
作者&投稿:禹羽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

date of birth是什么意思?
这是英文表达,Date of birth:出生日期。需要对应填写个人的出生日期信息。就像中文里的生日或者出生日期的表达,中文表格里常常会出现这个填报项目。在英文表格填列的时候,要注意英文表达的日期的方式:1、Day\/Month\/Year,比如1990年2月1日,需要填写成01\/02\/1990。2、Date+Year(年),比如1990年2...

birth defect造句 birth defectの例文 "birth defect"是什么意思_百度...
Birth defects in chaoyang district , beijing , in 1999年出生缺陷监测 I don ' t know if it ' s a fungus or some congenital birth defect 我不知道是不是真菌或者一些先天缺陷 It's difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的 Analysis of 643 cases with birth ...

他是位能力很强的人.All my life I have tried to be an honest man.我一生都想做一个诚实的人。A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解是很危险的事。To obtain a passport,you have to send in your birth certificate with the form.要取得护照,你得把出生证和表格一起呈上。

give birth to是什么意思(givebirth与givebirthto的区别)
Nodoubtthisisbecausetheycannotgivebirth;无疑,这是因为他们无法生育;givebirthto 生育常见释义 英[ɡ?vb??θtu]美[ɡ?vb??rθtu]生育;使产生;使诞生;例句 Femalegorillasgivebirthtooneinfantafterapregnancyofnearlyninemonths.雌性大猩猩生育一次需要经过近9个月的孕期。give birth to造句,简单简...

1.bear. v.承受,具有,支撑,结果实,开花 n.熊 2.board v.上(飞机,船,甲板),寄宿,给提供膳食 n.董事会,木板,甲板 3.boost v.宣扬,加速,提高,支援,偷窃 n.推动,增加 4.bound v.使束缚,使跳跃,限制 adv.有义务的,必定的,受约束的 n.跳跃,范围 5.brand

1.A blessing smile turned up on mother‘s face .That picture must have reminded her of the happy life.2. He has never gone to America,but he talked about America as though he had been there.3.John promised to attend my birthday party,but she has not turned up yet.4....

英文造句“我担任着交换生这一重要的角色” 用act as如何造这一句子_百...
Now I am acting as an exchange student,an very important role..

life 和birth的用法区别

短语造句 简单点的
The two brothers look the same as each other.这兄弟俩长得一样。The police found the murderer out.警方搜寻到了杀人犯。Money is not the impotant thing in our daily.金钱不是我们生活中最重要的东西。I have breakfast at seven.我七点吃早饭。Mike wasn't happy at breakfast.MIke早餐时...

7. The plan didn't work out very well.这一计画实行起来不大满意。8. Read the document well before you sign it.仔细审阅文件后方可签字。1. How many subjects are you studying this semester?这学期你选了几门课程?2. I am French by birth and a British subject by ...

骆娅15229826883问: 英语造句帮忙 -
辽宁省他扎回答: birth.:She weighed 5lb 7oz at birth.她出生时体重是5磅7盎司.bring up:His grandmother and his father brought him up...是他的祖母和父亲把他养大的.childhood :She had a happy childhood...她曾有过一个幸福的童年.career :She is now ...

骆娅15229826883问: 含有at birth的句子用什么时态 -
辽宁省他扎回答: from then on,从那时起,一般用:”一般过去时. (请给好评哦,您的好评是对我最大的鼓励,谢谢哈.)

骆娅15229826883问: at the birth是什么意思? -
辽宁省他扎回答: 出生时或分娩时,根据句子语境来做出选择.He was present at the birth of the boy,这里就译为出生时,Her obstetrician(产科医生) could not be present at the birth.这里就译为分娩时.

骆娅15229826883问: at birth是不是时间状语 -
辽宁省他扎回答: 是时间状语.意思是“出生时” 例如:The twins were separated at birth and brought up in entirely different environments.那对双胞胎一出生就被分开,在完全不同的环境中被抚养长大.

骆娅15229826883问: birth(出生;诞生)这个单词怎么造句? -
辽宁省他扎回答: He was born in 1970.他生于1970年.I haven't seen her for ages. 我有很长时间没有看见她了.I'm an old hand at this game; you can't trick me. (喻) 这玩意儿我是老手,你骗不了我.That speech is still famous. 那个演说现在仍然很出名.Tomorrow our company will hold a beauty contest.明天我们公司会举行一个选美比赛

骆娅15229826883问: 改为同义句:At birth,he was interested in everything around is very dangerous but many people try to climb this mountain. -
辽宁省他扎回答:[答案] He was interested in everything around him when he was born. Although it is very dangerous, many people try to climb this mountain.

骆娅15229826883问: They had a good time at the birthbay party.(写出同义句) -
辽宁省他扎回答: They enjoyed themslves at the birthbay party

骆娅15229826883问: 用at birth翻译
辽宁省他扎回答: 第三句是对的,at birth前不加be,要熟记 祝楼主更上一层楼

骆娅15229826883问: at birth是什么意思? -
辽宁省他扎回答: 1. 出生,诞生;分娩[C][U] The exact date of his birth is not known. 他出生的确切日期无人知道. 2. 血统,家世,出身[U] He is a man of German birth. 他是个德国血统的男子. 3. 起源;发生;产生[U]

骆娅15229826883问: at birth是什么意思? -
辽宁省他扎回答:[答案] 1.出生,诞生;分娩[C][U] The exact date of his birth is not known. 他出生的确切日期无人知道. 2.血统,家世,出身[U] He is a man of German birth. 他是个德国血统的男子. 3.起源;发生;产生[U]

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