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rock on which I stood, a moss covered ledge jutted seaward into deep water. In the surge at the rim of the ledge the dark fronds of oarweeds swayed smooth and gleaming as leather. The projecting ledge was the path to the small hidden cave and its pool. Occasionally a swell...

To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells With a sweet kernel; to set budding more, And still more, later flowers for the bees, Until they think warm days will never cease, For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells 译文:雾气洋溢、果实圆熟的秋, 你和成熟的太阳成为友伴...

秋天!就像一位身穿金色衣服的少年秋姑娘,她温柔善良,总会给人们带来好处!15、In autumn, the sky as blue as the sea, as if with a wash of sapphire.秋天到了,天空一碧如洗,好像用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

外贸英语-50分求帮助!! 帮帮忙翻译下
Quality control agreement(Quality Warranty)The quality system of our company product is an ISO9001.The product produced for your company according to DIN20022 standard, technique index sign, the parameter sign up to standard request.As for tube body rise a bubble, swell up, and tube...

or charms can make us sleep as well, And better than thy stroak; why swell'st thou then? One short sleep past, we wake eternally, And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die. 死神,你莫骄傲 死神,你莫骄傲,尽管有人说你 如何强大,如何可怕,你并不是这样; 你以为你...

1. the head-injured man had been sent to hospital before the police came.2. if possible, it can be used as the prevention screen for this ray.3. the symptoms are mild when ...4. it's vital to sent the poisioned children ro hospital.5. never wipe her nose with paper ...

SF。。。找吧。。。1993\/04\/27《DUNE》曲目:Shutting from the sky Voice Taste of love Entichers Floods of tears Dune Be destined 追忆の情景 As if in a dream 失われた眺め 1994\/07\/14《Tierra》曲目:In the Air All Dead Blame Wind of Gold Blurry Eyes Inner Core 眠りによせて...

释义:来自太阳之外的领域 And whisper, as their record pales,释义:当他们的记录黯然失色时 Their breathless, deep, Well Done 释义:他们气喘吁吁,深沉,干得好 解析:这首诗体现了英国皇家空军为追求国家自由强大而勇往直前的伟大精神,体现了诗人对英国皇家空军的敬佩和保家卫国的崇高热情。

As for ***, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as ***. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study...

the world is wonderful,dont always be angry sometime you cant bear if you see out once my heart just like a full balloon, blows up at any time,then i realize to relax dont always want to hold on to all beauties just like the rain watering my soul let me be filled with ...

永勉19851569009问: aswellas是否存在就近原则
白银市甲状回答: 不是.as well as 强调前者 "A as well as B" 做主语时,则主语根据A 如:The teacher as well as the students is friendly.

永勉19851569009问: aswellas的用法?有没有就近原则
白银市甲状回答: 1.介词时,aswellas的涵义是“还有”、“不但…而且…”eg:HecanspeakSpanishaswellasEnglish.他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语2.如果aswellas用作连词引出比较从句,其义为“和…一样好“eg:SheaswellasyouisanEnglishteacher.她像你一样也是英文教师.这里的谓语动词用is,不用are,因为句中的主语是she,不是she和youaswellas可连接并列的单词或短语如果aswellas前面是动词不定式,那么其后的动词也是不定式,但to要省略应保持一致.由aswellas连接的复合主语并不影响谓语动词的数

永勉19851569009问: 英语中就远原则和就近原则aswellas究竟是就近原则单词还是就远原则单词啊!那位好人指点一下 -
白银市甲状回答:[答案] 就远原则 ①Whathedoesorwhathesaysdoesnotconcernme.他的行为或言谈都与我无关. ②NeitheryounorIamwrong.你和我都没错. ③Notyoubutyourfatheristoblame.不是你,而是你父亲该受责备. ④Notonlyyouhut(also)heiswrong.不仅你错了,他也错...

永勉19851569009问: as well as的用法 就近一致还是就远一致还是就二者一致 -
白银市甲状回答: as well as以下的用法: She called on you as well as I. 不但我来看你,她也拜访了你. She called on you as well as me. 她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你. 在下列句中,as well as表示“像…一样”的涵义: She as well as you is an English teacher. ...

永勉19851569009问: 关于aswellas的用法因遵循什么原则?就近?就前?就后?还是
白银市甲状回答: 其谓语动词应遵循就前原则!意为也,和.

永勉19851569009问: aswellas的具体用法Ismaryathome?I'msor
白银市甲状回答: 选 well as=with.就远原则.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!就近原则:1.There be 句型 There is a book and some pencils on the desk. =There are some pencils and a...

永勉19851569009问: as well as 的用法?有没有就近原则 -
白银市甲状回答: 1.介词时,as well as的涵义是“还有”、“不但…而且…” eg:He can speak Spanish as well as English.他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语2.如果 as well as用作连词引出比较从句,其义为“和…一样好“ eg:She as well as you is an English ...

永勉19851569009问: 关于as well as 的用法因遵循什么原则?
白银市甲状回答: 其谓语动词应遵循就前原则!意为也,和.

永勉19851569009问: as well as 的用法?有没有就近原则? -
白银市甲状回答: 1. 作为习语用作介词时,as well as的涵义是“还有”、“不但…而且…”eg: He can speak Spanish as well as English. 他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语2. 如果 as well as用...

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