
作者&投稿:郗萧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

白色的英文 white colour;albedo;whiteness;chalkiness;off-white;白色的英文例句 1. The overhead light was covered now with a white globe.现在,顶灯已装上了一个白色球状罩子。2. Maria wore a layered white dress that rustled when she moved.玛丽亚穿一袭白色节裙,一动裙子就窸窣作...

白色的英文是white。主要有三种词性:1.adj.白色的,纯洁的;无色的,透明的;白衣的;白种人的;2.n.白色;白种人;空白;白色颜料;3.vt.(书写,印刷等)留出空白处;使变白色,刷白;漂白。white常用例句:It is a white diamond.这是白色的菱形。The white bird is a symbolof freedom.这白...

Is White a Color?=== White, pristine, unblemished They say it is not a color I love white mists, clouds Lingering on blue mountains.White, no shades No off white, cream Pure as snow on shimmering peaks Is my favorite sight.Nurses, priests, politicians Are bound, chained to ...

ms white中文是什么意思
ms white翻译为:怀特女士 1、white 【读音】 英 [waɪt]     美 [waɪt]adj. 白色的;纯洁的;白种的;加牛奶的 n. 白色;白种人 2、MS 【读音】 英 [ˌem'es]   美 [ˌem'es]abbr. 毫秒(=millisecond)abbr. 女士(=Miss\/Mrs)双语例句:1、It must...

l will say ‘No, thanks. l am not hungry.’ That’s a white a lie."(B)1.Tom is afraid to climb the tree. He is B.yellow (D)2.Her father was ill in hospital last week. She was ...


white英语读法是[wa_t]。white英语音标是[wa_t],其读法可以根据其音标拼读。作为名词表示白色、洁白、白种人的意思。相关例句:Lucy dressed in white to attend the graduation ceremony露西穿着一袭白衣来参加毕业典礼。相关例句:I bought you a white shirt我给你买了件白衬衫。

white,英文单词。可作为形容词、名词。1、作为形容词,意为:白色的;白种的;纯洁的。2、作为名词,意为:白色;洁白;白种人。3、音标:英\/waɪt\/ 美\/waɪt\/ 。4、单词变形 比较级 whiter,最高级 whitest,过去式 whited,过去分词 whited,现在分词 whiting,复数whites,第三...

White作为名词时,是指白色、白人、雪白、乳白、白种人、白葡萄酒。white作为形容词时,是指白色的、白的、白人的、白种人的、脸色苍白的。white作为动词时,使变白、漆成白色。white的复数是whites,white的第三人称单数是whites,white的现在分词是whiting。White的例句:a set of perfect white teeth....

white的意思是:1、adj. 白色的;白种的;纯洁的 2、n. 白色;洁白;白种人 【读音】英 [waɪt] 美 [waɪt]【词源】直接源自古英语的hwit,意为明亮的。【短语】1、white house n. 白宫(美国政府的行政机关,美国总统官邸)2、black and white 白纸黑字;单色;黑白片 3、...

麻解18920173142问: as white as a -
建水县固尔回答:[答案] as white as a sheet 苍白如纸 双语对照 词典结果: as white as a sheet [英][æz hwait æz ə ʃi:t][美][æz hwaɪt æz e ʃit] 面色苍白; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. He was frightened out of his life and turned as white as a sheet. 他吓坏了,脸色苍...

麻解18920173142问: as white as a ( )面如土色, 括号里应该填什么?
建水县固尔回答: 面如土色 英文字面翻译:to look ashen; 所以因该是 as white as ashen

麻解18920173142问: 将下列比喻句补充完整 As white as As wise as an As strong as As quiet as As hard as As stubborn as -
建水县固尔回答:[答案] As white as snow As wise as an owl As strong as a horse As quiet as a mouse As hard as nails As stubborn(固执,顽固,倔硬) as a mule

麻解18920173142问: as white as a sheet是什么意思 -
建水县固尔回答: 你好,我为你解答: as white as a sheet 苍白如纸 双语对照词典结果: as white as a sheet [英][æz hwait æz ə ʃi:t][美][æz hwaɪt æz e ʃit] 面色苍白;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1. He was frightened out of his life and turned as white as a...

麻解18920173142问: 英语中as……as的用法 -
建水县固尔回答: 一、“as(否定句中可用so)+adj./adv.+as…”,其基本意思为“……和……一样”.但在实际应用中,此结构在不同的语境中含义差异较大. 1、表示不同人或物同一性质的比较,意为“……和……一样……". The tree is as tall as the ...

麻解18920173142问: as....as和as的区别 -
建水县固尔回答: as....as和as的区别: 1、应用场合不同.as....as主要应用于同级的比较,翻译为:(比较时用)像…一样,如同 或者是(指事情以同样的方式发生)和…一样.而as并不表示二者的比较,翻译为:像;如同 . 2、词性不同.as的词性有:prep....

麻解18920173142问: 将下列比喻句补充完整 As white as As wise as an As strong as As quiet as As hard as As stubborn as -
建水县固尔回答: As white as snow As wise as an owl As strong as a horse As quiet as a mouse As hard as nails As stubborn(固执,顽固,倔硬) as a mule

麻解18920173142问: 和as far as 差不多的短语 就是 as...as这个句型的短语 给我几个 带上解释 -
建水县固尔回答: as well as 和…一样 as soon as 尽快 as long/wide/interesting/good/bad as 和…一样长/宽/有趣/好/坏…… 主要句式就是“as+形容词+as” 就是和…一样…

建水县固尔回答: 当英文句型 as + 形容词 as + a /an + 动物名词时,就能用来形容人的性格,例如:as timid as a hare(胆小如兔); as strong as a Horse(健壮如马); as watchful as a hawk(锐敏如鹰); as gentle as a lamb(温驯如羊); as innocent as a ...

麻解18920173142问: 白衣如雪 用英语怎么说 -
建水县固尔回答:[答案] 白衣如雪的较恰当的翻译是as white as snow 请看下面的例句: Her skin is as white as snow.\x05 她的皮肤像雪一样白. The old man's hair is as white as snow. 这位老人的头发像雪一样白. 参考资料:戴尔英语

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