
作者&投稿:夏受 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

loss 1、She will be a great loss to the school.她这一走对学校来说将是一个巨大的损失。2、I'm at a loss what to do next.我对下一步做什么心里没谱。3、The loss of their son brought the two of them together.丧子使他们两人重归于好。4、We must make a stand against ...

as a rule通常 keep a firm grip on紧握all of a sudden突然 as a whole 总体上build\/make a fire 生火 in a hurry 匆忙at a birth 一胎 come to an end 告终in a mess 乱七八槽 at a distance 一定距离lend a hand 帮忙 in a moment 立刻at a loss 不知所措 have a bath 洗澡in a walk ...

lose的意思是“丢失,损失;丧失”; loss呢?
loss做名词通常翻译成丧失、损失、丢失,亏损等,通常用作单数形式,例如:1、I want to report the loss of a package.我要报告丢失了一个包裹。2、The company has announced net losses of $1.5 million.公司宣告净亏损150万元。五、双语例句 lose 1、I don't want to lose my place in ...

loss做名词通常翻译成丧失、损失、丢失,亏损等,通常用作单数形式,例如:1、I want to report the loss of a package.我要报告丢失了一个包裹。2、The company has announced net losses of $1.5 million.公司宣告净亏损150万元。五、双语例句 lose 1、I don't want to lose my place in ...

英语 系表结构 加 疑问词
它们的性质就是和名词等同的宾语,"be not clear"和"be at a loss"是复合谓语,是与及物动词等价的复合谓语。因为be not clear=do not know=be at a loss。虽然know是vt,但是它也可以有不带宾语的,省略式的用法。如:I don't know.=I am not clear.=I am at a loss.这种略去宾语的...

at a loss=因惑, 不知所措 at a time=每次,一次 at all=完全,根本 at all costs=不借任何代价,无论如何 at all events=无论为何 at any rate=无论如何,至少 at first=最初,首先 at first sight=乍一看,初看起来 at hand=在手边,在附近,即将到来 at heart=在内心,实质上 at home=在家,在国内...

没有什么能够阻挡 Nothing can block your 你对自由的向往 yearning to freedom 天马行空的生涯 Athough unfettered career 你的心了无牵挂 Your heart didn't worry about it 穿过幽暗的岁月 Through the gloomy years 也曾感到彷徨 also feel at a loss 当你低头地瞬间 An instant you bowed the...

可以,中文的四字成语在英语里可以有很多种翻译,啊所表达的意思都是相同的。比如,不知所措: be at a loss、be all adrift、lose one's head、out of one's wits Examples:1. 她突然提出此事,我感到惊奇而不知所措。I was dazed by her sudden offer.cause to be perplexed or confounded....

after a little\/moment\/while过了一会,after all毕竟,after dark天黑以后,after one’s heart合…的心, after school放学后, after service售后服务,after the fashion勉强, day after day日复一日,one after another一个接一个,year after year年复一年。例如: Don’t be too strict with him. After all ...

I really can't stand the loss after carnival

秋牵13113575581问: SOS!!at a loss后面可以加名词吗? -
湘潭市头孢回答: 应该是about ;这种表达可以的,at a loss后面 加介词后 可以再接名词(或名词性从句); 因为When I saw that the house was on fire I was at a loss已经完整了,后面要补充的话要用介词,根据句意是 “关于”about.希望可以帮到您!

秋牵13113575581问: 用at a loss造一个简单的句子、 -
湘潭市头孢回答:[答案] 1.亏本地 They sold the goods at a loss. 他们亏本出售货物. 2.困惑不解 He was at a loss for words. 他不知道该说什么.

秋牵13113575581问: be at a loss 后面加什么 -
湘潭市头孢回答: 是不知所措的意思,后面可接不定式,介词短语等.

秋牵13113575581问: 用at a loss造一个简单的句子、 -
湘潭市头孢回答: 1.亏本地 They sold the goods at a loss. 他们亏本出售货物. 2.困惑不解 He was at a loss for words. 他不知道该说什么.

秋牵13113575581问: at+a+loss+as+to+what+to+do是什么意思 -
湘潭市头孢回答: at a loss as to what to do 无计可施;江淹才尽;才尽江郎; 双语例句1 Tom: But Andy is my best friend. I'm at a loss as to what to do.但是安迪是我最好的朋友.我真不知道怎么办才好.2 Under so much pressure, Mr.B is ( was) at a loss as to what to do next.先生在很多压力下,不知下一步如何处理.

秋牵13113575581问: 英语 at a loss 与 at loss -
湘潭市头孢回答: 牛津高阶上只有at a loss这个词组,表示“不知所措,困惑”的意思,没有标明有at loss这种说法.所以如果高考考到的话,建议你选at a loss.例句:His comments left me at a loss for words. 他的评论让我不知说什么才好.I am at a loss what to do next. 我对下一步做什么心里没谱.

秋牵13113575581问: at loss 和at a loss的区别..给个确切些的答案吧,谢谢谢谢了! -
湘潭市头孢回答:[答案] at loss :感到困惑不解.. at a loss:困惑;亏本 He was at a loss for words. 他不知道该说什么. They sold the goods at a loss. 他们亏本出售货物.

秋牵13113575581问: at a loss 不知所措 .帮忙给造几个实用句子行吗谢谢 -
湘潭市头孢回答: 1.My brain is often at a loss to translate smells into words.在用语言表达嗅觉时,我的大脑经常不知所措.2. I am never at a loss for a word, Pitt is never at a loss for the word.我从不会对一个词不知所措,而皮特从来就是对这个词能恰如其分的表达3.They were at a loss as to how to meet the situation.他们不知所措 ,不知如何应付这一局面.

秋牵13113575581问: at a loss for what to do ,at a loss what to do都可以吗? -
湘潭市头孢回答: be at a loss to do something 或 be at a loss或be at a loss for something (i.e words)

秋牵13113575581问: 用at once ,at a loss ,at last ,at present ,at home...造句.连起来可做一篇小短文.、 -
湘潭市头孢回答:[答案] At present,I stayed at home and just finished my homework.I am at a loss about what I can do afterwards.Then,I made a call to my best friend and at once,he came to my home.At last,we have been watching movies for a whole day.

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