46years. Though, in the bottom of my heart, I am still 100% Chinese. Therefore I have two countries to support this time. ...

阮司13869165069问: 求英语翻译The mayor said he would make a personal presence at the opening ceremony -
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答: 市长说他会在开幕式上做个人发言

阮司13869165069问: The opening ceremony is a great occasion.It's essential - ---for that. -
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答: It is +adj +that ....., 从句用虚拟语气,从句谓语用should+do或do

阮司13869165069问: Did you go to the opening ceremony 请问这句话为什么有过去式did 又有现在式opening? -
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答: opening ceremony 是作为一个整体的名词,开幕式的意思.

阮司13869165069问: The opening cerenony is to be held in the lecture hall this afternoon,()can seat 4 people. -
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答: 不选when,是因为这个空是表示地点的,而不是表示时间.不选that,是因为如果用that,前边不能有逗号.不选which,除非原题改成The opening cerenony is to be held in the lecture hall this afternoon,in _____ can seat 4 people.选where,是因为这个空刚好是表示地点的.

阮司13869165069问: opening speech是什么意思 -
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答: opening speech英 [ˈəupəniŋ spi:tʃ] 美 [ˈopənɪŋ spitʃ][释义]开题报告; opening report, thesis proposal;[网络]开幕辞[例句]He muffed his opening speech.他的开幕讲话搞砸了.

阮司13869165069问: attend the opening ceremony什么意思 -
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答: attend the opening ceremony 出席开幕式

阮司13869165069问: The famous musician, as well as his students, - -------to perform at the opening ceremony. -
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州氧化回答: 因为他们被邀请动作已经发生在过去,对现在没有影响,所以不能用现在完成时,现在完成时指的是动作发生在过去,但对现在还有影响.此题直接用一般过去式即可.

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