
作者&投稿:肇红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2、She was appointed to the Chairmanship of the Committee.她被任命为委员会的主席。3、The problem was assigned to a commission.这项任务交给了一个特别委员会去处理。4、I assign you to wash the dishes.我分配你去洗盘子。5、Some of the rooms were designated as offices.其中一些房间被...

读音 [ə'saɪnd]分配(某物)、分派,布置(工作、任务等),指定、指派,委派,派遣。assigned是assign的过去分词和过去式。1、VERB 分派(工作),布置(作业)If you assign a piece of work to someone,you give them the work to do。When I taught,I would assign a topic to...

每位外籍教师都分配到一套房间。2.派定,指定,选派[(+to\/for)][O2]Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory.杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。3.【律】让渡[(+to)]4.把...归于[(+to)]We cannot assign a cause to these events.我们无法说明发生这些事件的原因。名词 n.1....

After ___(毕业),all students are assigned to suitable jobs.用gr...
您好!很高兴为您解答!填graduation 因为after是一个介意性质的词语.之所以后面常常跟doing是因为doing是动名词,也就是动词加ing变成了名词结构. 因为graduate的本身的名词是graduation ,所以就不用graduating 翻译:毕业之后,所有的学生都找到了合适的工作 希望可以帮到您,祝您成功!

在学校环境中,“assign”常用来描述布置作业或任务,例如:“The teacher assigned homework for the weekend.”在更广泛的语境中,“assign”也可以表示“委派”某种职责或角色,例如:“She was assigned to lead the project.”3. 相关词组搭配:在使用“assign”时,常常与一些固定词组搭配。例如,“...

我知道基本上我是做不到的,因为生活由不得自己这样。只好告诉自己说,想象总比现实美好,这样,我会保持一份幻想,保存一份期待。If I can take a long vacation to roam around, it will be very wonderful. I am longing for a strange place, so I always want to go to one, such as ...

他们把他的古怪行为归因于健康不佳。2. The two large classrooms have been assigned to us.这两间大教室已经分配给我们了.3. The teacher has assigned each of us a holiday task.教师给我们每个人都分配了假日的工作.4. Soon they assigned him to a new post.不久他们把他派到一个新的...

分配(某物);分派,布置(工作、任务等);指定;指派;委派;派遣。读音:英 [əˈsaɪnd] 美 [əˈsaɪnd]例句:The team leader has assigned tasks to all the groups.意思:队长给每个组都分派了任务。形式:assign的过去分词和过去式 ...

[报错问题]:"xxx" was assigned to but it has no setter.
报错原因:当你在页面中使用计v-model去改变计算属性的值(我是在input组件中使用v-model和vuex的state中的数据进行关联),使用 默认的getter 是会报错的,需要提供一个 setter 。computed: {     inputVal: {         \/\/ getter    ...

...它给的提示是:the value assigned to varia
这应该是三个问题:the value assigned to variable"v" might be unused 警告信息,变量v被赋值但没有用到;the variable"segment" appears to change size on every loop iteration.consider preallocating for speed.警告信息,在循环中变量segment的维数可能变化,建议预分配空间以提高速度;the function...

廖雅17520918609问: 阿凡达中角色的英文介绍 -
会同县香菊回答: Humans Sam Worthington as Corporal Jake Sully, the film's protagonist, is a disabled Marine who becomes part of the Avatar Program. Cameron cast the Australian actor after searching the world for promising young actors, preferring relative ...

廖雅17520918609问: 翻译:Being assigned to an important task,they had to give up their plan of touring in Europe. -
会同县香菊回答:[答案] 由于他们被安排了一个很重要的工作,他们不得不放弃去欧洲旅行的计划.

廖雅17520918609问: 请分析此句语法 谢谢 -
会同县香菊回答: 首先断句.year 和Eglish 中间断开.前面是时间状语从句,后面主句.先说从句,连词when,主语our class, 谓语被动语态,was assigned , to Mr. Fleagle, 和for the third year是状语,分别...

廖雅17520918609问: NEJM的assigned to an editor什么意思 -
会同县香菊回答: assigned to an editor 翻译成中文 分配到一个编辑器

廖雅17520918609问: 紧急求助,存储过程报告的错误Error:Hint:Value assigned to -
会同县香菊回答: filter_num 没有用起来,加上IF判断不起作用,注释调 filter_num 看看或者把filter_num := filter_num + 1放进LOOP里看看

廖雅17520918609问: assign是什么意思 -
会同县香菊回答: assign [英][əˈsaɪn][美][əˈsaɪn] vt.分派,选派,分配; 归于,归属; [法律] 把(财产,权利、利息)从一人转让给另一人; 把…编制; n.[常用复数][法律]受让人,接受财产等转让的人,受托者; 第三人称单数:assigns现在分词:...

廖雅17520918609问: ASSIGNED的发音以及意思 -
会同县香菊回答: [ə'saind]assigned:v. 分配(转让,把...归因于) a. 给定的(赋予的,已知的)例句与用法: 1. They assigned his odd behavior to his ill health.他们把他的古怪行为归因于健康不佳.2. The two large classrooms have been assigned to us.这...

廖雅17520918609问: 羡慕某人做某事用英语怎么写 -
会同县香菊回答: 他们羡慕他的好运气. They envy him his good fortune. 他对我的成功满怀羡慕. He was filled with envy at my success. 我羡慕他的成功. I am envious of his success. 很多种表达方式,你可以选择一个 envy be filled with envy be envious of

廖雅17520918609问: 英语流利说工作培训考核
会同县香菊回答: To assign ,to give someone a task to do. His boss assigned him to increase sales by 50%. Her company assigned her to find out more about the competition . (His ...

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