
作者&投稿:犁永 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

staff, stave 五线谱A,B,C,D,E,F,G 唱名la,si,do,re,mi,fa,solG clef, treble clef 高音谱号F clef, bass clef 低音谱号C clef, tenor clef, alto clef 中音谱号semibreve 全音符(美作:whole note)minim 二分音符(美作:halfnote)dotted crotchet 四分音符(美作:dotted note,quarter note)quaver 八分...

小鱼英语怎么读 小鱼英语如何读
1、小鱼 - 翻译tiddler英[?t?dl?r]美[?t?dl?r]。2、词典:tiddler; minim。3、例句:HDFC Bank is still a tiddler by its assets.HDFC 银行按资产只能算是条小鱼。

relative minimum是什么意思
relative minimum 英[ˈrelətiv ˈminiməm] 美[ˈrɛlətɪv ˈmɪnəməm][释义] 相对极小值;全部释义>> [例句]In other areas, surgeons performing tubal reversals have set up high-volume outpatient surgery cli...


公亩are(a)=100平方米 公顷hectare(ha)=100公亩 1公亩=0.0247英亩 1公顷=2.4711英亩 容积 毫升milliliter(ml)=0.001升 升liter(l) 1升=0.264加伦(美)=0.220加伦(英)重量 毫克milligram(mg)=0.001克 克gram(g) 千克(公斤)kilogram(kg)=1000克 公吨ton(t)=1000千克 1克=0.0352盎司(...

平勤19699164653问: 带上括号内的词语翻译.求大神给悬赏 他们尽可能避免发出噪音,真的很体谅人(considerate) 该工厂努力将污染控制在最低限度内(at a minimum) 使用高科技产品对环境会产生某些意想不到的副作用(side effect) 那个地方的的人对保护环境没有给予足够的关注 -
静安区普威回答: Really very considerate person (considerate) The plant pollution control efforts to a minimum (at a minimum) the use of high-tech products on the environment will have some unexpected side effects (side effect) that place people on the protection of the environment does not given enough attention

平勤19699164653问: 用英造句用at十五个 -
静安区普威回答: at 介词 prep. 1.在...地点 They were already waiting at the gate when I got there. 当我到达那里时,他们已等候在门口了. 2.在...时刻 Jane will meet her boy friend at Christmas. 简将在圣诞节和她男友见面. 3.向,朝,对着 Don't shout at me. 别对...

平勤19699164653问: All arms and legs must be present to the knee and shoulder at a minimum. -
静安区普威回答: All arms and legs must be present to the knee and shoulder at a minimum. 四肢并拢,俯肩屈膝,身体最大限度降低.祝你开心如意!

平勤19699164653问: Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save one`s energy.这句话是什么意思? -
静安区普威回答: 事半功倍能节约一个人很大的能量....

平勤19699164653问: 用以下4个英语单词造句,minimum、installment、maturity、pricipal. -
静安区普威回答:[答案] He was only five feet nine, the minimum height for a policeman. 他只有5英尺9英寸高,刚刚达到当警察的最低身高要求. I shall soon...

平勤19699164653问: minimum standards造句 -
静安区普威回答: Not coming to school late and listening carefully to the teacher in class are the minimum standards for students anywhere in the world.

平勤19699164653问: 帮忙翻译:he smokes(at least)ten cigarettes a day,which greatly harms his health,换成(a minimun of
静安区普威回答: 他每天至少得抽上10支香烟,这对他的身体造成了很大的危害 a minimun of 是什么呢?是不是 minimum ? 转换句型 : A minimum of 10 cigarettes he smokes a day, which greatly harms his health.

平勤19699164653问: 急!高手帮忙翻译成中文! -
静安区普威回答: 这个事实也是如此prole潜在±时间 图1.测量值应该是比较 一个平衡的潜在接近...

平勤19699164653问: 用at a time 造句,要短! -
静安区普威回答: Do one thing at a time. 一次只专注于一件事情. Teach a word at a time. 一次教一个单词. Take it one task at a time 一次完成一项任务

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